Patrick Forterre
Liste des Publications

(Les nom des journaux à comité de lecture sont en bleu)

  1. Forterre P. And Kohiyama M.
    "The role of ATP in chromosome replication studied in toluenized Escherichia coli".
    In "Mechanism and regulation of DNA replication",
    A. Kolber and M. Kohiyama eds. Plenum Press, New York, 23-35 (1973).

  2. Forterre P., Milewski E., Kohiyama M., Roisin M.P Et Kepes A.
    "Isolement d'une activité ATPasique inhibée par l'acide nalidixique chez Escherichia coli".
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 278, 2-7 (1975).

  3. Forterre P., Richet E. And Kohiyama M.
    "The role of ATP in E. coli chromosome replication".
    In "DNA synthesis : Present and Future", I. Molineux and M. Kohiyama eds. Plenum Press, New York, 397-407 (1978).

  4. Forterre P. And Kohiyama M.
    "Evidence for the existence of two steps in DNA replication obtained in toluene treated Escherichia coli".
    Eur. J. Biochem. 90, 537-546 (1978).

  5. Forterre P.
    "Model for the supercoiling reaction catalyzed by DNA gyrase".
    J. Theor. Biol. 82, 255-269 (1980).

  6. Badet B., Hugues P., Kohiyama M. And Forterre P.
    "Inhibition of DNA replication in vitro by pefloflaxin".
    FEBS Letters, 145, 355-359 (1982).

  7. Forterre P., Assairi L. And Duguet M.
    "Topology, Type II DNA topoisomérases and DNA replication".
    In "New Approaches in Eukaryotic DNA replication", A.M. De Recondo ed. Plenum Press, New York, 123-178 (1983).

  8. Hugues P., Squali F.Z., Forterre P. And Kohiyama M.
    "In vitro replication of a dam methylated and non methylated oriC plasmid".
    J. Mol. Biol., 175, 155-159 (1984).

  9. Forterre P., Squali F.Z., Hugues P. And Kohiyama M.
    "Studies on the role of dam methylation at the Escherichia coli chromosome replication origin (oriC)".
    Adv. Exptl. Biol. Med. 179, 543-549 (1984).

  10. Barbeyron T., Kean K. And Forterre P.
    "DNA adenine methylation of GATC sequences appeared recently in Escherichia coli lineage".
    J. Bacteriol. 160, 586-590 (1984).

  11. Forterre P., Elie C. And Kohiyama M.
    "Aphidicolin inhibits growth and DNA synthesis in halophilic archaebacteria".
    J. Bacteriol. 159, 800-802 (1984).

  12. Mirambeau G., Duguet M. And Forterre P.
    "ATP dependent DNA topoisomerase from the archaebacteria Sulfolobus acidocaldarius".
    J. Mol. Biol., 179, 559-563 (1984).

  13. Forterre P., Mirambeau G., Jaxel C. Nadal M. And Duguet M.
    "High positive supercoiling in vitro catalyzed by an ATP and polyethylene glycol-stimulated topoisomerase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius".
    EMBO J. 4, 2123-2128 (1985).

  14. Forterre P., Nadal M., Elie C., Jaxel C., Mirambeau G. And Duguet M.
    "Mechanisms of DNA synthesis and topoisomerisation in archaebacteria ; reverse gyration in vitro and in vivo".
    System. Appl. Microbiol. 7, 67-71 (1986).

  15. Nadal M., Mirambeau G., Forterre P., Reiter W.D. And Duguet M.
    "Positively supercoiled DNA in a virus-like particle of an archaebacterium".
    Nature, 321, 256-258 (1986).

  16. Forterre P.
    "Les archaebactéries : origine et évolution des lignées cellulaires eucaryotes et procaryotes".
    L'année biologique. 25, 273-306 (1986).

  17. Sioud M., Baldacci G., Forterre P. And De Recondo A.M.
    "Antitumoral drugs inhibit the growth of halophilic archaebacteria".
    Eur. J. Biochem. 169, 231-236 (1987).

  18. Sioud M., Forterre P. And De Recondo A.M.
    "Effect of the antitumoral drug VP 16 on the 1.7 kb plasmid of the archaebacterium Halobacterium GRB".
    Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 8217-8234 (1987).

  19. Sioud M., Possot O., Elie C., Sibold L. And Forterre P.
    "Coumarins and quinolones action in archaebacteria : evidence for the presence of a DNA gyrase-like enzyme".
    J. Bacteriol. 170, 946-953 (1988).

  20. Sioud M., Baldacci G., De Recondo A.M. And Forterre P.
    "Novobiocin induces positive supercoiling of small plasmids from halophilic archaebacteria".
    Nucleic Acids Res. 16, 1379-1392 (1988).

  21. Sioud M., Baldacci G., Forterre P. And De Recondo A.M.
    "Novobiocin induces accumulation of a single strand of plasmid pGRB-1 in the archaebacterium Halobacterium GRB".
    Nucl. Acids Res. 16: 7833-7842. (1988).

  22. Sioud M., Baldacci G., De Recondo A.M. And Forterre P.
    "Inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II induce topological changes in an archaebacterial plasmid in vivo".
    Biochemical Pharmacol. 37, 1879-1880 (1988).

  23. Nadal M., Jaxel C., Portemer C., Forterre P., Mirambeau G. And Duguet M.
    "The reverse gyrase of Sulfolobus: Purification to homogeneity and characterization". Biochemistry. 27, 9102-9108 (1988).

  24. Elie C., Salhi S., Rossignol J.M., Forterre P. And De Recondo, A.M.
    "DNA polymerase from a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium: evolutionary and technological interest".
    Biophysica Biochemica Acta, 951, 261-267 (1988).

  25. Elie C., De Recondo A.M. And Forterre P.
    "Thermostable DNA polymerase from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius: Purification, characterization and obtention of polyclonal antibodies".
    Eur. J. Biochem.178, 619-626 (1989).

  26. Sioud M., And Forterre P.
    "Ciprofloxacin and etoposide (VP16) produce similar pattern of cleavage in a plasmid of an archaebacterium".
    Biochemistry, 28:3638-3641 (1989).

  27. Salhi S., Elie C., Forterre P., De Recondo A.M. And Rossignol J.M
    "The DNA polymerase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius . Replication at high temperature of long stretches of single-stranded DNA."
    J. Mol. Biol., 209: 635-644 (1989).

  28. Jaxel, C, Nadal M., Mirambeau G., Forterre P. Takahashi M., And Duguet M.
    "Reverse gyrase performs unwinding of the double helix and single-strand cleavage in the absence of ATP."
    EMBO J., 8: 3135-3139. (1989).

  29. Forterre P.
    "DNA polymerases and topoisomerases in archaebacteria: potential application".
    In Microbiology of extreme environments and its potential for microbiology, M.S. Da Costa; J.C. Duarte and R.A.D. Williams, eds., Elseivier Applied Science, London.49, 152-158 (1989)

  30. Forterre P. Elie C., Sioud M. And Hamal A.
    " Studies on DNA polymerases and topoisomerases on archaebacteria".
    Can. J. Biochem., 35, 228-233 (1989).

  31. Salhi S., Elie C., Jean-Jean O., Meunier-Rotival M., Forterre P., Rossignol J.M. and De Recondo A.M.
    "The DNA polymerase from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius : a thermophilic and thermoresistant enzyme which can perform automated polymerase chain reaction".
    BBRC, 167, 1341-1347.(1990).

  32. Hamal, A., Forterre, P. and Elie C.
    "Purification and characterization of a DNA polymerase from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum."
    Eur. J. Biochem., 190, 517-52 (1990).

  33. Boutier de la Tout, C., Portemer, C., Nadal, M., Stetter, K., Forterre, P. and Duguet, M
    "Reverse gyrase, an hallmark of the hyperthermophilic archaebacteria.
    J. Bacteriol. 172; 6803-6808 (1990).

  34. Forterre, P.
    "Rencontre du troisième type : les Archaebactéries".
    Siences et Vie, hors série, spécial "Evolution" Décembre (1990).

  35. Forterre, P.
    "Les archaebactéries extrêmophiles"
    Aspect de la Recherche 14-20, (1990).

  36. Elie, C., Hamal, A., Baucher, M.F. And Forterre, P.
    "DNA polymerases from thermoacidophilic archaebacteria"
    in "Proceedings of the 5th European Congress on Biotechnology"

  37. Gadelle, D. And Forterre, P.
    "Potential of an archaebacterial system to screen DNA binding drugs and inhibitors of type II DNA topoisomerases.
    in "Proceedings of the 5th European Congress on Biotechnology"

  38. Forterre, P.
    "Les origines de la vie"
    Biofutur, Novembre (1991), 14-17.

  39. Boutier de la Tout, C., Portemer, C., HUBER, R.; Forterre, P. and Duguet, M
    "Reverse gyrase is present in thermophilic eubacteria.
    J. Bacteriol. 173; 3921-3923 (1991).

  40. Forterre, P., Gadelle, D., Charbonnier, F. And Sioud, M.
    "DNA topology in halobacteria"
    in "General and Applied aspects of halophilic microorganism", R. Valera, ed.
    Plenum press New York., 333-338 (1991)

  41. Labedan B. and Forterre P.
    "The potential of eukaryotic drugs for the isolation of resistance markers in halophilic archaebacteria"
    Life Sciences, 10 : 17-24 (1991).

  42. Forterre, P., Charbonnier, F., Marguet, E. And Henckes, G.
    Chromosome structure and DNA topology in extremely thermophilic archaebacteria
    Biochem. Soc. Symp. 58, 99-112 (1992).

  43. Erauso, G., Charbonnier, F., Barbeyron, T., Forterre, P. Et D. Prieur, D.
    Preliminary characterization of an ultrathermophilic archaebacterium with a plasmid isolated from North Fiji basinhydrothermal vent.
    C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 314, 387-393 (1992)..

  44. Forterre, P.
    Neutral terms.
    Nature, Scientific Correspondance, 335, 305 (1992)

  45. Forterre, P.
    The DNA polymerase from the archaebacterium Pyrococcus furiosus do not testify for a specific relationship between archaebacterium and eukaryotes.
    Nucleic Acids Res., 20, 1811.(1992)

  46. Charbonnier, F., Erauso, G., Barbeyron, T., Prieur, D. And Forterre, P.
    Evidence that a plasmid from a hyperthermophilic archaebacterium is relaxed at physiological temperatures.
    J. Bacteriol. 174, 6103-6108 (1992)

  47. Forterre, P
    "Le problème du progénote"
    La Science au présent, Encyclopédie Universalis, 1, 241-242 (1992)

  48. Forterre, P.
    New hypotheses about the origins of viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
    in "Frontiers of Life". (Trân Thanh Vân J.K., Mounolou, J.C., Shneider, J and Mc Kay, C eds), Editions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette -France, 221-234, (1992).

  49. Benachenou, N., Forterre, P. And Labedan B.
    Evolution of glutamate dehydrogenese genes / evidence for two families of paralogous proteins and branching patterns of the tree urkingdoms.
    in "Frontiers of Life", (Trân Thanh Vân J.K., Mounolou, J.C., Shneider, J and Mc Kay, C eds), Editions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette -France, 427-428 (1992)

  50. Forterre, P., Benachenhou, N., Confalonieri, F., Duguet, M., Elie, C., And Labedan, B.
    The nature of the last universal ancestor and the root of the tree of life, still open questions.
    Biosystem, 28, 15-32 (1993)

  51. Forterre, P.
    A la recherche de l'ancêtre universel
    Plein-Sud, 10, 6 (1993)

  52. Benachenhou-Lahfa, N., Forterre, P., And Labedan, B.
    Evolution of glutamate dehydrogenase genes: evidence for two paralogous protein families and unusual branching patterns of the archaebacteria in the universal tree of life.
    J. Mol. Evol., 36, 335-346 (1993).

  53. Forterre, P., Benachenou-Lafha, N. And Labedan, B.
    Universal tree of life.
    Nature, scientific correspondence, 362, 795 (1993)

  54. Forterre, P.
    Les archaebactéries
    Encyclopédie Quillet, Editions Hachette, 245-252 (1993).

  55. Confalonieri, F., Elie, C., Nadal, M., Bouthier De La Tour, C., Forterre, P. And Duguet, M.
    Reverse gyrase : a helicase-like domain and a type I DNA topoisomerase in the same polypeptide.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 90, 4753-4757 (1993).

  56. Forterre, P. And Elie, C.
    Chromosome structure, DNA polymerases and topoisomerases in Archaebacteria (Archaea). in "The Biochemistry of Archaea (Archaebacteria)", New Comprehensive Biochemistry, Vol. 26 (M. Kates, D.J. Kuschner and A.T. Matheson eds), 325-366 (1993).

  57. Bouthier De La Tour, C., Portemer, C., Forterre, P. Huber, R. And Duguet, M.
    ATP-independent DNA topoisomerase from Fervidobacterium islandicum.
    Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1216, 213-220 (1993)

  58. Forterre, P.
    Aux racines de la vie.
    Plein Sud, Décembre 1993, 6-7.

  59. Mankin, A., Derchkacheva, N.I., Leviev, I.G., Kagramanova, V., Forterre, P. And Garrett, R.
    Stable maintenance in halobacteria of plasmids harboring rDNA.
    System. Appl. Microbiol. 16, 672-679 (1994).

  60. Forterre, P., Bergerat, A., Gadelle, D., Elie, C., Lottspeich, F., Confalonieri, F., Duguet, M., Holmes, M. And Dyall-Smith, M.
    Evolution of DNA topoisomerases and DNA polymerases : A perspective from Archaea.
    System. Appl. Microbiol. 16, 746-758 (1994).

  61. Charbonnier, F. And Forterre, P.
    Comparison of plasmid DNA topology among mesophilic and thermophilic eubacteria and archaebacteria.
    J. Bacteriol. 176, 1251-1259.(1994)..

  62. Benachenou-Lafha, N., Labedan, B And Forterre, P.
    Cloning by PCR and sequencing of the gene encoding glutamate dehydrogenase from the archaeon Sulfolobus shibatae : identification of putative amino-acid signatures for extremophilic adaptation.
    Gene, 140, 17-24 (1994)

  63. Forterre, P
    Les germes extrêmophiles.
    Encyclopédie Universalis, Universalia 94, 199-203 (1994).

  64. Marguet, E. And Forterre, P.
    DNA stability at temperatures typical for hyperthermophiles
    Nucl. Acid Res. 22, 1681-1686 (1994).

  65. Mojica, F.J.M., Charbonnier, F. Juez, G., Rodriguez-Valera, F. and Forterre, P.
    Effect of salt and temperature on plasmid topology in the halophilic archaeon Haloferax volcanii.
    J. Bacteriol. 16, 4966-4973 (1994).

  66. Bergerat, A., Gadelle, D. And Forterre, P.
    Purification of a DNA topoisomerase II from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus shibatae.
    J. Biol. Chem. 269, 27663-27669 (1994)

  67. Gadelle, D. And Forterre, P.
    DNA intercalating drugs inhibit positive supercoiling induced by novobiocin in halophilic archaea.
    FEMS Microbiol. Letters, 123, 161-166 (1994)

  68. Forterre, P.
    Looking for the most "primitive" organism(s) on Earth today : the state of the art.
    Planetary and Space Sci. 43, 167-177 (1995).

  69. Forterre, P
    Thermoreduction, a hypothesis for the origin of procaryotes"
    C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 318, 415-422 (1995)

  70. Forterre, P.
    The reverse gyrase of hyperthermophilic archaeobacteria: origin of life and thermophily
    Microbiologia, SEM, 11, (1995)

  71. Forterre, P., Confalonieri, F., Charbonnier, F. and Duguet, M.
    Speculations on the origin of life and thermophily : review of available information on reverse gyrase suggest that hyperthermophilic procaryotes are not so primitive
    Origin of life and evol. Biosphere, 25, 235-249 (1995).

  72. Charbonnier, F., Forterre, P., Erauso, G. And Prieur, D.
    Purification of plasmids from thermophilic and hyperthermophilic archaebacteria.
    In Archaea: A Laboratory Manual. Robb, F. T. (Editor in Chief), A. R. Place, S. DasSarma, H. J. Schreier and E. M. Fleischmann (eds). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY.Thermophiles pp 87-90 (1995)

  73. Bouyoub, A., Barbier, G., Querellou, J. And Forterre, P.
    A putative SOS repair gene (dinF-like) in a hyperthermophilic archaeon
    Gene, 167, 147-149 (1995)

  74. Forterre, P.
    Compte rendu d'ouvrage "Archaea, a Laboratory manual, Archaea"
    La Recherche, Jan., p103 (1996)

  75. Forterre, P.
    Les origines de la vie, nouveaux concepts, nouvelles questions.
    Regards, 13, 19 (1996).

  76. Erauso, G., Marsin, S., Benbouzid-Rollet, N., Baucher, M.F., Barbeyron, T., Zivanovic, Y., Prieur, D. And Forterre, P.
    Sequence of plasmid pGT5 from the archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi: Evidence for rolling-circle replication in a hyperthermophile.
    J. Bacteriol. 178, 3232-3237 (1996)

  77. Forterre, P., Bergerat, A. And Lopez-Garcia, P.
    The unique DNA topology and DNA topoisomerases of hyperthermophilic archaea.
    FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 18, 237-248 (1996)

  78. Aagard, C., Leveiev, I., Aravalli, R.N., Forterre, P., Prieur, D. And Garrett, R.A.
    General vectors for archaeal hyperthermophiles: strategies based on a mobile intron and a plasmid.
    FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 18, 93-104 (1996)

  79. Bouyoub, A., Barbier, G., Forterre, P. And Labedan, B.
    The adenylosuccinate synthetase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus species displays unusual structural features.
    J. Mol. Biol. 261, 144-154 (1996)

  80. Marguet, E., Zivanovic, Y. And Forterre, P.
    DNA topological change in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi exposed to low temperature.
    FEMS Microbiol. Letters. 142, 31-36 (1966)

  81. Guipaud, O., Labedan And Forterre, P.
    A gyrB-like gene from the hyprthermophilic bacterion Thermotoga maritima.
    Gene, 174, 121-128 (1996).

  82. Forterre, P.
    A hot topic: the origin of hyperthermophiles.
    Cell, minireview, 85, 789-792 (1996)

  83. Possot, O. And Forterre, P.
    Molecular biology and genetics of methanogens
    in "Archaebacteria" (Biotechnology Handbook Series) D. Cowan ed., in press (1997)

  84. Forterre, P.
    Molecular biology and genetics of sulfothermophilic archaea
    in "Archaebacteria" (Biotechnology Handbook Series) D. Cowan ed., in press (1997)

  85. Kort, R., Liebl, W., Labedan, B., Forterre, P., Eigen, R.I.L. And De Vos, W.
    Glutamate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima: molecular characterization and phylogenetic implications
    Extremophiles, in press (1997)

  86. Forterre, P.
    Were our ancestors actually hyperthermophiles ? viewpoint of a devil's advocate
    in "Thermophiles and the origin of life" (J. Wiegel, M. Adams and eds..), Taylor & Francis Publisher (London), in press (1997)

  87. Borges, K. M.; Bergerat, A.; Allison, A. M.; Bogert, A.; DiRuggiero, J.; Forterre, P. and Robb, F.T.
    Characterization of the Reverse Gyrase from the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus
    J. Bacteriol. 179, (1996)

  88. Forterre, P.
    The last commun ancestor and beyond
    Cahiers de Treilles sous presse (1997)

  89. Forterre, P.
    Protein versus rRNA : rooting the universal tree of life ?
    ASM news, 63, 89-92 (1997)

  90. Forterre, P.
    La reconstitution de l'ancêtre commun de toutes les cellules
    Pour la Science, spécial évolution, sous presse (1997)

  91. López-García, P and Forterre, P
    DNA topology in hyperthermophilic archaea: reference states and their variation with growth phase, growth temperature, and temperature stresses
    Mol. Microbiol. in press (1997)

  92. Elie, C., Baucher, M.F., Fondrat, C. And Forterre, P.
    A protein related to Eucaryal and Bacterial DNA motor proteins in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.
    J. Mol. Evol., in press (1997)

  93. Bergerat, A. De Massy, B., Gadelle, D., Varoutas, P.C., Nicolas, A. And Forterre, P.
    An atypical type II DNA topoisomerase from Archaea with implication for meiotic recombination
    Nature, in press (1997)