Kluyveromyces lactis annotation database

    annotation: please read carefully

Getting started:

 PASS OVER AN ORF TO SELECT IT: orf name & annotation will appear in "ORF information" field.

Click mouse on one of the following buttons to see if any result exists for this orf
- "Hits in SwissProt" to see BLASTP result in SWISSPROT v41
- "Hits in sptrot+trEMBL nr" to see BLASTP result
- "Hits in HmmPfam" to see HMMER motifs match in PFAM database
- "Hits in KOG" to see best KOG match and KOG function prediction
- "Paralogues" to see if any paralogs or duplicates
- "Hits in Yeast" to see BLASTP result vs S. cerevisiae database (provided by Pasteur Institute)
- "Hits in C. albicans" to see BLASTP result vs C. albicans database (Stanford University, assembly #6 )
- "Start Codons" gives a display of the first possible start codons (ATG,GTG, TTG) of an orf
- "Element Upstream" displays an orf's upstream distribution of very small orfs (1 aa.and more). May be usfull for intron hunting.
- "Run PSI-BLAST vs GenBank" to directly blast orf sequence at NCBI

more to come soon ...

Coloring schemes:


The following coloring schemes are available to allow global display of similarity levels, coding probablity and domain patterns over entire regions of the chromosomes.

They should be used as a guide to visualise and select ORFs for annotation.

A more detailed "user guide" for this annotation database can be found here (yet to be written)

COG function categories for genes are as determined at NCBI COGs




COG Functional categories















NB: This coloring scheme applies to procaryotic (original COGs) . Eucaryal database (KOGs) is an extension to COGs. An updated version of this coloring scheme will be available soon

BLASTP hits in SWISSPROT + trEMBL (May 2003 : sprot+trEMBL) Absolute cut-off expect limit for this set is P <= 1.0

SwissProt+Trembl Blast Hits coloring

High hit: P <= 1e -20
Medium hit : 1e -20 < P <=1e -05
Low hit : 1e -05 < P <=1.0

 No hit

Medium Hit

 High Hit

Low Hit

BLASTP hits in SWISSPROT ( release 41.O) Absolute cut-off expect limit for this set is P <= 10.0

SwissProt Blast Hits coloring

High hit: P <= 1e -10

 No hit

Medium Hit

Medium hit : 1e -10 < P <=1.0

 High Hit

Low Hit

Low hit : 1.0 < P <=10.0

BLASTP hits in S. cerevisiae protein set (Data provided by Institut Pasteur)

S. cerevisiae Blast Hits coloring scheme

High hit: P <= 1e -20

 No hit

Medium Hit

Medium hit : 1e -20 < P <=1e -05

 High Hit

Low Hit

Low hit : 1e -05 < P <=1.0

BLASTP hits in C. albicans (1213 Contigs from the assembly #6 of Stanford University)

C. albicans Blast Hits coloring scheme

High hit: P <= 1e -20

 No hit

Medium Hit

Medium hit : 1e -20 < P <=1e -05

 High Hit

Low Hit

Low hit : 1e -05 < P <=1.0

HMMER hits in PFAM DataBase

Hmm PFAM Hits coloring

High hit: P <= 1e -20

 No hit

Medium Hit

Medium hit : 1e -20 < P <=1e -05

 High Hit

Low Hit

Low hit : 1e -05 < P <=10.0

GLIMMER 2.0 coding probability prediction

Glimmer 2.0 Gene prediction coloring


Predicted gene

Predicted gene
/ Overlapping problem

K. lactis self matching BLASTP hits of

Paralogs scheme coloring

High is ≥ 8 copies

Poor man's path to define paralogs: 
A hit with a matched score ≥ 0.5 x(self matching) score
and matched Expect ≥ 0.5 x (self matched Expect)

 No paralogs

Medium copy number

Medium is ≥ 4 copies

 High copy number

Low copy number

Low is ≥ 1 copy