Pyrococcus abyssi

Phylogenetic domain patterns
On this page : Pyrococcus then Bacteria

P. abyssi complete orfs database Blasted vs. nr Databank (12/00) + S. solfataricus
Expect <= 1e-10

=: Pyrococcus
a: archae
b: Bacteria
e: Eucarya
v: Virus
o: Other
*: unknown

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ORF      DOMAIN_PATTERN                                        MATCHED_ORGANISMS

PAB2354  =b=ba=babab=bababeaebebebeaebeabebebebebebebebaeb                                                                                 paby  bhal  phor    paby   bsub     bhal    vcho      ecol      pflu      ecol     ecol     ecol   eo15    ecol      ecol      ecol    cjej   paer     salm     salm    salm      salm   styp   salm   styp   rtyp     salm   salm    styp    salm    hpyl     salm    hpylo   salm    saur    saur     saur   cglu      bsub     pput    pmul     hinf     nmen     pmul   halo    paby    ecol     ecol    hinf   pmul    ecol    mthe   ecol    ecol    ecol    ecol      ecol    ecol  aful   bsub     bbur    phor   paer    aful    ecol   pput    eo15   tvol   aful   paer    xaut   vpar   xfas   vpar    rcap   aaeo    drad   ocun     aful    mmus   mmus     rnor   bhal   hsap   scoe   mmus   mmus   sa32     paer    rnor    rnor   btau   aful   hsap   btau   hsap    rnor    paer     sa32    cfam    aful    kpne   spne   oari     oari    sscr   hsap   ecab    hsap   xlae     mmus     hsap   dmel   oari   bcer   cele     pmul    hsap    ocun    bhal     mmus    sscr   bsub   mmus    bsub   hsap    ecol    eo15    ecol    hsap     hsap   rpro    halo   rnor    vcho
PAB0023  =baeabeb=b                                                                                                                        paby  phor  cace    ssol   hsap     tvol    ssol      taci      bhal      cace     bsub     mmus   cace    paby      aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0037  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  bhal    bfir   drad     bsub    sa32      halo      saur                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0067  =baebe=ebaba=e                                                                                                                    paby  phor  tmar    aful   aful     mthe    atha      spom      spom      mlep     cele     phor   scer    cele      hpylor    tmar    mjan   aaeo     halo     halo    paby      cele   cele   atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB0084  =b=b=a=bebabebebabebebab                                                                                                          paby  phor  phor    paby   bcer     cace    bmeg      ehir      llac      llacti   phor     paby   syne    aaeo      paer      bbur    paby   mjan     phor     mlot    syne      bhal   bsub   scer   spom   amed     pcel   saur    aaeo    aful    aori     atha    atha    mmag    drad    osat     atha   syne      cjej     magn    bpse     smel     wend     ssol   bsub    atha    gthe     atha    atha   atha    hpyl    atha   svir    pput    mthe    vcho      mlep                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0086  =ba=ababababeb*b*aebebabea*bebebebaebebebebebebebebabeb*vbeboebebebeb=ebebabebebeaeabebebebaebabe*b*abebababeb                    paby  phor  paby    phor   phor     paby    saur      tvol      taci      phor     paby     aper   bhal    cace      pput      paer    mlot   smel     ecol     eo15    ecol      ssol   rleg   ssol   bsub   bfir     drad   mlep    cace    eo15    ecol     sa32    sspe    mtub    tmar    hinf     bhal   mthe      smel     aoba    cace     snet     paer     dmel   atha    bcep    mcat     mjan    atha   pcep    smel    rnor   atha    abau    aful    sa32      saur    tthe  bhal   rnor     rnor    halo   ssol    kurt    bsub   atha    ecol   mmus   ecol   atha    bsub   bhal   aful   spom    saur   ecol    eo15   ecol     ecol    enid   eo15     cele   sa32   spom   smel   bsub   eo15   spom     bhal    hsap    klac   ecol   pmul   vcho   ecol   mlot    buch    bsub     cele    atha    mlep    smel   cglu   vvin     sa32    sepi   ssol   mtub    xlae   hsap     atum     4aa    syne   drad   paer   scer     atum    scon    scer    mmus     pflu    cjej   cele   anab    nmen   smel    bhal    bsub    sa32    scer     cjej   bwad    atha   smel    rhizo  cace    mlot   smel    bpas   phor   paby      dmel   atum    helo   smel   atum    mlot    aglu     paer    mjan   paer    dana    xfas     ssci     sa32    pstu     aaeo    vcho   atum    smel    mlot   cele    smel   atha    atha    mjan    cchi   atha   mjan   helo   ccre   mlot   paer    osat   bsub     mhal   sa32    mlot       llac  paer   spom    smel    paer    scoe   dmel    aaeo   pput   pput  upro    ssol   spom  cper   mlot   xnem   drad   aful    ecol    eo15  spom   ubac   ek12   bste    aper    xfas    hvul   pmul   ecol   halo    hpyl   bjap  upro     hpylo  tvol    ubac   cace  ubac   scoe  crug  atum    saura  bsub  ubac
PAB0089  =be                                                                                                                               paby  bsub  atha    atha   osat     osat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB0091  =b=b*b*bababab*bab=b=b                                                                                                            paby  smel  phor    bhal   bhal     bhal    bhal      ecol      eo15      ecol     paer     pmul   aaeo    bfir      paer      smel    bhal   hinfl    hinfl    bhal    hinf      eo15   ek12   ecol   hpyl   hpylo    rsph   cjej    atum    atum    bsub     atum    rleg    paer    vcho    mlot     cace   smel      mbar     tmar    smel     paer     aper     bcor   atum    bhal    eo15     smel    ecol   ek12    atum    mlot   bbur    bbur    bbur    bbur      oant    atum  pmul   vcho     eo15    ecol   ecol    mlot    mlot   smel    paer   cace   bmel   sa32    bhal   smel   bsub   atum    drad   smel    ctep   bsub     bsub    bsub   mlot     mlot   bhal   sliv   atum   aper   tmar   smel     saur    smel    atum   bafz   drad   mlot   vpar   bgar    pmul    atum     drad    ecol    smel    eo15   mlot   mlot     atum    ecol   hinf   mlot    eo15   mlot     atum     ecol   styp   cace   drad   bbur     atum    bbur    bbur    smel     bbur    mlot   bhal   bbur    aful   scoe    atum    pchr    bsub    ecol     bsub   car3    atum   atum    syne   mlot    smel   vcho    atum   smel   bant      atum   saur    phor   atum   rhiz    ecol    ecol     smel    eo15   mlot    bbur    ecol     atum     smel    valg     smel    smel   spyo    mlot    mlot   paby    cmur   sa32    scoe    ctra    spyo   atum   bthu   rrhi   mlot   bbur   atum    vcho   bbur     smel   llacti  atum       mlot  lmon   llacti  atum    scla    tmar   scla    llac   smel   mxan  car3    cpne   car3  efae   efae   ebac   car3   tpal    saur                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB0092  =b=babab=b=bab=babababababa                                                                                                       paby  ek12  eo15    bhal   bhal     atum    hpyl      hpylo     rhiz      bfir     smel     scoe   atum    oant      bhal      smel    rleg   mlot     smel     bsub    mlot      tmar   atum   spne   atum   atum     atum   atum    atum    ecol    atum     ecol    mlot    atum    bhal    atum     mlot   mlot      smel     tmar    atum     smel     mlot     atum   cace    smel    atum     mlot    smel   cace    scoe    ecol   tden    phor    bhal    eo15      cace    ecol  mlot   smel     mlot    bmel   atum    mlot    smel   bsub    smel   smel   atum   atum    bsub   atum   smel   atum    mlot   vcho    mlot   cace     mlot    atum   mlot     bsub   smel   styp   smel   bhal   atum   saur     pmul    smel    hinf   taci   atum   cace   mtub   saur    smel    ek12     vcho    syne    ssol    tmar   smel   mlot     cace    ecol   bbur   llac    smel   ecol     syne     smel   atum   spyo   lmon   rrhi     saur    smel    aaeo    bthu     mlep    saur   tmar   saur    mlot   llacti  paby    bhal    tmar    paby     smel   atum    mmaz   sa32    smel   tmar    bsub   bsub    atum   atum   atum      smel   atum    mlot   sa32   mlot    vcho    cmur     tmar    ctra   scoe    llacti  smel     car3     saur    saur     llacti  phor   paby    eo15    ssol   atum    halo   mlot    mlot    llacti  ssol   taci   ecol   ecol   scoe   spne   car3    cpne   cmur     mlot   mpul    taci       ctra  spyo   mpne    spyo    mpul    ssol   mgen    ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0093  =bababab=b=baba=bababa=babab=b=abab                                                                                               paby  bfir  bhal    atum   bhal     atum    smel      hpylo     eo15      ek12     mlot     bsub   mlot    atum      tmar      atum    mlot   atum     bsub     aful    smel      atum   hinfl  atum   bsub   pmul     smel   rleg    smel    mlot    ecol     smel    tmar    bhal    paer    scoe     bsub   eo15      cace     ecol    bsub     cace     ecol     drad   atum    atum    oant     atum    sa32   spne    vcho    aper   smel    bmel    mlot    smel      aper    bhal  cace   rfas     mlot    cace   paby    mlot    scoe   pmul    atum   hhep   phor   smel    scoe   aper   atum   tmar    vcho   bhal    atum   cace     halo    phor   ecol     scoe   saur   ecol   hinf   atum   styp   tpep     atum    smel    tmar   mlot   aaeo   mlot   smel   saur    saur    bhal     saur    smel    atum    tmar   saur   atum     cace    sa32   mlot   atum    smel   bthu     smel     atum   smel   mlot   drad   atum     mtub    atum    drad    tden     atum    lmon   atum   vcho    valg   ebac    smel    llac    mlot    atum     mlot   smel    mlot   synec   mlep   rhizo   syne   bbur    syne   ssol   bbur      saur   mlot    saur   mlot   atum    smel    smel     smel    sa32   smel    smel    smel     mlot     car3    cpne     styp    atum   ecol    sdys    bhal   eo15    drad   smel    tmar    halo    paby   pmul   pchr   hinf   ecol   ecol   eo15    tvol   mlot     paer   ctra    atum       halo  smel   cmur    phor    llacti  phor   aper    mlot   spyo   sa32  llacti  uure   spne  vcho   mpul   spyo   spyo   taci    tmar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB0110  =bababebebebebaebeba                                                                                                              paby  phor  aaeo    mtub   taci     ecol    vcho      eo15      tvol      bsub     ubac     enid   atha    paer      hsap      pmul    bhal   hinf     mtub     dmel    sa32      mmus   scar   saur   syne   aful     mmus   ccre    rspha   mlot    drad     mtub    anic    synec   cele    smel     atum   aper      halo     ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0113  =ba=a                                                                                                                             paby  phor  phor    paby   tmar     aper    mjan      ssol      saci      paby     phor     mthe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB0128  =ba=ababevbavbvbevaebve                                                                                                           paby  phor  ypes    ypes   ssol     paby    phor      taci      tvol      ssol     eo15     ecol   mther   aper      aful      spne    scer   bt4      vcho     halo    pbur      mtub   mlep   ecol   ek12   eo15     mtub   synech  bt5     drad    spyo     spom    esil    lbac    lbact   halo     gthe   tpal      cace     brb3    spom                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB0139  =bababab                                                                                                                          paby  phor  tpal    mjan   mjan     bbur    mmar      mthe      aful      taci     mbar     tvol   halo    sa32      aper      csymb   rpro   mlot     ccre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0143  =b=a                                                                                                                              paby  phor  phor    paby   cace     pyro    aful      mthe      taci      tvol     ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB0145  =bebeaeaebababebebebebebe*b*e                                                                                                     paby  phor  vcho    mmus   ek12     dmel    lang      tvol      llut      larb     lalb     atha   taci    atha      atha      atha    syne   halo     ccre     ccre    ssol      atum   osat   cmen   hvul   pdb|     sfru   pdb|    pdb|    ccre    hsap     hsap    hsap    hsap    mus     hsap     hsap   hsap      dmel     hsap    cele     atha     cele     pdb|   eo15    atha    spom     hsap    dmel   dmel    ncra    eo15   hsap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB0146  =babab=b=                                                                                                                         paby  phor  bhal    aful   syne     mjan    bsub      bsub      saur      llac     phor     llac   eo15    bhal      paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB2355  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  tmar    ssol   aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB0180  =bvbebebebabeb                                                                                                                    paby  tmar  bsub    cace   bsub     bhal    sa32      pbur      bhal      llac     cele     mmus   cele    rnor      saur      cele    sa32   saur     vcho     hsap    saur      drad   mgen   mtub   mpne   saur     bsub   atum    atum    mtub    mpul     drad    saur    saur    smel    ccre     reut   llac      paer     taci    atum     cace     spom     sa32   mtub    ccre    mtub                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB0183  =bababeb=e=babababev                                                                                                              paby  tmar  cace    sa32   aful     mpul    paer      mgen      mpne      taci     mlot     atum   ccre    atha      cace      paer    ek12   ecol     eo15     paby    hsap      hsap   hsap   phor   pmul   ecol     ek12   ecol    ssol    hinf    ecol     halo    paer    aper    smel    cele     emb|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0184  =b=babe=                                                                                                                          paby  tmar  cace    paby   phor     cace    aful      sa32      paer      scoe     msex     phor   paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB0207  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  bhal    halo   aaeo     cace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB3086  =b=b                                                                                                                              paby  phor  paer    paby   paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB0240  =beb                                                                                                                              paby  phor  cace    eo15   ek12     paer    bsub      bhal      llac      bsub     ecol     vcho   pmul    saur      paer      nmen    nmeni  hinf     vcho     drad    saur      atha   osat   osat   bsub                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB0243  =babab=a=ab=bababababebabebebeb                                                                                                   paby  phor  pyro    aaeo   tmar     cace    halo      hpyl      hpylo     aper     bbur     phor   aper    paby      halo      ecol    ek12   bsub     vcho     phor    paby      pyro   cace   bhal   mlot   spyo     mlot   ecol    eo15    sa32    bhal     bhal    upro    drad    bsub    tmar     bsub   halo      paer     mjan    bhal     smel     halo     cace   aful    bvie    spne     hinf    spne   pmul    llac    spne   cace    syne    nmen    spne      drad    paer  atum   bsub     cace    llac   nmeni   bhal    ecol   eo15    vcho   cjej   xfas   saur    ecol   vcho   vpar   mtub    mtub   spne    atha   ecol     eo15    ccre   mlot     mthe   cdif   vpar   vcho   smel   vcho   atha     bbur    cace    mlot   atum   cjej   hsap   hsap   vcho    scer    bhal
PAB0249  =ba=b=babababebab=bab=b=bababababebabababababab=ab=babab=a=bab=bababababababababab                                                paby  phor  cace    bsub   cace     llac    ssol      ssol      mjan      paby     cace     phor   saur    spne      mthe      mtherm  spyo   spyo     mthe     spyo    mthe      spne   spne   bhal   cace   bsub     mpul   uure    llac    spne    spne     sa32    bsub    bhal    llac    mvir     mpne   mjan      cace     sthe    cace     mgen     cace     tmar   ccre    mpul    phor     sa32    spne   mmar    drad    spyo   paby    hinf    saur    pmul      spne    styp  spne   paby     rcap    atum   mjan    vcho    paer   llac    rhiz   bste   cace   atum    atum   bsub   spne   uure    tmar   saur    ssol   ecol     smel    llact  eo15     llac   mpne   ecol   spne   vhar   bhal   eo15     ecol    ecol    ssol   spne   spne   synec  syne   aful    spne    bsub     bhal    aaci    spyo    smel   noli   spne     spyo    tmed   cjej   aful    saga   hpylo    cace     mlot   aful   scoe   paer   aact     aper    bsub    saur    aful     eo15    hinf   mcap   ecol    paer   hpyl    vcho    spne    pmul    halo     drad   sa32    bhal   hpylor  llac   bsub    taci   mgen    styp   saur   mgen      bsub   mlot    pfur   tlit   eo15    vcho    phor     ecol    cjej   ecol    atum    aful     rrhi     smel    bsub     bsub    spne   saur    tmar    cace   smel    syne   ecol    paer    mpne    mthe   ecol   mlot   smel   paby   aful   phor    nmen   atum     paer   atum    syne       aful  atum   spyo    phor    smel    vcho   spne    ssol   uure   styp  cace    spne   saur  bhal   rpro   cjej   ssol   spyo    sente   cjej  mlot   atum   aful   atum    tmar    tmar    spne   saur   nmeni  nmen    mthe   styp  llact    aper   spne    mlot   atum  aper   bbur  spne  cace    smel   bsub  atum   bsub   mthe  ecol   ecol   mhae   llactis  cace   ccre   smel   rhiz    aful      atum  mlot    cace  aful    atum   mlot    cace  llac  mlot   aaeo    mlot  smel  ecol   bhal   saur  smel   cace
PAB0263  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  aaeo    mjan   mthe     aful    aper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB0269  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  cace  bsub    cace   halo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB0287  =ba=bababababababebeb*bebebebebe*e*e*ebeaebebebebebebab                                                                           paby  phor  tmar    aful   paby     tthe    aful      cace      mthe      mthe     tmar     ssol   aaeo    mjan      drad      mjan    drad   tthe     aaeo     halo    cace      atha   atha   spom   scer   afum     bhal   enid    mtub    mlep    mlep     atum    saur    sgor    sa32    baph     bsubs  buch      atei     cjej    llac     llacti   mlot     baph   tthe    bsub    baph     smel    syne   baph    lstr    vcho   baph    baph    smel    baph      pmul    baph  baph   baph     baph    hinf   baph    baph    baph   baph    baph   umay   ecol   ecol    eo15   ek12   baph   spom    baph   baph    baph   baph     scer    scer   baph     ccre   scer   btau   ncra   styp   piro   sscr     btau    cele    cele   ggra   mmus   hsap   hsap   hsap    hsap    hsap     dmel    xlae    rnor    spom   dpul   scer     ater    styp   scer   dmel    dmel   ssol     mcir     pbla   pbla   hsap   rpus   xfas     paer    rniv    eo15    ecol     eo15    ecol   ek12   spom    ylip   reut    syne    7aa     vcho    syne     pmul   cmal    baph   nmen    nmeni  baph    nmeni  scer    nmen   nmeni  xfas      paer   tvol    cjej   paer   smel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB0290  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  tthe    drad   ssol     aper    ssol      mjan      ssol      hinf     pmul                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB2440  =babababebebebebebe*oveabebebabeaebaebebabeb=eba=bab=b=b=be=bebebebebebebebebeba*eb*baba*ab*b*bebebebebebebebvbe                  paby  phor  tthe    aful   ssol     mjan    aaeo      tmar      cace      mthe     saur     bhal   drad    cjej      cjej      bhal    cglu   ccre     aper     mlep    atum      buch   saur   smel   sa32   anab     bsub   mtub    nmeni   llac    nmen     sa32    ncra    ypes    bsub    atha     scla   pmul      aglu     cele    eo15     spom     rnor     xlae   syne    ecol    ecol     mlot    paer   mmus    dmel    xfas   hsap    scer    scon    4aa       dana    ssol  ecol   ecol     ecol    eo15   atha    vcho    ecol   lpla    eo15   pfal   ecol   aper    drad   enid   cele   pfal    tvol   spom    spom   sa32     bfir    ccre   aful     klac   vvin   cace   snet   scer   atha   atha     abau    taci    pstu   scer   smel   paby   phor   spom    sspe    bhal     upro    paer    smel    ssol   phor   sa32     halo    hinf   bsub   phor    bsub   paby     paby     paer   paby   mlot   bhal   atha     phor    mlep    paer    mtub     rleg    mcat   atha   mlot    atha   bpas    bste    saur    cace    sa32     rnor   mlot    bhal   aaeo    scoe   rnor    bhal   rnor    hsap   helo   bamy      spom   cele    mhal   aaeo   smel    atum    sa32     dmel    sa32   bwad    smel    bhal     mmus     mlot    mlot     nmeni   rnor   vcho    aper    mjan   kurt    mmus   mlot    smel    car3    nmen   mlot   vcho   xnem   saur   mtub   bcep    mlot   mtub     pcep   ssol    drad       tvol  mjan   mjan    smel    sa32    bjap   ek12    mlot   ecol   eo15  ecol    eo15   atum  ubac   cele   cace   styp   sepi    ecol    ecol  dmel   bsub   vcho   paer    sa32    smel    spom   spom   hpylo  mlep    atha   atha  atha     hpyl   cchi    atum   pflu  osat   ccre  mlot  aoba    hinf   hsap  smel   cjej   buch  ccre   mtub   bste   atum     atum   rhizo  scoe   paer    paer      sa32  mlot    bfla  paer    ubac   ssci    mlot  scla  cful   dmel                                           
PAB0294  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  drad    aper   ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0297  =babababeb*b                                                                                                                      paby  tmar  aper    ssol   drad     bsub    efae      sxyl      saur      tvol     bhal     cace   taci    sma1      syne      car3    spyo   cmur     ctra     synech  aaeo      ccre   lesc   atha   atha   psat     atha   atha    xfas    atum    smel     rpro    aple    mhae    mlot    cjej     hpylo  paer      vcho     ecol    pmul     ecol     eo15     hpyl   nmen    hinf    ctra     nmeni   ctra   cmur    cpsi    car3   cpne    cpne    nmen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0298  =bebababababe*b                                                                                                                   paby  syne  hinf    styp   paer     vcho    eo15      ecol      pmul      llac     bhal     ecol   spne    atha      spne      sa32    ssol   buch     cglu     ctra    efae      cjej   cmur   spyo   cace   cpse     nmeni  xfas    nmen    ngon    mtub     smel    mtub    bsub    amed    aper     car3   mlep      atum     hpylo   ccre     slav     apre     tvol   hpyl    hpylor  taci     tmar    drad   saur    lpne    cglu   mlot    atei    scol    pcari     scer    spom  enid   enid     bcir    actin  scol    paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0304  =babab                                                                                                                            paby  phor  csti    tmar   aful     aper    smel      bsub      spyo      bbur     halo     aave   smel    scoe      atum      spne    spne   llac     smel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB0317  =babab=aebebebabaebea=abe=abeabababab=bebab=ba*bababeb=ebebeoeaebeabebebebebebebebebaebebeb*ebebaebeb                             paby  phor  aaeo    cace   mthe     sa32    syne      tvol      syne      phor     paby     taci   cele    sa32      cgla      scer    scer   mtub     spom     pang    spom      calb   calb   dmel   calb   hjec     mlep   halo    bhal    mthe    osat     ntab    hsap    stub    atha    cace     lmex   atha      atha     lmaj    hsap     mjan     paby     ssol   ssol    cjej    atha     phor    ssol   aful    ssol    lint   lbor    hsap    aper    sviol     tmar    halo  cace   aper     drad    llac   ssol    ccel    paby   paby    mlot   atha   tmar   ssol    mxan   bste   scya   phor    syne   drad    sviol  sant     sant    halo   athe     tmar   sarg   tvol   tvol   vcho   sblu   bhal     bsub    drad    cjej   halo   svir   sgri   spne   sgri    ecol    ecol     spne    osat    zmay    sfra   phor   atha     ecol    speu   ecol   atha    scer   sgla     pmul     ibat   scon   zmay   lesc   mjan     hvul    bhal    npcc    bnap     atha    ibat   zmay   atha    sole   aful    mlep    mlep    psat    sa32     pfru   vfab    tcal   cuns    osat   cari    aaeo   cari    styp   hvul   hvul      taes   lint    stub   clan   stub    psat    stub     stub    lesc   cace    stub    osat     cele     syne    bpseu    synech  bmal   bsubsp  vfab    taes   efae    eo15   mthe    ibat    bsub    ctra   cmel   cace   mmus   lpne   ek12   cjej    bfra   atum     athe   bvul    bvul       atha  atha   hsap    hsap    stub    psat   atha    lesc   aaeo   spom  lesc    atum   ssol  pfru   cmel   rnor   saur   zmay    taes    sbic  tmar
PAB0325  =bababe                                                                                                                           paby  phor  eo15    ek12   mjan     llac    ssol      aful      tmar      bhal     osat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB0350  =bababababa=b=ba=bab*=ab=bababab=ababeba=ebab=bebebaeab=babababab=b=ab=b=b=bababab=babab=babababab                                paby  phor  cace    sgor   spar     ctra    ctra      bsub      car3      cmur     tpal     bhal   aful    spne      spne      erhu    spne   tmar     saur     saur    spyo      drad   bbur   aful   aaeo   sxyl     ssol   hinf    syne    hinf    bhal     smel    hinf    efaec   mjan    aact     vcho   tmar      smut     aaci    mjan     paby     cace     paby   paer    aful    paby     pmul    mthe   llac    synech  phor   tlit    pmul    paby    lmon      aper    tmar  ecol   eo15     tlit    smel   mlot    halo    nmeni  tmar    phor   aful   ssol   hinf    smel   ssol   smel   pmul    atum   cpara   bsub   nmen     mlot    saur   taci     pfur   csat   rpro   ccre   ecol   vcho   ssol     hinf    bsub    phor   smel   ecol   ecol   eo15   vcho    nmeni   spne     atum    cace    nmen    smel   bsub   noli     saur    cvul   syne   ssol    aace   mjan     synec    tmar   smel   phor   saur   pmul     spne    aper    pmul    mlot     bhal    paer   mlot   aful    serr   ypes    mlot    tmar    spne    smel     eo15   smel    atum   spyo    spyo   ecol    mlot   atum    bhal   aful   zmob      ssol   mthe    aful   spne   phor    bhal    spne     atum    spne   bhal    cjej    vcho     phor     aper    cace     mtub    mtub   sa32    paby    paer   mlot    paby   bhal    atum    sa32    phor   tmar   ccre   vcho   atum   cace   hinf    bhal   ecol     saur   tlit    halo       mtub  halo   tmar    mlot    aper    uure   mlot    pfur   ecol   aper  ccre    drad   atum  mlot   ek12   spyo   mjan   llac    cace    mlot  phor   ecol   bhal   smel    mlot    vcho    scoe   mlep   eo15   spne    smel   hpyl  paer     pmul   hpylor  cjej   aful  cace   mlot  drad  smel    bsub   atum  syne   llac   saur  ecol   mlep   mtub   bhal     bhyo   mthe   paer   sa32    bhal      ecol  ecol    drad  ecol    pflu   llac    atum  smel  mjan   llacti  mjan  spne  spyo   spyo   cace  atum
PAB0390  =b=bab=be=eaebebe                                                                                                                 paby  phor  paby    phor   bmeg     cace    bcer      phor      paby      syne     ehir     llac   llacti  aaeo      aful      ssol    amed   phor     mlot     aori    syne      atha   paby   atha   mjan   osat     syne   pcel    bbur    atha    bhal     bsub    atha    atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0400  =beababababababebab=b=beabebebebebeb                                                                                              paby  phor  pfrag   paer   dmel     aful    ssol      aaeo      aful      saur     aper     hinf   hinfl   halo      mlep      mlep    tvol   pmul     mtub     mtub    vcho      ecol   ecol   cace   ecol   nmen     nmeni  mjan    scoe    atum    xfas     atha    tmar    smel    taci    rpro     bhal   paby      bsub     phor    mlot     drad     atha     mthe   syne    ccre    atha     atha    atha   scer    hpyl    mmus   mmus    eaci    hpylo   hsap      hpylor  spom  hsap   hsap     hsap    cjej   dmel    hsap    mmus   hsap    scer   scer   spom   lmaj    cper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0414  =baba=                                                                                                                            paby  paer  ccre    aper   atum     smel    mlot      aful      paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0434  =ba=a=aba=b=ba=abab=b=b=abababa=abababababa=babab=bababababababeabeaebebebeabebebebebeb=ebe*=ebebebebebe=eb                       paby  phor  tmar    ssol   phor     mthe    paby      aper      cace      bsub     cace     aper   phor    cace      tmar      phor    syne   ssol     paby     aper    tmar      aper   cace   cace   bhal   bhal     phor   cace    paby    fjoh    phor     taci    cace    aful    bhal    cace     mthe   cace      bbur     spyo    drad     tvol     tvol     paby   ssol    llac    aper     halo    speu   bsub    cace    paer   halo    ccre    sa32    spne      bhal    sa32  tmar   aful     spne    sroc   svir    drad    halo   maviu   skas   sa32   xfas   sa32    llac   scoe   cace   sa32    aful   paby    ubac   maviu    sa32    paer   bsph     halo   bhal   mthe   bhal   cace   ccre   cace     smel    bsub    mxan   syne   blic   cace   ecol   sa32    ecol    ek12     eo15    blic    xfas    paby   sant   mtub     mtub    syne   saur   bhal    taci   bhal     aper     rsph   paer   bsub   spyo   taci     halo    bhil    mlep    bhal     paer    tvol   tvol   rgna    bhal   pflu    bsub    pmul    eo15    cjej     sa32   cdif    ecol   cjej    sarg   sa32    atum   spyo    syne   bsub   bsub      vcho   ssol    llac   pdeni  spyo    spyo    sa32     rtro    llac   mlot    bsub    smel     spne     ccre    spne     bhal    ccre   spne    spne    ecol   eo15    ek12   tvol    pstu    sa32    rn33   pmul   smut   mlot   spne   tmar   saur    atum   cele     aful   acyc    sa32       spne  smut   mmus    hsap    hsap    mmus   halo    hsap   drad   atha  atha    rnor   mlot  atha   bhal   hsap   hsap   tvol    saur    sa32  saur   hsap   ccre   hsap    hsap    tmar    mmus   hsap   atha   atha    hsap   atha  rhiz     sepi   hsap    hsap   hsap  hsap   hsap  hsap  hsap    sa32   hsap  hsap   bhal   sa32  nmen   paby   mmus   tmar     cele   cele   cele   emb|    phor      hsap  nmeni   mfas  llacti  mfas   bhal    hsap  cace  tcru   btau    hinf  hsap  dmel   phor   dmel  sgall  ccre
PAB0452  =baeababebebebeb=b                                                                                                                paby  tmar  aful    mthe   aful     dmel    aper      hinf      ssol      paer     mmus     atum   atum    paer      pmul      ecol    hsap   hsap     hsap     eo15    vcho      atha   mlot   nmen   hsap   nmeni    paby   ecor    ecol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB0469  =babababaebebebebebebebebebebebeb                                                                                                 paby  phor  drad    tthe   mjan     mthe    aful      llac      llac      cace     aper     spyo   spne    spne      taci      ssol    tvol   tpal     bhal     aaeo    halo      scer   hinf   pmul   ecol   eo15     vcho   ecol    bbur    bhal    bsub     nmen    nmeni   tmar    saur    saur     paer   scer      scer     syne    a90      buch     spom     ncra   car3    sa32    ccre     cglu    cglu   cglu    zmob    xfas   llacti  cmur    ctra    hpylo     smel    hsap  hsap   hsap     atum    hpyl   mtub    osat    mlot   dmel    mlep   mlep   atha   clon    rpro   cjej   hsap   atha    mpul   cele    atha   atha     uure    mmus   msme     hsap   dmel   nmeni  mgen   hsap   hsap   cele     cjej                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB0485  =b=ab                                                                                                                             paby  phor  tmar    paby   phor     paby    phor      paby      halo      saur     bhal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0486  =b=b=b                                                                                                                            paby  phor  tmar    bhal   atum     phor    bfir      smel      bsub      paby     saur                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0490  =b=b=b=b=b=babababababeb=babebebebebebebebebebebebebeaebebebebe*ebebebebebebebababaebe*eaebebebebebe=bebaebebaebebebebebebeae*ebe paby  phor  tmar    rrub   paby     paby    bfir      bfir      baci      bhal     bpseu    phor   vcho    saur      phor      saur    paby   rpro     saur     paby    bsub      bsub   saur   paer   halo   bsub     drad   ek12    smel    halo    eo15     mmaz    smel    mtub    ecol    ddeh     smel   mjan      atum     smel    syne     paer     mmaz     mthe   xfas    mvir    syne     paby    atum   syne    taci    pdeni  sole    cgua    cdonn   aqui      ccaro   ttet  cfru   mumb     mcum    csci   mber    pafr    uphl   smel    cech   pacu   smel   pole    smel   pmol   chum   gpil    atum   smel    ecol   ecol     tang    tpat   ek12     cumb   eo15   tpan   apal   mlot   eaff   ecol     ahum    tfru    mlot   rcap   daru   tcf.   spcc   smel    pgran   cjej     atum    sswi    ccre    hcan   halo   cgra     ek12    cmert  cmuc   ecol    csom   aneg     pmun     syne   hpyl   acor   ibif   dtro     aaeo    chak    dmada   mtherma  espe    tcaf   nmeni  synec   smel   synec   nmen    cant    nind    apus     hpur   smel    tzam   hpylo   atum   saur    smic   saur    hlit   tthe   ahyb      kmal   ccey    cdio   noli   hhel    doxl    bcar     psyr    hmic   eo15    tvol    nmeni    halo     nmen    ecol     halo    dgri   cbor    plit    smel   cjapo   cmic   ases    rsal    amac    mmaz   csca   acas   aaeo   sema   scoe   gpen    tetr   atric    hpylo  plan    dzib       vrhy  pell   pgin    sglauc  slut    rsto   sbet    taff   tlati  mpol  smacu   asat   vsar  vcho   noli   epen   lcru   gmon    rcap    tham  tcom   phor   aaeo   paer    gsan    atha    gnic   mvir   rflu   xfas    halo   gspe  ecol     cglau  vesp    rpet   tsec  grho   mtub  mbar  pinf    ccre   plat  hpyl   tber   sa32  tdod   tfra   hpum   aher     npar   tutr   tfun   nmen    noli      tthe  aaeo    drad  ppur    rcap   ljap    aper  ppat  taur   obert   odan  ppur  tlat   crip   dpel  syne   csyn
PAB0492  =ba=ebebabebea=ebebebebebaebeabebebebebeaebeae*e*ebebebebebe*e*ebeae*ebe                                                          paby  phor  tmar    rrub   mmaz     paby    phor      mpol      npcc      mvir     synech   mbar   aful    aaeo      hvul      taes    zmay   osat     pbor     noli    mjan      paby   sole   nmeni  oela   taur     ecol   eo15    noli    nmen    ngru     ek12    paer    ecol    ecol    ek12     ntab   atha      ljap     atha    ecol     xfas     taci     ccri   drad    pwic    halo     eo15    ecol   ntab    ppur    ccal   pinf    cmer    atha    buch      styp    pmit  smel   atha     aaeo    rfer   hpyl    hpylo   mpol   tvol    rmono  ober   cmin   rpro    ddis   taes   mthe   pmarin  xlae   mjak    rsal   tpap     csyn    croe   mtherma  mglu   plit   pflu   oari   pvit   msen   ihex     hgry    tswi    ppyg   apect  hdia   chip   mglu   pham    ecab    chip     lflu    rame    easi    chip   runi   rcap     chip    scoe   chip   chip    porn   btau     lpac     chip   chip   bcarn  pdas   ccap     rrad    chip    hplu    chip     sscr    pgun   ppygm  smel    ebur   hamp    odan    pdav    mruf    spur     vurs   imac    ggrac  tpap    ppar   ppygm   cfam   bvar    atum   hplu   fcat      ylip   chip    cfam   lmig   psca    hmacro  ajam     fser    obic   alit    hplu    lsax     pqua     pdol    smacr    cchl    nlep   hplu    pcat    tjap   pmon    sa32   pmac    gmor    mtet    blan   achry  blan   chom   bole   rnig   lcha    amis   ssol     dpul   scan    tnat       enid  saca   ajap    ejap    oafe    mman   rcat    rcat   dana   dmal  ajapo   clav   enil  dvirg  dsec   amac   gsor   mlot    ntyp                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB0493  =bebeabebe*eabebebabaeb=bab=bebebebebeab=*aba                                                                                     paby  phor  tmar    avar   npcc     anab    noli      mvir      syne      mpol     atha     ntab   psat    ntab      llut      sole    osat   zmay     taes     zmay    ljap      mmaz   sa32   gmax   syne   btau     hsap   hsap    hsap    mmus    rsal     noli    dmel    ncra    rame    boler    tvol   aful      rpro     dmel    smel     smel     atha     llut   llut    stub    llut     pdeni   halo   pdeni   mbar    taci   paur    tpyr    ttherm  ylip      smel    rcap  paby   mlot     xfas    ssol   aper    ccre    phor   nmeni   nmen   cele   smel   oela    paer   rrub   paur   pflu    paur   hpylo   hpyl   ecol     buch    atum   aaeo     cjej   ek12   ecol   drad   scoe   tthe   pcarot   mtub    tbru    tvol   mjan   mjan   ecol   eo15   ecol    paby    mtherma  mthe    ecol    ek12    ecol   eo15   ecol     mmar    mjan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB0494  =baba                                                                                                                             paby  phor  tmar    aful   rpro     aper    mmaz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB0495  =babebeabebeaeb*ebebebebebevbeaeaebebebebebebe*eb=eabe=b=beba*babeb                                                               paby  phor  tmar    aper   ssol     mmaz    smel      ncra      smel      rpro     acas     taci   tthe    xfas      pdeni     nmen    ylip   nmeni    rame     tvol    tvol      dmel   pinf   mlot   scoe   ccre     rsal   odan    mmus    mpol    drad     croe    atum    smel    oela    hsap     hsap   hpylo     ecol     btau    btau     hpyl     buch     ntab   ngru    paer    ecol     cjej    ecol   ek12    noli    zmay   wmit    mtub    mtub    hvul      aful    taes  aful   taur     eo15    cele   mvir    pflu    ppat   dmel    cele   tmit   osat   ljap    sole   aaeo   atha   rcap    bvul   noli    sa32   pwic     syne    ecol   csyn     plit   dpel   ucri   lgla   atha   ddis   nsyl     taes    aaeo    paby   tlep   halo   mbar   rrub   ppoly   paur    paur     paby    eo15    phor    eo15   ecol   ecol     ttherm  tpyr   ecol   ecol    mthe   mtherma  mtherma  rrub   mjan   mtub   ltar   tbruc    wolb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB0496  =bababeaebae*ebe=eb=b=b                                                                                                           paby  phor  tmar    npcc   aful     tvol    pbor      tvol      synech    ntab     mpol     noli   sole    ssol      mmaz      taci    mvir   atha     stub     osat    zmay      stub   taes   ljap   hvul   oela     rpro   xfas    aper    taes    rsal     atha    atha    dmel    hsap    hsap     smel   smel      btau     phor    rame     ntab     tthe     scoe   paby    drad    paby     buch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0500  =bababab*baba*ababebe*bebeb*abebabebab=babeb=*beb=beb*bebebabobeaebeabab*ebebe                                                    paby  phor  tmar    bhal   bsub     ssol    drad      spne      spne      aper     llac     lmon   csti    saur      mthe      aful    tpal   eaci     eaci     saur    clit      cace   cpas   msme   sa32   scoe     ccre   mlep    rpro    mtub    scoe     mtub    scla    saur    sa32    paer     mlot   buch      baph     pput    smel     atum     hinf     smut   taqu    ecol    smut     pdb|    nmeni  tvol    tvol    nmen   xcam    pmul    scoe    taci      ssol    zmob  car3   xfas     bsub    vcho   axyla   paer    xfas   balc    mjan   bfra   llac   spyo    hpyl   hpylo  saur   ncra    ccre   mgen    saur   ecol     ecol    paer   scer     cbur   scer   atha   bbur   styp   bbur   spom     mpul    uure    mpne   aaeo   ctra   ctra   halo   pflu    atha    atha     cjej    cmur    mlot    halo   cace   sa32     ehis    bhal   ssol   ssol    bsub   spyo     bsub     cace   tmar   llac   spne   spne     rpro    tmar    pyro    sa32     mlot    mhyo   ccre   cace    sseo   alai    mpne    bhal    drad    hvol     aful   sxyl    ctra   dmel    drad   paby    paby   avin    tmar   scer   sa32      vcho   ctep    llac   phor   mgen    atha    atha     mlot    pflu   paer    aaeo    bsub     sole     pput    ppoly    cvib    rpro   spne    spne    taci   eo15    ecol   ppi2    scoe    ecol    bhal   xlae   tvol   atha   aaeo   aaeo   cele    ssol   atum     taci   npcc    hsap       bcep  atha   scoe    atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB0513  =bab=aba                                                                                                                          paby  phor  tmar    mthe   cmur     phor    paby      aful      ctra      car3     paer     aful   aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0532  =ba=a=abababababa*b*b*b*abababababab*bab*abababab                                                                                 paby  phor  bsub    bhal   drad     bsub    mthe      phor      paby      aful     paby     mthe   smel    ssol      bsub      atum    ssol   mjan     ecol     eo15    ecol      mthe   ecol   hinf   hinfl  ypes     bsub   bsub    ecol    pmul    eo15     ecol    ecol    eo15    ecol    eaci     ssol   mthermoa  tvol     rcap    mtherma  rspha    rspha    rcap   eaci    bhal    pdb|     mfor    pdb|   pdb|    eo15    ecol   hinf    rspha   aaeo    rsph      atum    taci  rspha  hpylo    bsub    mlot   saur    tvol    tvol   saur    sput   bsub   bsub   smel    smel   reut   wsuc   taci    atum   hpyl    mvol   ecol     ecol    mjan   smas     pdb|   ek12   ecol   eo15   cper   smel   styp     npcc    ocha    vcho   ecol   cjej   ecol   ek12   ecol    eo15    pmul     eo15    vcho    syne    tlit   ecol   ecol     ecol    eo15   ecol   ecol    mlot   paer     pdb|     pput   paer   sa32   ddes   mtherma  aful    synec   synec   scoe     sa32    paer   cjej   aful    wsuc   amed    mtub    cjej    koxy    mlot     ecol   ecol    eo15   halo    ek12   ecol    sfri   rspha   smel   ccre   sa32      pacid  mtub    mtub   aaeo   ecol    atum    pmul     ssol    ek12   eo15    vcho    pseudom  pseudom  ecol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0559  =bababababebebebebeaebebebebebaebab                                                                                               paby  paby  phor    aaeo   aper     saur    bhal      tvol      paer      tmar     ssol     ecol   nmen    bsub      vcho      taci    nmeni  mtub     drad     ccre    mlep      xfas   xfas   scer   atha   osat     osat   sa32    mlot    fano    fcro     fano    fpri    bmel    atha    ftri     ftri   fpri      fpri     faus    fchl     mcry     fpub     fpal   fbid    smel    cele     pdb|    psat   fcro    fcro    aaeo   dmel    fcro    fcro    spom      atha    halo  fbro   atum     psat    cele   paer    ocun    mmus   mmus    dmel   syne   hsap   hsap    rnor   btau   hsap   car3    aaeo   ggal    lmaj   aaeo     ssol    mmus   cmur     ssol   ctra
PAB0570  =babebebebebabebebeb                                                                                                              paby  phor  tmar    ssol   aper     cace    enid      osat      bsub      bhal     aaeo     atum   paer    osat      cjej      atha    ccre   drad     smel     atha    cglu      syne   sa32   nmen   halo   bjap     nmeni  hpylo   hpyl    paer    mlot     saur    eo15    pflu    ecol    saur     myco   mtub      ecol     spom    buch     xfas     vcho     proc   mlep    scer    pmarinu  sdem    smel   smel    synech  mlot   mlot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0588  =b=a                                                                                                                              paby  tmar  phor    aper   aful     aful    aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB0589  =baba                                                                                                                             paby  phor  tmar    aper   smel     aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0591  =b=abeabebeaebeaeaeaebeae                                                                                                         paby  tmar  phor    aper   aful     halo    bsub      bhal      smel      dnod     drad     eo15   ecol    bhal      vcho      ek12    paer   pmul     pmul     ecol    ecol      ecol   ecol   spom   scer   aful     hinf   bhal    hsap    dmel    mtub     mtub    scer    scer    scer    tvol     spom   cace      mmus     mmus    ucre     mmus     scer     dmel   dmel    ncra    scer     calb    ggal   scer    ggal    mjan   spom    mjan    atha    spom      atha    cele  cace   spom     taci    atha   dmel    dmel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0596  =baba*ba*b                                                                                                                        paby  phor  tmar    aful   aful     mjan    mthe      mthermoa  cace      dgig     ecol     mjan   mjan    mjan      mtherma   rcap    mthe   mthe     mtherma  syne    cace      eo15   rcap   syne   syne   ecol     syne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB0597  =bebea                                                                                                                            paby  tmar  mmus    dmel   scoe     hsap    ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB0601  =babebeb                                                                                                                          paby  phor  tmar    aful   mlot     smel    atha      rspha     atha      asubg    paer     ccre   pput                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB0609  =b=b=bababab=baeabebebebebaeaebebeb                                                                                               paby  cglu  bsub    phor   paby     vcho    bhal      paby      bsub      saur     cjej     saur   hpyl    hpylo     saur      nmen    pflu   paer     pmul     styp    ecol      styp   salm   salm   styp   rtyp     ecol   ecol    ecol    salm    ecol     salm    eo15    ecol    salm    salm     salm   ecol      salm     salm    salm     pmul     halo     pput   bhal    hinf    aful     hinf    pmul   ecol    ecol    bbur   mthe    bsub    sa32    ecol      paer    ecol  ecol   ecol     ecol    ecol   ecol    ecol    eo15   bhal    xfas   drad   pput   rcap    paer   phor   paer   aful    halo   aful    dmel   lpol     aful    aaeo   sa32     syne   mmus   paer   mmus   hsap   vcho   rnor     vpar    cele    vpar   aful   rnor   aful   cele   scoe    sa32    rpro     hsap    hsap    saur    ocun   hsap   hsap     sscr    sscr   xaut                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB0614  =babeb                                                                                                                            paby  tmar  bhal    aper   ssol     smel    ccre      spom      anid      msme                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB0625  =boab                                                                                                                             paby  cace  drad    saur   syne     bhal    lmon      spcc      bfir      bfir     smal     ppi2   mthe    saur      llacti    slug    bsub                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB0626  =bobabebebabebababebabebabebebebebaebebebebebebebeaebaeabab*babaebe                                                               paby  syne  bsub    cace   hpylor   hpylo   hpyl      hfel      saur      saur     smal     ppi2   bhal    bfir      llacti    llac    lmon   smel     pput     drad    eo15      pmir   ecol   paer   rmet   mlot     mthe   halo    bhal    vcho    syne     atum    atha    bsub    atha    ccre     aful   cace      atha     atha    mtub     mtub     saur     atum   mtub    bsub    smel     smel    smel   mthe    tmar    bhal   pmir    rcap    llac    smut      sa32    aful  smel   atum     mtub    atha   mtub    lmon    aaeo   paer    ehir   spne   aper   spne    spyo   paer   sa32   spyo    smel   mlep    cmur   mlot     styp    ctra   synec    sa32   mtub   mlot   cpne   car3   mtub   atha     llac    mtub    sa32   psyr   syne   eo15   halo   sa32    vcho    llac     ecol    atha    ecol    ehir   rbv.   rmet     hfel    syne   hsap   efae    vcho   hinf     oari     oari   tpal   hsap   nmeni  nmen     mthe    atha    aaeo    mlep     hsap    mlep   mtub   mtub    hsap   pmul    mlep    atha    mlep    atha     atha   mlep    hsap   hsap    atum   smel    rleg   hsap    hsap   atha   ecol      hsap   scer    taci   hsap   llac    aper    atha     hsap    ssol   spcc    cjej    paer     pput     tvol    tvol     rcap    espp   ecol    uure    bhal   halo    cjej   hpyl    hpylo   lpne    bcer   aful   gmax   cele   synec  bhal   mpne    atha   atha     afum   beme    beme       cfam  cfam   mmus    hsap    sscr                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0627  =b=b=ab=bababab*ba*babab                                                                                                          paby  tmar  tmar    phor   paby     tmar    vcho      phor      taci      ssol     tmar     tmar   bsub    aaeo      paby      bhal    mlot   bfir     mbar     smel    ssol      ssol   mlot   tmar   tmar   hpyl     bhal   aper    bbur    bbur    ek12     ecol    eo15    hpylo   atum    mlot     oant   bhal      syne     bhal    bhal     mlot     bhal     tmar   styp    ecol    ecol     rhiz    vcho   eo15    atum    eo15   saur    bmel    bhal    ecol      ek12    tmar  bcor   bbur     cace    smel   paer    ecol    spyo   atum    bbur   atum   atum   bbur    bbur   atum   saur   vcho    spyo   syne    eo15   ecol     tmar    mlot   bafz     smel   eo15   sa32   mlot   ecol   ecol   bbur     bbur    atum    saur   smel   atum   bsub   aper   atum    ebac    atum     atum    bsub    bhal    bbur   bgar   vpar     smel    bsub   smel   bsub    atum   cjej     paer     atum   smel   rrhi   tmar   bhal     halo    bbur    bbur    spne     bhal    rsph   mlot   paer    sliv   aful    atum    bbur    smel    mlot     atum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0628  =b=baba=ba=bababababababab=bab=b=bababababababab                                                                                  paby  tmar  paby    phor   tmar     taci    tmar      tmar      vcho      ssol     phor     tmar   mmaz    paby      mlot      ssol    ssol   aful     atum     atum    mlot      bsub   atum   tmar   tmar   aaeo     paer   atum    ssol    smel    smel     atum    bhal    bsub    bsub    smel     bhal   rleg      atum     atum    cace     hpylo    saur     hpyl   atum    pmul    spne     cace    ecol   mlot    scoe    cace   smel    smel    bthu    llac      drad    aper  mlot   mlot     saur    taci   mlot    oant    hinf   bfir    mlot   ek12   eo15   sa32    atum   pmul   atum   taci    vcho   smel    smel   bsub     atum    atum   smel     tmar   smel   bmel   smel   spyo   drad   llacti   llacti  bsub    bhal   bhal   aper   cace   atum   ecol    smel    styp     bhal    lmon    atum    ek12   eo15   ecol     mlot    rhiz   cace   tvol    hpyl   paby     paby     hinfl  smel   ecol   smel   cace     mlot    bbur    ecol    tpep     syne    smel   phor   atum    mlot   vcho    smel    llacti  phor    bsub     tden   atum    mlot   car3    atum   atum    ctra   mlot    atum   aper   llacti    drad   mlep    mlot   cmur   halo    smel    ssol     tmar    mtub   mlot    vcho    atum     bhal     halo    saur     mlot    saur   atum    ssol    sa32   mlot    saur   saur    sa32    mlot    mlot   aper   mlot   halo   scoe   atum   mlot    smel   saur     mlot   smel    mpul       mlot  mpne   mgen    spyo    spyo    scoe   spne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB2363  =b=b=bababababab=bab=ab=babababababababababababab                                                                                 paby  tmar  paby    phor   tmar     vcho    paby      phor      phor      tnea     tmar     tmar   sa32    ssol      tmar      smel    smel   mlot     aper     mlot    atum      ssol   atum   mmaz   atum   bsub     saur   aful    scoe    atum    paby     vcho    llacti  llacti  scoe    bhal     cace   bfir      smel     tmar    mlot     atum     cace     aper   bmel    paby    aper     spne    smel   atum    tmar    phor   mlot    bhal    ssol    syne      tmar    smel  ssol   bhal     tmar    taci   smel    cace    mlot   sa32    mlot   eo15   atum   tpep    atum   synec  ek12   bsub    halo   smel    mlep   taci     mlot    ecol   pmul     tmar   atum   hinfl  ebac   mtub   atum   cace     styp    vcho    tmar   drad   ecol   spyo   ssol   bsub    bsub    ecol     mlot    smel    vcho    bsub   spyo   atum     atum    atum   atum   sa32    atum   cace     tvol     rleg   smel   saur   smel   smel     bhal    mlot    saur    hhep     hpylo   ssol   cace   drad    bhal   atum    mlot    atum    hinf    oant     atum   paer    pmul   lmon    smel   llacti  rrhi   atum    atum   atum   saur      hpylo  hpyl    mtub   paer   llac    smel    atum     taci    lmon   valg    smel    bthu     drad     atum    atum     mlot    cmur   ecol    mlot    mlot   eo15    ecol   car3    saur    atum    mlot   halo   drad   ctra   bhal   scoe   smel    mlot   atum     atum   halo    scoe       atum  vcho   sa32    mpul    smel    mlot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB0630  =b=b=bababa=b=abababa=bababababab=ba=babab=babab=b=b=a=b=babababab                                                                paby  paby  phor    tmar   phor     paby    tmar      tnea      paby      tmar     tmar     ssol   tmar    aful      ssol      aper    vcho   tmar     tmar     aper    phor      cace   hinf   phor   taci   bthu     bsub   ssol    cace    ssol    taci     tmar    ssol    paby    ek12    ecol     eo15   bsub      bsub     bsub    atum     lmon     sa32     tmar   tpep    bhal    sa32     mlot    taci   llacti  tmar    tmar   vcho    styp    tpep    bsub      rhizo   ssol  cace   cace     tmar    llac   drad    bhal    bhal   halo    bhal   phor   tmar   styp    mlot   aper   paby   pmul    scoe   cace    cace   tmed     pmul    sa32   cace     smel   aper   mlot   atum   drad   scoe   ssol     smel    oant    oant   bhal   atum   tmar   saur   paby    smel    tden     smel    bhal    tmar    mlot   tvol   aful     pmul    taci   atum   paby    mlot   saur     tmar     phor   rhizo  smel   smel   hinfl    ecol    saur    tmar    paby     halo    paby   phor   aaeo    paer   sa32    bhal    mlot    sa32    mlot     spyo   spyo    paer   smel    phor   atum    cace   cace    cace   smel   aper      tden   ssol    tmar   tmed   atum    atum    tmar     ctra    bsub   spne    spne    car3     smel     mgen    atum     rleg    mpne   pchr    lwit    styp   sdys    ecol   vcho    atum    smel    tmar   mhom   atum   mpul   mlot   mpul   mlot    rleg   aaeo     smel   valg    pmul       mlot  smel   atum    vcho    atum    ssol   uure    bhal   atum   hinf  hpylo   hpyl   mlot  bhal   mlot   vcho   mbovi  llacti  llac    spyo  tmar   saur   tvol   saur                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB0631  =b=b=a=babab=ba=bababa=abab=b=baba=b=bababababab=b=ababababababababababababababebebeb                                             paby  paby  phor    tmar   phor     tmar    tmar      tmar      phor      paby     phor     tpep   paby    tmar      cace      tmar    tmar   bhal     cace     bsub    aper      aful   vcho   cace   ssol   drad     tmar   cace    paby    bhal    tmar     atum    rhizo   mlot    smel    aper     phor   bbur      taci     aful    hinfl    aper     sa32     saur   pmul    tmar    cace     bhal    sa32   taci    paby    ssol   smel    tmar    ssol    tden      phor    aaeo  phor   saur     styp    ssol   halo    eo15    ecol   smel    tmed   taci   paby   paby    tmar   paby   pmul   bthu    vcho   spne    aper   spne     oant    spne   bsub     aper   tmar   atum   smel   halo   paer   halo     tmar    bsub    bsub   ssol   ssol   mlot   mlot   bsub    rleg    rhizo    hinf    eo15    phor    spyo   paby   ssol     spyo    bsub   tpep   atum    taci   ecol     ecol     smel   atum   smel   smel   mlot     mlot    atum    smel    mlot     atum    cace   smel   llacti  sa32   smel    tmed    cace    mlot    atum     vcho   ctra    mlot   llac    lmon   bhal    tmar   cace    car3   cmur   saur      tmar   bthu    tmar   bhal   cace    bsub    lmon     scoe    atum   cace    tmar    bsub     sa32     ecol    scoe     bhal    ssol   tmar    sa32    hpylo  hpyl    tmar   atum    ecol    halo    spne   aper   atum   atum   aper   mlot   bhal    mlot   mtub     styp   car3    tmar       smel  styp   atum    smel    atum    eo15   smel    pmul   hinf   mmaz  tvol    drad   smel  mlot   llac   scoe   saur   mlot    smel    pmul  ssol   lwit   scoe   pmul    valg    uure    hinf   bhal   mlot   taci    tnea   ssol  atum     tvol   hpylor  hpylo  mpul  hpyl   atum  halo  smel    tvol   aaci  atum   paer   saur  synec  nmeni  cace   cace     nmen   csat   mhom   llac    paer      eo15  ek12    bhal  cvul    ecol   ecol    bhal  mvir  ecol   synec   bsub  bhal  cace   atum   xfas  tmar   pflu
PAB0632  =b*b*b                                                                                                                            paby  phor  xfas    xpv.   xcam     ppol    bpol      acel      pdb|      tcal     cmich    cace   csub    csac      csacc     caldi   tana   cther    cfim     cfim    ccel      cther  ather  cther  cfla   xfas     pflu   pflu                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB0645  =b=bab=eaeaeaeaebebeba=ae=aba=aebaba=ebaeabeb*b=b=ebeaebabababebeb*bebebebabeb*ebebebebebebebe*bebobebebebebebeb                  paby  phor  sa32    paby   cace     tvol    aaeo      syne      phor      pang     mthe     scer   cele    scer      hjec      dmel    ntab   cgla     osat     mjan    calb      stub   atha   calb   calb   taci     atha   lmaj    spom    lmex    spom     ssol    hsap    cace    mtub    atha     atha   syne      hsap     mlep    sa32     bhal     ssol     paby   halo    atha    phor     tvol    cjej   tvol    paby    aful   cele    sant    drad    llac      mthe    cjej  aper   phor     spom    sant   ssol    cele    ssol   ssol    mlot   sviol  hsap   tmar    lbor   cace   syne   lint    athe   tmar    sarg   svir     paby    sblu   sgla     phor   atha   hsap   drad   mmus   hsap   aper     hsap    bpseu   bmal   spne   halo   vcho   llac   sviol   aful    syne     synech  mxan    ssol    sent   spne   ecol     spne    sent   sfle   sent    ecol   ecol     sent     sent   sa32   sent   dmel   ypse     sole    spne    sent    spne     cjej    ypse   spne   sent    speu   lesc    sent    atha    smut    scya     osat   ypse    saci   ytyp    stub   stub    atha   stub    bste   athe   stub      ccel   spne    spne   scer   sgri    sgri    ibat     psat    hvul   cuns    hvul    taes     pfru     spne    taes     efae    zmay   atha    atha    clan   osat    cari   psat    vfab    ibat    ibat   vcho   vfab   cari   bnap   bhal   zmay    osat   osat     ecol   ecol    bvul       cmel  gb|    paer    zmay    bsubsp  taes   lesc    hvul   hvul   zmay  zmay    ecol   scon  styp   sfra   hvul   bsub   stub    atha    sbic  bhal   cari   aaeo   taes    atha    atha    pfru   osat   osat   psat    rnor   lhir  lesc     stub   spom    stub   clan  hsap   cuns  ibat  lesc    ibat   hsap  ibat   psat   taes  bvul   lesc   lesc   pfru     buch   ibat   clan   spyo    cari      ibat  ibat    ctra
PAB0647  =ba=a=a=a=aba=a=ab=                                                                                                               paby  phor  pfur    eaci   taci     tvol    aful      paby      phor      aful     pfur     paby   tlit    pfur      aful      phor    paby   taci     cace     tvol    taci      pfur   aper   phor   phor   aful     ek12   ecol    eo15    paby    pfur     phor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB0648  =ba=b=                                                                                                                            paby  phor  pfur    tmar   aful     phor    cace      paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0657  =babababab                                                                                                                        paby  phor  paby    phor   cace     aful    mjan      ssol      mjan      aper     msme     mtub   aaeo    mlep      mlep      halo    halo   tvol     mpul     cace    ssol      sa32   taci   paer   bhal   llac                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0664  =b=a=a                                                                                                                            paby  paby  paby    phor   tmar     paby    paby      phor      paby      paby     ssol     ssol   ssol    ssol      ssol      paby    phor   paby     ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0676  =bab=b=b                                                                                                                          paby  phor  tmar    mjan   aful     pmul    hinf      phor      atum      paby     bsub     cace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB0677  =bab=ab=bababababab                                                                                                               paby  phor  tmar    mjan   aful     rleg    smel      atum      vcho      vcho     ecol     eo15   ecol    cace      yent      bhal    yent   ypes     mlot     paer    smel      pmul   culc   bhal   cace   phor     aful   bjap    paer    sa32    sdys     tmar    ecol    eo15    bsub    scoe     smel   cdip      pshi     drad    atum     pmul     hinf     vcho   bhal    hpyl    syne     atum    bsub   hpylor  paby    saur   bhal    atum    halo    halo      hvol    llac  bsub   halo     taci    bint   tvol    bsub    bsub   bhal    eo15   syne   ecol   ecol    drad   mlot   saur   saur    bsub   paer    saur   atum     sa32    cjej   smel     spne   bhal   spne   pchr   bhal   pmul   drad     bsub    saur    cace   bhal   saur   drad   saur   saur    cace    atum     ecol    ecol    yent    cdip   pmul   eo15     eo15    spyo   zmob   ccre    sa32   eo15     ecol     spyo   saur   ecol   ecol   ecol     eo15    paer    bsub    ecol     ecol    ecol   sa32   saur    sa32   atum    rleg    rleg    sa32    ssol     cjej   mjan    llac   bsub    ccol   vcho    atum   spne    msme   msme   saur      paer   smel    atum   vcho   spyo    cjej    saur                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB0678  =bab=baba=b=bab=b=b=babababababababababeababababababababababab=b=ab=aba=b=bab=bababababa=ab                                       paby  phor  tmar    aful   mjan     aful    uure      spne      spne      phor     cjej     mlot   drad    mjan      cace      pmul    bsub   mjan     paby     bhal    saur      phor   drad   tmar   saur   aful     bsub   sa32    cace    sa32    spne     bhal    atum    eo15    atum    atum     bhal   hpyl      hpylor   smel    paby     drad     yent     ecol   vcho    bhal    bhal     sa32    rcap   vcho    paer    saur   phor    bsub    paer    syne      rleg    cjej  bsub   paby     cdip    cdip   hinf    mmar    sa32   atum    bsub   rleg   mthe   smel    erhu   bsub   ecol   ek12    spyo   ecol    tpal   bhal     spyo    aful   halo     sgor   cjej   culc   ssol   uure   serr   scoe     ssol    aaeo    mjan   cace   eo15   halo   paer   smel    pchr    sa32     atum    hinf    sxyl    syne   cace   atum     zmob    aaeo   spar   msme    bjap   mjan     mlot     paer   halo   smel   atum   nmen     atum    atum    spyo    mlot     mlot    saur   cpara  ssol    yent   spne    rrhi    spne    tmar    bhal     atum   eo15    ecol   spyo    spyo   vcho    atum   cace    tvol   smel   mthe      mthe   ecol    llac   bsub   synech  saur    vcho     sdys    ssol   spne    eo15    hinf     nmeni    spne    hinfl    saur    smel   bbur    saur    cace   ypes    bhal   llac    spne    smel    hinf   taci   spne   tmar   mjan   saur   spne    ecol   ccre     eo15   smel    ssol       mlot  atum   cace    aful    atum    spne   aful    efaec  cace   spne  tmar    mlot   llac  pmul   bhal   mjan   spne   ccre    car3    spne  mthe   eo15   paby   ctra    phor    mtherm  mlot   cace   ecol   vcho    atum   sphi  cace     bsub   phor    ssol   smel  smel   vcho  aful  phor    smel   pstu  phor   tmar   aful  pmul   paby   spne   halo     scoe   atum   aful   spne    atum      paer  mlot    mjan  saur    spyo   sa32    drad  aper  afer   bhal    bsub  halo  paby   halo   cmur  mpne   smel
PAB0689  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  pfur    bhal   scoe     mlot    smel      taci                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB2366  =bobabebebebe*eb*e*be*o*b*be*obobe*be*eb*bobe*eoe*eoebe                                                                           paby  tmar  bsub    bsub   lsub     bhal    efae      cvector   bsub      bsub     saur     halo   blic    tfd3      vibr      tcal    scer   scer     pbore    abac    dmel      xfas   dmel   smarc  cinte  spom     spom   ggal    dmel    cfam    efer     fcat    sgla    paer    cfam    evector  scon   gb|       ek12     ecol    ecol     dmel     cvector  ecol   ecol    cpfw    eo15     ecol    hror   ecol    dmel    dmel   ecol    sgri    scon    ecol      dmel    btau  hsap   evector  hsap    cfam   btau    hsap    hsap   mmus    hsap   hsap   hsap   ucve    hsap   hsap   hsap   hsap    rnor   hsap    hsap   hsap     hsap    hsap   ratt     hsap   dmel   bmor   bmor   bmor   btau   mmus     rnor    ratt    hsap   dmel   bmor   hsap   dmel   ncra    ncra    scom     snet    btau                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
PAB0719  =bebebebebebebebeb                                                                                                                paby  phor  paby    phor   bhal     bsub    bsub      bhal      cace      syne     synech   tmar   cace    saur      spyo      atha    atha   spne     spne     aaeo    osat      llac   llac   spne   ctra   ctra     spyo   spne    cmur    cpne    car3     ecol    spom    ecol    ek12    eo15     paer   eo15      vcho     vcho    pmul     xfas     scer     ctra   hinf    scoe    dmel     hinf    rgel   pmul    ccre    mlot   smel    zmob    vibr    tbru      hsap    mmus  cjej   scer     hsap    hsap   atum    hsap    eo15   ecol    paer                                                                                                    
PAB0721  =bababa                                                                                                                           paby  phor  tmar    mjan   aful     taci    aaeo      aper      tvol      mtub     ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB0724  =b=baba=                                                                                                                          paby  paby  phor    tmar   tmar     saur    saur      spyo      spne      spne     cace     spne   spne    bsub      bsub      bhal    bhal   cace     cace     llacti  zmob      bhal   ccre   llac   spyo   spne     mfort  bsub    msme    mtub    sa32     saur    smel    mlot    bfra    syne     ecol   drad      atum     bsub    bsub     paby     syne     bhal   sa32    msme    ecol     bsub    paer   sa32    atum    mlot   blic    snat    xfas    smel      smel    cmur  sa32   paer     atum    saur   sa32    snet    eo15   ecol    spne   atum   sspe   halo    ecol   cpne   car3   sspe    smel   sa32    syne   bsub     mlot    tvol   phor
PAB0758  =babababababaea=                                                                                                                  paby  phor  aaeo    mjan   smel     ccre    atum      sa32      mlot      mtub     mlep     sgor   spyo    sa32      spne      spne    mthe   aper     halo     pmul    taci      ecol   eo15   ecol   hinf   paer     aful   hpyl    hpylor  hpylo   vcho     xfas    tvol    tvol    nmen    nmeni    bsub   bhal      buch     ssol    ssol     pviv     mthe     phor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB0760  =bebebebebebebebebebeb                                                                                                            paby  phor  phor    paby   bhal     bsub    tmar      syne      synech    cace     bsub     bhal   cace    spyo      saur      aaeo    llac   atha     spyo     atha    ctra      ctra   cmur   spne   spne   paer     spne   spne    ecol    ecol    llac     scer    spom    hinf    eo15    mmus     vcho   ctra      dmel     vcho    hsap     rgel     hinf     cpne   car3    xfas    eo15     ek12    pmul   osat    ccre    mlot   vibr    pmul    scoe    tbru      atum    eo15  ecol   scer     smel    nmen   pmul    nmeni   hinf   cjej    hsap   hsap   hsap   pflu    paer   vcho                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
PAB0761  =ba=a=abab=baba=ba=ba=bab                                                                                                         paby  phor  bsub    tvol   phor     halo    pfur      taci      tvol      arth     tvol     ssol   ccre    msme      ccre      phor    paer   tvol     paer     paer    reut      cjej   cjej   taci   paby   atum     paer   aful    phor    paer    mlot     ecol    ecol    saur    ssol    paby     bsub   saur      acin     drad    aful     mjan     ypes     atum   hpylo   eo15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB0762  =bvevevbebeb*ebebebebebebebeb                                                                                                     paby  pfur  phor    drad   mxan     apun    apun      pdb|      sscr      hsap     pdb|     hsap   pdb|    ahyd      ahyd      hsap    hsap   hsap     mmus     btau    dmel      upro   cmen   rnor   cmen   fmen     ncap   ddis    atha    atha    atha     dmel    hsap    ccre    dmel    ccre     nmen   mtub      mtub     nmeni   nmeni    mlot     mlac     rhiz   rpro    tbruc   lmaj     tcru    ecol   ecol    eo15    paer   sent    tden    xfas    pseudomo  atha    mlep  rpro   atha     mtub    vcho   mtub    atum    mlot   ccre    smel   rhiz   atha   mlot    mmus   atha   hsap   hsap    rhiz   atha    hsap   spne     spne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB0771  =bababa=a=bababababababab=b*b*ab*b*b*bababa=abeabab=ab                                                                            paby  bhal  bsub    cace   cace     mthe    bant      saur      bsub      bhal     mjan     spne   bpseu   spne      spyo      spne    spyo   spyo     sube     smut    spne      aaeo   spne   llact  mgen   llac     hpyl   sa32    hpylo   mpne    nmeni    nmen    paer    vcho    cjej    xcam     xfas   gxyl      bhal     paer    zmob     paer     alwo     atum   atum    smel    bsub     ccre    pchr   hinf    mlot    aple   mlot    pmul    hduc    smel      ecol    apas  smel   ecol     ecol    bbur   sfle    spne    spne   spne    sent   styp   kpne   kpne    sgor   spne   spne   spne    spne   spne    spne   sora     smit    spne   spne     spne   spne   spne   spne   spne   mtub   mtub     mlep    ecol    sent   drad   sarg   mthe   paby   ssol    aful    halo     phor    ecol    ecol    tmar   syne   bsub     halo    ssol   sviol  ssol    lbor   speu     yent     sant   sant   sblu   lint   tvol     acau    acau    tvol    sgla     scya    halo   llac   ecol    mthe   sviol   aact    ssol    aact    spne     aact   aact    spne   sven    bmal   bhal    gxyl   phor    bpseu  ecol   ecol      sfle   sent    drad   sfle   sgal    sent    ir|      sgri    ecol   sgri    chyd    mjan     xpv.     chyd    sent     sent    sa32   sent    sent    sent   sent    sent   cace    pcarot  sent    sent   halo   sent   tvol   sent   ssol   paby    aful   atum     cgla   aper    xfas       taci  sfle   ecol    paby    ssol    bhal
PAB0772  =b=bab*b=bvb=bababab                                                                                                              paby  phor  bhal    phor   bhal     lbor    lint      mjan      mjan      rpro     bsub     ytyp   ecol    styp      ecol      eo15    toly   ssui     vcho     rpro    vcho      paer   paer   ecol   paer   vcho     lint   ecol    mlot    ahyd    bhal     cace    syne    spne    cace    atum     syne   hinf      pmul     pmul    pmul     spne     pmul     pmul   smel    pmul    smel     ngon    nsub   smel    cjej    ecol   spne    cjej    tros    nmeni     nmeni   nmen  lrha   mlot     lbor    cjej   scoe    ecol    hpyl   lint    sthe   ssubs  hinf   cjej    ssubs  ngon   ngon   gxyl    cjej   bjap    spne   paer     atum    bhal   ngon     ngon   saga   spne   mlot   pmul   cace   bfra     hinfl   sfre    bhal   bhal   hinf   saga   bsub   mlot    cbur    saga     phor    hpylo   npcc    saur   ssui   pmul     ssui    mtub   pmul   saga    syne   pmul     mxan     smut   2aa    bpseu  spne   cjej     bmal    paer    vcho    saga     lint    sa32   vcho   bsub    spne   eamy    efae    spne    scoe    lint     msubs  cace    saga   bfra    cjej   saga    sthe   bhal    aact   aact   cjej      lbor   sa32    mlot   cace   mhua    paby    bsub     ecol    ecol   ecol    aact    sa32     atum     taci    bhal     sthe    lint   lbor    tvol    ssal   lsub    aful   ngon    ypse    ypes    saga   saga   tmar   bsub                                                                                                                                                   
PAB0773  =babvbe                                                                                                                           paby  bper  paer    xpv.   paer     langu   cjej      tmar      mthe      mlot     saur     lsubs  bfra    tmar      pmul      clan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB0784  =bababa*a*b=babab*b*b*babab*bab=b=b=bebebabaebaeb=ebebebe=e=beabebabababab                                                        paby  phor  sarg    tmar   sblu     aful    sgri      sgri      syne      sant     sant     svir   sgla    scya      sviol     tvol    tvol   speu     sfra     sviol   drad      ssol   ssol   aper   chyd   mjan     chyd   srim    paby    phor    scya     ssol    mthe    bsub    halo    tvol     halo   sent      lpne     sent    bhal     sent     sent     sent   sfle    sent    llac     sent    sent   spne    ecol    ecol   ir|     spne    efae    ecol      smut    spne  spne   spne     sent    spne   spne    sent    sent   nmeni   mthe   sgri   xpv.   sent    ccre   nmen   nmeni  halo    sent   lbor    nmeni  athe     lint    rhiz   sspin    ek12   spyo   eo15   taci   bfra   snog   acau     acau    bfra    atum   sfle   cjej   paby   sven   kpne    cace    phor     hduc    paby    gxyl    sgal   mlot   bpseu    osat    ngon   spne   aaeo    ecol   aact     aact     ss88   aact   atha   ntab   smel     aact    aact    drad    ecol     mtherm  save   halo   atha    stub   atha    atha    mtub    ssol    spom     mlep   phor    dmel   cele    sa32   scer    cace   scer    spom   cgla   yent      ssph   sris    cace   snet   vcho    paer    sspe     hsap    hsap   paby    paby    calb     calb     calb    hjec     lmex    lmaj   phor    aaeo    pang   aful    mtub   atha    syne    ssol    cace   mlep   tmar   ssol   bsub   aper   aper    sa32   llac     spne   spne    mxan       syne  bste   halo    bhal    tmar    bhal   tmar    cace   llac   saur  bsub    bhal
PAB0795  =bababab                                                                                                                          paby  cace  aact    cace   ahyd     aful    spne      aful      drad      cace     mthe     cace   efae    cace      cace      cace    svir   ccre     lint     lint    sa32      sa32   lbor   saure  pging                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB0806  =b=ab=beb=ebeb=ebebeb=beab*ba*bebebvebaebebebaebebebeabeaebebebebeabe*bebe*ebebebeaebebebeabebeababe*ea*aebebebebebe*babebebe     paby  phor  phor    paby   tmar     phor    paby      halo      bhal      bfir     paby     vcho   lcru    rflu      mpol      ccor    aaeo   phor     tbav     syne    syne      noli   smel   paby   ppur   cmer     atum   bpseu   ecol    bsub    plit     bsub    smel    ccri    smel    paer     sa32   paby      smel     tmar    ek12     ecol     pwic     ssol   mmaz    mlot    rsal     smel    halo   mjak    smel    rrub   xfas    eo15    csyn    ek12      atum    atha  brap   syne     ecol    atum   wmit    croe    btri   rpro    psyr   mjan   bvul   paer    syne   saur   rame   pmin    buch   nmen    rpro   nmeni    ddeh    sa32   odan     sobl   hpylo  rcap   ccre   mmaz   taes   smel     baci    eaff    hpyl   ngru   ecol   ddis   pres   tvol    saur    saur     agra    lsat    aper    mvir   fagra  pinf     ecol    sass   pdeni  gdio    gchi   taur     eo15     acas   mpol   agra   ecol   ek12     gpro    ssol    bfir    ecol     synec   dbul   cflav  gbru    saur   oela    ncor    gjap    syne    ntab     gtri   gaus    gamo   gmic    gjap   gfer    hcur   ntab    gjap   ylip   ntab      amac   celo    vmal   crei   vesp    tsec    ecol     bsub    eo15   aaeo    hvul    taes     hvul     osat    tlep     ylip    ecol   aqua    cchl    aqua   aten    drad   ljap    taci    crup    acae   zmay   cjej   mvir   mtub   noli   atum    chom   agam     halo   synech  csati      drad  aaeo   zmay    bvul    taci    smel   smel    taci   drad   noli  dvirg   name   ptru  tlat   dpel   bhall  tvol   crip    ssol    calb  dimm   fpus   pinf   saur    saur    tbie    ceug   rcap   tcas   pmin    ttra   trub  vcho     plon   aaeo    hpylo  hpyl  nmeni  nmen  atum  aaeo    ctat   amis  ccri   rpro   mtub  asuu   prou   psyr   ccre     tvol   paer   eegr   acae    tmar      paur  cele    pdum  tthe    fcat
PAB0809  =b=b=beaebe                                                                                                                       paby  phor  phor    paby   cace     aaeo    bmeg      bcer      ehir      paby     llac     phor   mlot    llacti    paer      syne    osat   ssol     mjan     atha    atha      atha   atha   atha   atha   bhal     syne   aori    bpse    syne    amed     bbur    atha    atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB0862  =b=a=a                                                                                                                            paby  phor  paby    paby   paby     paby    tmar      phor      paby      paby     ssol     ssol   ssol    phor      paby      ssol    ssol   ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB0869  =bab=b=a                                                                                                                          paby  phor  bsub    cace   saur     spne    drad      paer      smel      aper     bsub     avar   phor    bhal      cace      saur    paby   paby     pfur     phor    paby      phor   mjan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0873  =bebebaeababebebebabebab                                                                                                          paby  phor  phor    syne   atha     atha    atha      atha      atha      atha     bhal     atha   atha    cace      tvol      tvol    atha   ssol     bsub     ssol    drad      bsub   atha   atha   paer   atum     smel   paer    saur    atum    bsub     mlot    bsub    cjej    drad    zmob     atum   cace      atum     atum    smel     llac     atum     smel   eo15    mlot    bste     mtub    asue   scoe    saur    saur   llacti  mlot    syne    ccre      cjej    cjej  bhal   tbru     bsub    rhiz   llac    spne    sa32   spne    saur   saur   pagg   ecol    ecol   ecol   eo15   bsub    bsub   bsub    synec  pmul     tmar    mlot   halo     ccre   hinf   llact  lusi   atum   mtub   atum     taci    smel    saur   atum                                
PAB2444  =bababaeaebebe=a=a=eb=be                                                                                                          paby  phor  tmar    aaeo   syne     paer    aful      bsub      mjan      taci     ssol     tvol   xfas    mthe      ntab      aper    atha   hvul     mlot     smel    mmus      hsap   spom   dmel   sa32   cele     scer   phor    mjan    paby    aful     halo    phor    spom    rrub    paby     rrub   atha      atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0890  =babebebebaeaeabeaebababab=babebebebebebebebaebeb                                                                                 paby  aaeo  bhal    tmar   npcc     maer    bsub      syne      nmen      nmeni    drad     ccre   llac    llacti    vcho      mjan    cjej   hinfl    hinf     buch    baph      xfas   eo15   ek12   saur   pmul     ecol   baph    baph    baph    baph     lpenn   baph    atha    baph    baph     baph   baph      baph     baph    baph     atha     lpenn    baph   mthe    atha    aful     gmax    mthe   mjan    baph    baph   atha    aful    atha    atha      styp    mjan  mthe   baph     tthe    ssol   spne    ssol    zmob   aaeo    avin   avin   spne   avar    gdia   avar   achr   paby    phor   paby    rspha  ssol     faln    frank  rcap     cace   tmar   smel   tthe   scer   scer   mlot     saur    pchry   syne   ylip   cace   kpne   pagg   spom    kpne    kpne     scoe    atum    sa32    drad   anab   sa32     scer    scer   rmel   spom    cpas   smel     scer     cglu   cglu   paer   mlot   tvol     ncra    mlep    paer    cace     abra    scer   synec  cace    cace   hinfl   hinfl   mlep    mtub    mtub     pstu   cpas    pput   bhal    bsub                                                                                                                
PAB0891  =bababeb=abaebebebebebebebebebeb*bebe*e*e*e*e*bebebeb                                                                             paby  aaeo  cace    tmar   mthe     mjan    mthe      aful      tmar      drad     aful     mjan   tthe    atha      atha      drad    phor   paby     ssol     atum    sa32      tthe   halo   spom   smel   smel     tthe   aaeo    bsubs   buch    rpus     mlep    mlep    scer    baph    atei     baph   bhal      mtub     umay    bsub     cace     spom     pbla   ylip    pbla    baph     scer    cmal   mlot    mcir    rniv   vcho    baph    baph    llac      ecol    pmul  7aa    baph     eo15    ek12   hinf    enid    baph   llacti  baph   baph   baph   ecol    baph   baph   nmen   cjej    nmeni  saur    baph   afum     baph    paer   baph     baph   baph   baph   lstr   baph   sgor   ccre     xfas    baph    baph   baph   baph   styp   baph   syne    styp    avin     scer    scer    syne    dmel   ggra   spom     spom    ater   dpul   scer    dmel   scer     piro     cele   cele   dmel   hsap   hsap     hsap    hsap    sscr    mmus     ncra    btau   hsap   btau    reut   rnor    xlae    eo15    ecol    ek12     cjej   paer    pmul   vcho    hsap   hpyl    hpylo  hpylor  nmen   nmeni  xfas      nmeni  scer    syne   lpne   xfas    drad    ecol     atum    maviu
PAB0892  =bababa=a=bebabebebebebebebeb                                                                                                     paby  aaeo  aaeo    cace   aful     mjan    tmar      mthe      aful      tmar     mthe     paby   mjan    ssol      phor      drad    tthe   cpas     drad     atha    enid      atha   scer   scer   atha   osat     afum   spom    mlot    aaeo    atum     ccre    syne    smel    vcho    llacti   sgor   halo      cace     tthe    rniv     pbla     bhal     cmal   saur    pbla    cjej     eo15    7aa    ylip    scer    pmul   spom    styp    ecol    rpus      bsub    umay  hinf   nmen     baph    nmeni  paer    baph    reut   ecol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB2424  =bab*bababab*b*beb*b*b*beb*beb=bebebeba=bvebebebebebebebebeoebobeoebeoeoeoeaebebaebeaeb*aebe                                      paby  sa32  cglu    mlep   mtub     mbov    ecol      mjan      mjan      eo15     sarom    atum   smel    pput      mlot      mjan    aful   mjan     rvit     mthe    rvit      mthe   rvit   rvit   rvit   bhal     aaeo   bsub    bsub    tmar    bcoa     n20%    bcoa    pdb|    cjej    cpas     taqu   pdb|      tthe     pdb|    taqu     vcho     bhal     cace   bsub    eo15    ek12     ecol    styp   lbor    cace    baph   baph    baph    bfra    llacti    bcal    pmul  hinf   atha     baph    paby   paer    baph    atha   paer    atha   llac   baph   baph    styp   bnap   atha   drad    bmeg   saur    baph   buch     baph    baph   xfas     baph   baph   ssol   phor   syne   spne   baph     llac    xfas    nmen   nmeni  baph   tthe   taqu   baph    stok    scer     baph    afer    mfas    cmac   btau   dmel     nlac    hsap   spom   spla    hsap   hsap     spla     atha   ccre   ntab   cboi   atha     osat    stub    atum    stub     atum    cmal   zrou   cmal    cmal   cmal    evecto  pnod    kohm    scer     drad   cvec    lpne   scer    pang   ncra    klac   zbai    cvect  scer   mlot      smel   klac    ncra   calb   crug    pano    pjad     cvecto  ntab   kmar    iexp    sexi     cvector  scer    anig     mgra    tvol   pchrys  atha    atha   achry   atha   anig    ntab    avin    cele   atha   llac   ssal   taci   spom   acap    sgor   spom     mfas   cele    scer       hsap  hsap   hsap    hsap    aper    hsap   bsub    cnob   cnob   sste  hsap    taqu   pmul  mfas   rnor   rnor   rnor   mmus    hsap    hsap  hsap   spom   hsap   lesc    hsap    hsap
PAB0894  =babab=b=b=babebebebebebebebebebebebebab                                                                                          paby  aaeo  tmar    syne   ssol     sa32    cace      smel      mlot      synec    mjan     mthe   aful    mjan      mthe      aful    mjan   mthe     ssol     bhal    bsub      phor   ecol   ek12   paby   eo15     llac   llacti  aaeo    baph    saur     tmar    hinf    baph    hinfl   buch     vcho   baph      pmul     paby    baph     syne     ssol     ccre   atha    maer    drad     xfas    zmob   avar    baph    atha   npcc    nmen    atha    baph      nmeni   baph  baph   baph     tthe    baph   baph    avar    baph   baph    baph   spom   gdia   ylip    gmax   cjej   scer   scer    lpenn  frank   pchry  faln     baph    baph   atha     drad   atha   styp   atha   lpenn  avin   kpne     avin    rcap    pagg   baph   kpne   kpne   ncra   rspha   tthe    spne     achr    spne    scer    abra   paer   anab     tvol    saur   cace   cpas    mtub   mtub     scoe     cace   cpas   sa32   shyg   pput                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB0895  =bababababababebebebebab                                                                                                          paby  tmar  cace    mjan   aaeo     bhal    mtherm    bsub      aful      saur     mthe     cjej   ssol    mtub      mlep      mlot    syne   spne     aper     drad    slt2      ecol   smel   eo15   mlot   ek12     ecol   atum    xfas    ccre    paer     baph    hinf    pmul    upro    sa32     scoe   baph      ecol     nmen    vcho     nmeni    cglu     buch   spom    atha    baph     atha    baph   llac    llacti  scer   spom    cace    cpas    smel      mlot    cdif  smel   smel     sa32    sa32   bcer    smel    atum   ccre    atum   mlot   smel   atum    scer   ccre   ccre   zmob    paer   paer    xfas   nmen     nmeni   ecol   ecol     ecol   ecol   smel   atum   mlot   atum   ek12     vcho    ecol    hpyl   hpylo  mfer   ecol   ecol   ccre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB0910  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  eo15    ek12   ecol     aper    ssol      pmul      hinf      vcho     nmen     nmeni                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB0927  =baebaebebebebeb=eb=eabababab                                                                                                     paby  phor  tmar    paer   vcho     pmul    hinf      aful      mcry      atha     cmur     ctra   cpne    car3      hpyl      smel    hpylo  atum     sa32     mthe    hsap      cgri   6aa    hsap   fcat   rnor     cgri   hsap    fcat    cgri    cgri     mmus    mmus    6aa     cgri    cele     rnor   6aa       cele     smel    scer     dmel     mlot     cjej   ncra    nmen    mmus     hsap    mtub   cele    tbru    lmaj   tbru    cele    mmus    sa32      drad    ssub  paby   cele     saur    cace   mtub    mtub    saur   mlep    phor   cele   mthe   bsub    bhal   halo   aful   atum    mjan   tmar    halo   ddeh                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB0929  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  car3    cmur   ctra     vcho    hinf      pmul      aful      aful     paer     tmar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1010  =bababa                                                                                                                           paby  phor  bhal    llac   drad     ucre    ssol      saur      bsub      bsub     mthe     paer   tvol    aful      aper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1020  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  aaeo    aful   mthe     mjan    aper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB1021  =babaeae                                                                                                                          paby  phor  tmar    atum   mlot     aper    rvit      smel      smel      rvit     atum     paer   smel    mext      ssol      mfas    dmel   taci     tvol     cele                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB1026  =b=a=ab=bababababa=abab=ababababababababababababab                                                                                paby  phor  tmar    paby   halo     hsal    phor      halo      cace      phor     paby     bhal   halo    tmar      hsal      hsal    hsal   tmar     paer     tmar    bhal      hval   hval   syne   bhal   hsal     paer   hsal    halo    paby    halo     bhal    cace    hsal    bhal    phor     hsal   halo      tmar     tmar    paer     hsal     hsal     halo   bsub    bsub    halo     halo    micr   hsal    cace    paer   cace    halo    hsal    halo      nphar   hsal  bsub   bsub     halo    hsal   bsub    bhal    paer   hsal    paer   hsal   paer   cace    halo   bsub   bsub   vcho    paer   halo    hsal   halo     hsal    aful   vcho     vcho   vcho   paer   cace   paer   mxan   paer     cace    cace    cace   cace   vcho   aful   cace   paer    smel    eo15     paer    ecol    hsal    atum   cace   bhal     ecol    hsal   styp   syne    vcho   syne     synech   vcho   pput   ecol   ecol   eo15     ppv.    ecol    ecol    bhal     atum    bsub   paer   paer    vcho   eo15    ecol    vcho    vcho    drad     cther  rcen    vcho   cace    vcho   cace    dvul   pput    paer   ecol   cace      rleg   ecol    vcho   paer   raqu    ecol    vcho     vcho    vcho   bbur    atum    eo15     bhal     ecol    ccre     cace    eaer   styp    dvul    bsub   cace    bbur   styp    styp    paer    hpylo  vcho   atum   rcap   cace   xfas   vcho    cace   vcho     drad   atum    hpyl       vcho  vcho   ccre    drad    ccre    tden   vcho    vcho   vcho   paer  cace    atum   bhal  rals   bhal   cace   ccre   ccre    paer    bhal  ccre   vcho   cace   vcho    cace    ecol    cace   vcho   dgig   atum    cjej   cjej  cace     cjej   vcho    atum   smel  smel   cace  smel  smel    pput   vcho  vcho   cjej   atum  atum   mxan   cace   vcho     paer   atum   rspha  vcho    ccre      rbv.  pput
PAB1029  =bababab                                                                                                                          paby  phor  bhal    mjan   pmul     vcho    syne      aaeo      ecol      eo15     tmar     mthe   halo    mthe      tpal      bbur    halo   mthe     mthe     ssol    taci      ssol   bhal   smel                                                                                                                                                        
PAB1035  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  tmar    mthe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1041  =babab=ba                                                                                                                         paby  phor  aaeo    mthe   aful     sa32    ssol      taci      mlep      msme     mtub     phor   aaeo    aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1050  =babebebebvebebebe*ebebe                                                                                                          paby  tmar  aful    mtub   bhal     atha    atha      hsap      hsap      drad     atha     mlep   osat    mmus      atha      bsub    eviru  cviru    spom     llac    saur      ek12   scer   scer   eo15   sa32     paer   atum    atha    drad    atha     ydis    osat    atha    atha    atha     paer   osat      atha     saur    atha     atha     atha
PAB1056  =bebebebebabababebebebebaebaebebebebe                                                                                             paby  phor  saur    tmar   atha     atha    bjap      atha      spyo      spne     atha     spne   atha    llac      aamb      aper    scoe   bhal     stok     aful    spne      bsub   ssol   spne   tfoe   bsub     bsub   cele    cele    cele    scer     scer    pthi    hsap    dmel    mtub     spom   ecol      sa32     ecol    halo     dmel     cele     cele   spom    bhal    halo     mmus    mtub   mmus    hsap    requ   dmel    hsap    mmus    aaeo      dmel    dmel  cele   bant     cjej    dmel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB1077  =baebebaebaebebebaeb*ba                                                                                                           paby  phor  tmar    ssol   atha     syne    cneo      fneo      ntab      fneo     aaeo     taci   spom    camm      tvol      tvol    zrou   atha     vaco     cgla    nmen      nmeni  cace   scoe   bhal   bsub     mtub   llac    calb    calb    scer     mlep    saur    llacti  vcho    scer     cboi   docc      xfas     ccre    mjan     pmet     spyo     spne   spne    paer    smel     paer    atum   pmul    hinfl   mlot   drad    ssui    hinf    ecol      cjej    bmel  msmi   mthe     mtherm  halo   aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1085  =bebebebebebebebebabebabababababoabebebeb*b*bebebababababaebe*ebebebebabebebebebeb*bebebebebebebebebebebebebe                     paby  bhal  bsub    bsub   cace     aaeo    spyo      llac      saur      clanc    tmar     syne   atha    cace      bnap      spne    spne   atha     bhal     bmeg    bnap      bnap   bsub   bnap   bmeg   blic     vcho   vcho    bther   mlot    atha     atum    bhal    pdb|    nmeni   nmen     ssol   bsub      bmeg     hpylo   bnap     hpyl     cjej     smel   bmeg    vhar    bsub     ecol    tvol   eo15    aper    bsub   bmeg    ecol    drad    tvol      bmeg    styp  bmeg   bsub     bsub    mlot   ssol    taro    ssol   drad    paer   mlot   taci   bsub    cmur   rpro   atum   atum    rn33   bhal    rpro   pfal     aact    tmar   bmeg     smel   bmeg   bmeg   atha   ccre   saga   car3     ccre    smel    scoe   smel   bhal   oflo   paer   bsub    smel    smel     mgri    tmar    hinf    pmul   cace   tmar     paer    ctra   smel   pabi    apar   bsub     cace     atum   paer   paer   smel   taci     mmari   smel    rleg    zmob     zram    taci   ssph   cace    ssol   pchr    scya    smel    atum    acine    taci   mlot    ccre   atum    retl   taro    sa32   aful    atha   xfas   scoe      rhiz   scoe    eo15   chet   aalt    laqu    atha     scol    micr   atha    mtub    atum     sant     ecol    bhal     mlot    sris   ecol    rery    sxyl   mtub    ccre   mlot    rpal    p61-    pput   atha   atha   mlot   atum   buba   atum    mlot   eo15     ecol   tvol    streptomy  vcho  mlot   atha    rnor    hsap    cpor   hsap    avino  kpne   mmus  kpne    atha   mlot  atha   hsap   atum   eo15   smel    smel    hsap  ek12   aprot  ecol   mmus    mmus    taro    rspha  eo15   euba   saure   cele   spom  hchi     mlot   buch    mmus   mmus  mxan   aaeg  atum  aaeg    ctes   gmax  syne   ctro   ecol  cace   spom   atha   pham     gmos   smel   ctro   rhodob  pseudomo  bsub  smel    hsap  atum    bps1   bsub    scoe  ggal  cbei   afum    bsub  rnor  ratt   ncra
PAB1107  =bebaebeaeobabebebeboboaba=b=                                                                                                     paby  phor  mlep    mtub   mtub     mlep    tmar      mtub      bhal      umar     hsap     hsap   hsap    hsap      mmus      dmel    hsap   tmar     syne     aful    dmel      mlot   dmel   dmel   hsap   hsap     aper   ssol    hsap    ppsx    ppi2     saur    taci    atum    afer    bsub     bhal   osat      smarc    pmul    osat     koxy     saur     atha   atha    amul    ecol     ecol    pput   pr77    paer    hinf   pr46    mjan    mtub    vcho      tvol    paby  yent   cjej     eo15    paer   ek12    sa32    phor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1125  =bebebebebeb                                                                                                                      paby  phor  bsub    bhal   tmar     aaeo    drad      cace      hsap      hsap     hsap     nmen   nmeni   vcho      ccre      ecol    ecol   pmul     eo15     hsap    smel      paer   rpro   mmus   atum   mlot     cmur   ecol    ecol    ecol    ctra     eo15    dmel    spom    tbru    paer     xfas   car3      cele     scoe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1139  =ba=ba=b*babababababebab                                                                                                          paby  phor  bhal    mthe   ssol     phor    paby      bsub      ssol      paby     bper     tmar   saur    saur      lmon      mlot    tmar   drad     bhal     scoe    bsub      mlot   smel   smel   atum   atum     zmob   zmob    ccre    ctes    ssol     sa32    mlot    langu   amed    bhal     ssol   sgri      atum     pput    atum     mlot     mlot     mlot   bhal    smel    paer     smel    mlot   bcep    sfre    bhal   smel    rbv.    atum    atum      smel    bhal  taci   atum     smel    smel   ccre    sa32    smel   cace    spne   rbv.   spne   mlot    spne   taci   atum   smel    tvol   atum    sarg   llac     atum    mlot   spne     pmul   mmus   mlot   pmul   syne   vcho   saur     smel    smel    cace   mlot   atum   syne   taci   rhiz    scya    bsub     bsub    mlot    smel    smel   atum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1162  =baba                                                                                                                             paby  phor  bhal    bsub   mjan     tmar    paer      aaeo      bhal      tvol     aful     taci   ssol    aper      ssol      aper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1172  =bababebebebebebebebebeb=ebabe                                                                                                    paby  phor  tmar    bhal   bsub     saur    taci      tvol      aper      ssol     aaeo     halo   ccre    drad      cele      syne    osat   scoe     fano     apla    stub      atha   fpri   ggal   fpri   fpri     ggal   paer    dmel    ftri    mlot     paer    hx      xfas    asat    bmel     smel   atum      atha     atha    calb     scer     psat     spom   mlep    hsap    hsap     ecol    hsap   eo15    ecol    ecol   mtub    nmeni   tthe    bbact     phor    paby  mmus   bsub     tmar    aper   bhal    rnor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1190  =b=a=bababababebeaebababababebebeabeb                                                                                             paby  phor  cace    paby   phor     aful    paby      phor      tmar      mjan     ssol     smel   aper    mlot      atum      bhal    saur   taci     aaeo     halo    tvol      apyr   scer   paer   hsap   ssol     mmus   syne    mlot    bsub    tmar     tvol    aper    ecol    eo15    ecol     ek12   paer      bhal     taci    buch     drad     nmen     mthe   hinf    pmul    cace     nmeni   cmur   afer    mtub    taci   spne    spne    hduc    ccre      mlep    dmel  atha   ctra     ctra    bmor   sa32    cjej    dmel   tvol    atum   spyo   zmob   rpro    scer   gint   gint   scer    uure   tthe    vcho                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB1213  =b=ba                                                                                                                             paby  phor  paby    tmar   phor     tpal    aaeo      eaci      mjan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB1214  =bababebebebebebebebeaeb=be=babe=beb                                                                                              paby  phor  paby    pyro   phor     tmar    tpal      aaeo      afer      ecol     eo15     ek12   eo15    ecol      kaer      paer    vcho   abra     xfas     ccre    mthermoa  ecol   ecol   eo15   taci   abra     tvol   cace    zmob    pflu    ecol     paer    tmar    ecol    mlot    mlep     smel   mtub      sa32     cace    rcap     rspha    rspha    osat   scoe    eo15    msat     ek12    drad   smel    bsub    msat   atha    ecol    btau    eo15      vcho    syne  scer   scer     dmel    dmel   sscr    pbor    pdb|   pdb|    ncra   rnor   mlot   bhal    cele   spom   cele   hsap    hsap   cace    atum   cjej     llac    dmel   aper     pfal   saur   cglu   avino  pmio   bhal   phor     xcam    cele    paby   retl   taci   llac   tmar   drad    drad    sfon     paby    bhal    mtub    sa32   zmob   mtub     rnor    sa32   saur   bsub    mlep
PAB1224  =bab=beb=e=abeb=b                                                                                                                 paby  phor  phor    paby   bhal     vcho    halo      vcho      phor      bhal     paer     ecol   bsub    mmus      tmar      pmul    bsub   paby     dmel     phor    mthe      tmar   hsap   spyo   paby   drad     cace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB1226  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  aaeo    mjan   aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1246  =babobebebebebeab                                                                                                                 paby  bsub  scapr   ssol   saur     saur    sepi      llac      llac      eo15     ek12     scoe   ypes    ypes      ppwq      cace    sa32   llac     ccre     atha    atum      syne   atha   atha   bhal   atum     atha   mlot    atha    ecol    atha     ssol    ecol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
PAB1247  =b=b=b=abebebaebebebeabababebaebebebebebaebeabebabeb                                                                              paby  phor  phor    paby   cace     bmeg    bcer      llacti    phor      llac     paby     ehir   syne    aaeo      mlot      bbur    phor   paby     mjan     paer    amed      atha   atha   pcel   aori   atha     atha   svir    ssol    atha    syne     atha    atha    saur    bhal    osat     scer   atha      syne     spom    aful     paer     ccre     pput   rpro    smel    bsub     slav    wend   mthe    eo15    ecol   smel    mlot    drad    aaeo      scoe    cjej  drad   vcho     bsub    hinf   ssol    mmag    atum   magn    hpylo  atha   atha   ccre    aaeo   bpse   hpyl   sa32    ecol   eo15    nmeni  ytyp     nmen    paer   ecol     sa32   xfas   mlot   aper   atha   smel   gthe     eo15    ecol    sa32   atha   mxan   atha   sa32   atum    atha    mtub     mthe    atha    ccre    atha   tvol   kaer     atha    mlep   aful   taci    cjej   atha     hpyl     hpylo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
PAB1274  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  bsub    bhal   drad     aful    sa32      aaeo      paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB1292  =babababababababababebabebeb                                                                                                      paby  phor  pwoe    pfur   pyro     tmar    tmar      mthe      mjan      halo     mmar     mmar   llac    lrha      cace      bcer    spyo   spne     bsub     bhal    mvol      bsub   drad   saur   saur   tvol     tvol   ldel    taci    hvol    bhal     saga    sa32    ecol    ecol    ssol     ssol   ecol      pdb|     styp    mtub     mlep     sros     rmel   aful    styp    aaeo     abra    smel   mlot    atum    ecol   vcho    faln    aper    cglu      faln    eger  scoe   hpylo    paer    hser   rrub    hinf    svir   amed    pvulg  hpyl   cjej   pmul    mlep   ppv.   saci   ngon    avin   ngon    syne   hpylor   valg    nmeni  nmeni    mtub   sben   ngon   nmeni  astr   nmeni  nmeni    nmeni   nmen    calo   nmeni  cglu   nmeni  sstr   npcc    anab    cglu     svio    ccre    nlac    npha   nmuc   ncin     aazo    nfla   npol   synech  synec  rcap     acau     synec  rleg   mcaps  vcho   rspha    spcc    afer    xfas    mlot     styp    mlot   ssol   smel    atum   xcit    4aa     synec   svio    mlot     mlot   paer    paer   paer    smel   ccre    smel   atum    paer   atum   atha      sa32   pput    ssol   acine  mlot    atum    smel     ccre    paer   mtub    bjap    ecol     eo15     ecol    bgra     mlot    paer   vitr    smel    hsap   hsap    ncra   enid    ecol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB1296  =bababababababa                                                                                                                   paby  phor  paby    phor   phor     paby    sa32      sa32      bhal      mtub     mtub     tmar   aper    bhal      aper      sa32    bsub   aful     mlot     ccre    aaeo      sspa   paer   syne   syne   halo     mtub   mtub    bbur    ccre    taci     drad    bbur    mlep    tvol    paer     xfas   atum      vcho     paer    smel     mlot     drad     maviu  avino   mtub    paer     hmet    mext   pdeni   aper    mthe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1302  =bababaebabababab*bebebeb                                                                                                         paby  phor  bhal    cace   bsub     ssol    aper      tmar      tvol      tfus     taci     spom   scer    vcho      saur      aful    bbur   ccre     smel     atum    mlot      rpro   bbur   halo   spyo   mthe     mtub   spne    sa32    spne    mlep     llac    paer    mjan    cmur    vcho     eo15   ek12      ctra     ecol    aaeo     hinf     buch     nmen   nmeni   atha    atha     syne    cele   drad    xfas    syne   xlae    car3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1308  =baba=ababab=babababababababababababababababababababababababab*babab                                                              paby  phor  paby    phor   paby     phor    tmar      nphar     halo      cace     tmar     bhal   bhal    bhal      bhal      hsal    paby   hval     hval     cace    bsub      cace   bsub   bhal   halo   aful     mxan   aful    tmar    phor    tmar     cace    hsal    tmar    halo    syne     cther  syne      synech   halo    bhal     hsal     cace     cace   hsal    halo    cace     cace    hsal   hsal    cace    rrhi   hsal    tmar    bsub    halo      bsub    halo  atum   pput     atum    bsub   syne    bsub    hsal   halo    bsub   rrhi   bhal   cace    rals   vcho   halo   paer    hsal   styp    hsal   vcho     cace    paer   vcho     eaer   hsal   bhal   smel   ppv.   smel   bhal     halo    drad    atum   hsal   raqu   vcho   paer   hsal    eaer    atum     vcho    bhal    ccre    paer   eo15   halo     ecol    ecol   cace   ecol    ecol   eo15     bbur     vcho   ecol   drad   xfas   vcho     cace    cace    paer    hpyl     halo    vcho   hpylo  atum    hsal   paer    styp    styp    vcho    atum     drad   vcho    hsal   hsal    dgig   hsal    ecol   bsub    vcho   halo   cace      ccre   cace    vcho   cjej   hsal    tden    bsub     smel    paer   atum    atum    smel     tpal     smel    smel     tpal    micr   eo15    bsub    rleg   paer    atum   halo    rrhi    paer    atum   smel   rleg   cace   atum   paer   cace    bhal   tden     ccre   cace    atum       ecol  hsal   vcho    ccre    atum    vcho   ecol    tden
PAB1314  =bab=b=bob=bab=b*ab=babab=b                                                                                                       paby  phor  sa32    scoe   llac     sepi    saur      saur      eo15      ek12     saura    mlot   scapr   ypes      ypes      bsub    llac   bant     sdysg    bhal    scoe      spyo   spyo   spyo   spyo   spyo     ssol   spyo    cace    paer    cace     smel    cace    sube    paby    smel     smel   4aa       aaeo     ytyp    paer     hinf     lint     ssui   paer    phor    npcc     cace    cace   ssui    smel    smel   splas   smel    vcho    ecol      vcho    phor  atum   halo     cjej    bsub   paby    llacti  spne   toly    ssol   saga   mlot   spne    spne   atum   syne   ssui    paby   paer    lint   spne     cace    ecol   mlot     retl   cjej   spne   nmeni  syne   sthe   saga     mlot    cjej    mthe   cjej   spne   spne   sthe   bhal    hinfl   mthe     saga    ecol    saga    ngon   ecol   eo15     sa32    phor   cjej   sa32    cjej   pmul     sa32     cjej   smel   sfre   bsub   hpyl                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1317  =bababab                                                                                                                          paby  phor  aaeo    aful   ssol     aper    tmar      mjan      hpyl      halo     hpylo    spne   eo15    spne      fjoh      saur                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1324  =babababea=b=eaebebaeaeba*ebebebebebebebe                                                                                         paby  phor  tmar    mthe   sa32     drad    mtub      sa32      cdif      plum     smel     ccre   mlep    cace      ecol      atum    ecol   vcho     pmul     halo    mpul      mlot   syne   xfas   mjan   ngon     nmeni  nmeni   nmen    nmeni   nmeni    nmeni   nmeni   spom    aful    ssol     paby   maviu     phor     mmus    hsap     mmus     hsap     hsap   dmel    aper    cele     rpro    aaeo   mlot    zmay    hsap   atha    atha    atha    pfal      paer    smel  retl   mthe     cele    dmel   cele    tvol    dmel   sa32    taci   emb|   drer   lmaj    cele   cele   hsap   hsap    cele   hsap    hsap   cele     cele    cele   dmel     cele   mmus   mmus   mmus   mmus   cele   dmel     dmel    mmus    hsap   vcho   vpar   mmus   ecol   tmar    pmul    bhal     xfas    hinf    paer    rpro   spne   tmar     mlot    paer   spne   hsap    buch   spyo     hsap     hsap   hsap   dmel   cele   bbur     xfas    lmaj    ecol    atum     buch    avar   tpal   pcil    atha   atha    mmus    zmay    bhal    zmay     osat   zmay    llac   atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB1330  =bababababababeba=aeb=b*ba*bebebebab*bab*babebab                                                                                  paby  phor  tmar    aful   bhal     bsub    bhal      cace      mxan      lmon     bsub     cace   tden    hsal      tpal      drad    cace   bbur     bbur     aful    aful      spne   tmar   sa32   bbur   syne     sa32   spyo    aful    pstu    aful     cace    mtub    mtub    scoe    drad     paer   aful      saur     mlep    sa32     vpar     bhal     llac   llacti  sa32    bhal     bhal    paer   vcho    bbrev   sliv   tmar    gthe    cace    hsal      paby    halo  ppur   paer     sa32    sthe   pput    bsub    bhal   pput    bsub   cace   phor   bsub    sa32   toly   avin   sa32    cace   scoe    bhal   nmen     stherm  ecol   bsub     cace   bsub   vvul   bsub   pflu   sa32   syne     bhal    cjej    pviri  xfas   aful   pdb|   bcir   hpylor  synec   hpylo    bhal    hpylor  cpas    hpyl   pchl   bsubsp.  bsub    bsub   cpas   pflu    pflu   bbrev    rvio     bsub   ppv.   spyo   bhal   spyo     paeru   sa32    paer    cpara    sa32    scoe   cace   saur    psyr   bsub    sa32    cace    cjej    bsub     bsub   llacti  bthu   aful    aful   llacti  sa32   ecol    smut   ecol   ecol      sa32   saur    cace   spne   paer    spne    syne     bsub    pflu   paer    pflu    mthe     bthu     eaci    bpseu    cbei    bhal   vcho    cace    cace   bsub    vcho   cdif    cace    mxan    cdif   tmar   bhal   cace   atum   bhal   smel    bhal   toly     sa32   ccre    cace       pflu  mthe   drad    bhal    mlot    mlot   sa32    paer   sa32   scoe  eo15    ecol   sa32  rcen   scoe   syne   bhal   paer    syne    smel  gb|    ecol   styp   eo15    bhal    sa32    rrub   smel   bmeg   pmul    cjej   cdip  pcaroto  xfas   smel    vcho   mlot  bhal   vcho  pmul  saur    vcho   amed  mxan   anab   mxan  calb   hinf   sa32   rsol     styp   ccre   mthe   bbro    4aa       abra  atum    paer  bsub    abra   aaeo
PAB1331  =babab*bab=b*bab*beb                                                                                                              paby  phor  tmar    paer   bhal     aful    cace      ecol      eo15      styp     ecol     ecol   eclo    ccre      bsub      smel    smel   atum     hsal     halo    vcho      vpar   pput   paer   paer   pput     tpal   ccre    rcen    rspha   vcho     bbur    smel    mxan    mlot    paer     bbur   yent      smel     tmar    lmon     aful     cace     mxan   phor    paby    smel     bhal    bhal   sa32    bsub    bsub   cace    bbrev   bcir    bsubsp.   bste    sa32  sa32   bhal     bsub    sa32   sa32    mlep    sa32   scoe    bsub   sa32   bsub   mtub    drad   mtub   vvul   spne    sa32   ccel    sa32   cace     sa32    cdif   ecol     tden   ecol   sa32   sa32   cdif   paer   bsub     hsal    stherm  rsol   cace   sa32   bhal   mtub   bmeg    nmen    cace     bhal    bmeg    bhal    vcho   cpas   cpas     cace    efae   bsub   bbrev   bhal   mtub     bhal     mtub   tpal   mtub   mlep   gthe     sa32    scoe    drad    cace     sa32    bant   sa32   bant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB1332  =bab*babeb                                                                                                                        paby  phor  tmar    aful   tmar     hpylo   hpylor    hpyl      bhal      bsub     cace     cjej   bcer    vpar      paer      lmon    pput   bcer     vcho     halo    hsal      bbur   mxan   pput   vcho   ecol     ecol   ecol    eo15    paer    cace     rspha   bbur    tden    vcho    styp     ccre   tpal      tpal     tsubs   bbur     smel     smel     ccre   atum    atum    ccre     rcen    mxan   rspha   bbur    paer   paer    syne    mlot    paer      syne    syne  xfas   smel     eaer    ecol   hsap    syne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1335  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  tmar    aful   bhal     bsub    cace      ccre      smel      smel     atum     paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1336  =babababababababababababababababab=ababababa=babab                                                                                paby  phor  paby    phor   phor     paby    cace      cace      cace      bsub     bsub     bsub   bsub    bsub      atum      paer    cace   paer     bhal     smel    smel      cace   bhal   paer   cace   paer     paer   cace    tpal    tmar    paer     cjej    bhal    bhal    bhal    vcho     vcho   vcho      smel     cjej    vcho     smel     halo     nphar  vcho    hval    tmar     bsub    ccre   cjej    atum    tmar   halo    vcho    hsal    cace      tmar    mxan  cace   tden     tmar    bhal   hval    bhal    halo   vcho    hsal   aful   tden   aful    bhal   drad   vcho   vcho    bhal   bsub    halo   halo     tmar    syne   bsub     cace   hsal   atum   cace   halo   cace   bsub     halo    cther   halo   hsal   paer   ccre   hsal   paer    rleg    drad     hsal    hsal    cace    halo   atum   paer     phor    hsal   halo   hsal    ccre   dgig     bsub     hsal   styp   bhal   atum   vcho     atum    hsal    atum    hsal     vcho    cace   cjej   pput    smel   smel    ccre    vcho    ccre    tden     atum   rals    cace   atum    cace   vcho    syne   hsal    paby   vcho   paer      halo   cace    paer   bhal   ccre    ecol    vcho     ecol    atum   rleg    vcho    micr     cace     ecol    eo15     paer    ccre   eo15    ccre    ecol   vcho    ecol   ecol    eaer    styp    cace   ecol   cace   syne   smel   ecol   paer    paer   synech   vcho   rbv.    rcap       atum  rleg   eo15    vcho    paer    paer   paer    vcho   drad   vcho  smel    styp   smel  styp   vcho   vcho   bhal   cace    rleg    mxan  hsal   atum   raqu   cace    atum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1341  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  bsub    bhal   ctep     ctep    ssol      sa32      smel      bhal     sroc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1343  =b=baba=b*b*bab*bab                                                                                                               paby  phor  paby    tmar   tmar     tmar    vcho      phor      tmar      tmar     smel     mbar   taci    bcor      bsub      bsub    aaeo   bsub     saur     mlot    ssol      paby   syne   bbur   mlot   bbur     bbur   bfir    atum    bbur    hpyl     ecol    hpylo   bafz    bbur    bbur     eo15   rsph      eo15     ecol    bsub     ecol     bsub     bmel   bbur    bhal    bsub     ecol    smel   cace    bbur    atum   vcho    cace    atum    bbur      bgar    atum  bbur   aper     bhal    paer   bsub    styp    mlot   atum    syne   tmar   bbur   cjej    bbur   atum   bhal   atum    atum   atum    spyo   atum     smel    bhal   mlot     smel   oant   smel   atum   smel   eo15   spyo     paer    mlot    saur   atum   pmul   bhal   smel   ecol    ek12    atum     saur    smel    ecol    sa32   smel   eo15     srose   ecol   paer   aper    smel   mlot     atum     atum   bhal   paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB1344  =bab=ab=ababababababab=bababababab=bab=bababab                                                                                    paby  phor  paby    tmar   tmar     taci    tmar      tmar      phor      ssol     vcho     tmar   mlot    paby      ssol      aaeo    mmaz   spne     aful     ssol    paer      cace   smel   atum   cace   ssol     smel   mlot    atum    ecol    mlot     taci    drad    atum    atum    tmar     bhal   tmar      atum     atum    bhal     mlot     rleg     spyo   bhal    bsub    bthu     mlot    pmul   atum    bsub    bsub   saur    bhal    ssol    oant      rhiz    atum  atum   cace     hinf    atum   hpyl    cace    smel   eo15    atum   ek12   hpylo  atum    taci   mlot   paby   smel    scoe   bfir    mlot   aper     smel    ssol   bbur     smel   smel   mlot   atum   ecol   atum   vcho     scoe    mlot    ecol   aper   cace   smel   cace   mlot    llac    smel     hinfl   saur    tden    saur   saur   lmon     aper    smel   smel   syne    smel   drad     hpyl     vcho   atum   atum   hpylo  smel     mlot    atum    mlot    bsub     pmul    halo   tmar   mtub    bhal   smel    bsub    ek12    phor    styp     car3   smel    tmar   bmel    atum   llacti  ecol   llacti  tmar   sa32   bhal      mlot   smel    ecol   halo   sa32    mlot    bsub     saur    saur   llacti  paby    phor     smel     sa32    saur     atum    eo15   smel    tpep    ecol   ecol    cmur   srose   atum    atum    mlep   ctra   vcho   atum   tvol   drad   llacti  atum   atum     mtub   mlot    mlot       smel  mpul   mlot    smel    scoe    atum   spyo    spyo   halo   mpne  scoe    mlot   ctra  cmur   mgen   car3   cpne   mhom    hhep    spne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB1345  =b=b=b=bab=abababababababab=babababab=bababababab                                                                                 paby  phor  paby    tmar   tmar     vcho    tmar      tnea      paby      tmar     phor     mlot   phor    cace      aper      vcho    tmar   paby     ssol     smel    cace      spne   sa32   tmar   mmaz   bsub     smel   aaeo    scoe    cace    bsub     mlot    bhal    tmar    atum    cace     ssol   synec     atum     scoe    bhal     hinf     bsub     ssol   aper    bhal    atum     ssol    tden   smel    cace    tmar   atum    pmul    atum    cace      taci    smel  drad   mlot     atum    atum   smel    syne    smel   saur    atum   ebac   aful   smel    smel   atum   bbur   rrhi    mlot   smel    atum   smel     bbur    saur   tmar     sa32   mlot   ecol   atum   hinfl  mlot   atum     mtub    ssol    smel   bsub   bhal   bsub   atum   lmon    paby    smel     atum    atum    llacti  atum   atum   styp     mlot    pmul   drad   atum    syne   lmon     tmar     bthu   mlot   atum   vcho   smel     llacti  spyo    llacti  llac     spyo    drad   mlep   ecol    aper   rleg    tpep    bmel    taci    tmar     taci   atum    atum   drad    atum   phor    atum   mlot    hhep   smel   mlot      tvol   mlot    vcho   smel   mlot    paer    ssol     smel    paer   saur    saur    saur     mlot     mlot    halo     mlot    paer   bhal    mlot    car3   atum    aper   halo    smel    atum    sa32   mlot   halo   rhizo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1346  =b=b=bababa=b=baba=ababababababab=bab=bababab=b=bab=b=bab=b=b=bababab                                                             paby  paby  phor    tmar   phor     paby    tmar      tnea      paby      tmar     tmar     ssol   tmar    aful      ssol      aper    vcho   tmar     tmar     aper    phor      cace   bthu   phor   hinf   bsub     cace   ssol    taci    tmar    taci     paby    ssol    bsub    bsub    bsub     ek12   ecol      ssol     lmon    eo15     atum     tmar     sa32   taci    mlot    llacti   tmar    tmar   tpep    sa32    bhal   bsub    vcho    cace    llac      drad    tmar  tpep   bhal     styp    cace   rhizo   ssol    bhal   aper    pmul   bhal   phor   cace    tmar   cace   halo   mlot    paby   sa32    scoe   styp     atum    tmed   pmul     cace   aper   atum   mlot   ssol   smel   scoe     saur    smel    tmar   bhal   oant   oant   drad   tmar    tvol    aful     smel    bhal    smel    paby   mlot   pmul     paby    tden   mlot   taci    saur   atum     hinfl    smel   phor   tmar   tmar   rhizo    paby    ecol    smel    halo     saur    paby   bsub   sa32    bhal   paer    aaeo    phor    paer    sa32     spyo   spyo    mlot   mlot    phor   atum    smel   smel    tmar   tden   cace      cace   cace    tmed   aper   ssol    atum    atum     tmar    ctra   bsub    car3    spne     spne     mgen    rleg     atum    mpne   lwit    smel    styp   pchr    sdys   ecol    vcho    atum    smel   mhom   tmar   atum   mpul   mpul   valg    mlot   pmul     mlot   rleg    aaeo       smel  vcho   mlot    smel    atum    uure   atum    ssol   hinf   bhal  atum    hpylo  hpyl  mlot   bhal   mlot   vcho   mbovi   llacti  llac  spyo   tmar   saur   tvol    saur                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1347  =b=b=ab=b=bababab=bababab=ba=bab=abababa=b=b=baba=babababab=bab=babababababababeb                                                 paby  phor  paby    tmar   phor     tmar    tmar      tmar      tmar      tmar     phor     paby   tpep    tmar      paby      bsub    phor   bhal     cace     aful    ssol      cace   vcho   mlot   ssol   bhal     cace   cace    aper    smel    drad     paby    atum    aful    tmar    taci     aaeo   aper      saur     tden    phor     cace     hinfl    rhizo  taci    ssol    ssol     paby    tmar   pmul    styp    ssol   sa32    phor    ssol    smel      tmar    tmed  sa32   taci     eo15    ecol   saur    tmar    tmar   bhal    bbur   aper   atum   mlot    smel   aper   paby   atum    paby   tmar    smel   smel     atum    phor   atum     bthu   ssol   smel   bsub   bsub   bsub   pmul     mlot    taci    paby   vcho   hinf   bhal   mlot   oant    halo    atum     halo    smel    cace    atum   paer   ssol     halo    bhal   bhal   mlot    spyo   spyo     atum     aper   saur   bsub   atum   spne     smel    spne    ecol    atum     ecol    spne   mlot   mlot    eo15   llacti  bsub    rleg    llac    mlot     hpylo  hpyl    tmar   atum    sa32   mtub    tmar   cace    car3   atum   ecol      tmar   tmar    ecol   mlot   phor    vcho    bhal     tmar    vcho   saur    atum    tmed     tpep     smel    scoe     rhizo   paby   spne    atum    tden   ecol    bsub   cace    smel    ctra    scoe   tmar   aper   cace   bsub   bmel   bthu    scoe   atum     cmur   bhal    mlot       cace  sa32   mlot    lmon    pmul    ecol   lwit    eo15   aper   halo  vcho    hpylo  saur  tmar   hpyl   drad   atum   tnea    tmar    mlot  ssol   sthe   sa32   tmar    atum    mlot    styp   styp   pmul   atum    llac   mtub  smel     mmaz   smel    mlot   smel  pmul   styp  eo15  scoe    atum   smel  bhal   ssol   mlot  smel   smel   aaeo   bhal     scoe   mlot   taci   mpul    tvol      atum  hpylo   hpyl  smel    aaci   hpylor  atum  csat  atum   paer    llac  cace  nmeni  atum   nmen  saur   cace
PAB1348  =bab*b=b=babebebeaebebebebebebevabebebebebeba                                                                                     paby  phor  tmar    mthe   ssol     ecol    ecol      eo15      ccre      ek12     paby     aaeo   ecol    sgri      phor      phor    paer   drad     drad     hinf    sa32      cace   vcho   bsub   bhal   tmar     saur   mjan    tvol    buch    bsubs    hsap    hsap    atha    atha    spyo     pmul   mmus      scoe     syne    mmus     mmus     taci     mmus   mmus    msme    spne     spne    hsap   hpylo   atum    afer   aaeg    xfas    dmel    dmel      spom    hpyl  tthe   mlot     mlep    nmen   hsap    nmeni   mlep   calb    cele   ctra   ccal   pbur    ssol   nost   rleg   cpne    tpal   dmel    bjap   mtub     cele    mtub   cele     cjej   mcat   car3   smel   mlot   mlot   smel     scer    llac    smel   syan   scer   ccre   paer   spyo    ecol    ecol     eo15    cmur    aper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1359  =b=a=a=a                                                                                                                          paby  phor  paby    paby   paby     paby    paby      phor      tmar      paby     ssol     ssol   ssol    phor      paby      ssol    paby   ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1372  =babae*e*e*ebebebe=ebebebeaeb                                                                                                     paby  phor  phor    aaeo   mjan     ssol    ssol      aful      mthe      tmar     tmar     syne   aper    taci      tvol      halo    hsap   hsap     rnor     mmus    xlae      xlae   spom   pdb|   agam   scer     dmel   dmel    ddis    ldon    smel     ldon    rspha   rden    mlot    atum     cele   rcap      rcap     sa32    xfas     mtub     ccre     pf.    pfur    pfal    mlep     llut    pcri   cros    tvag    atha   nsyl    taes    mcry    msat      atha    atha  phal   hsap     hsap    hsap   dmel    lesc    hsap   hsap    hsap   dmel   atha   nsyl    dmel   paer   hsap   hsap    acep   afun    mbov   pcri     hsap    hsap   hsap     aful   hsap   scha   ddis   ghir   llut   sfra     mbov
PAB1390  =bababababababab=abababab*b=bababa*b                                                                                              paby  styp  paero   ecol   ecol     eo15    ecol      ecol      aful      wsuc     styp     aaeo   eo15    pmul      ecol      pmul    eo15   aful     ecol     aaeo    aaeo      hinf   eo15   pmul   mlot   wsuc     styp   ecol    ecol    mmar    ecol     eo15    ypes    cper    ssol    pmul     eo15   cjej      rrub     ek12    eo15     hinf     hinf     ek12   ecol    ecol    hinfl    paer    mthe   ecol    ecol    aper   vcho    tmar    paby    halo      ecol    ecol  eo15   ecol     ecol    ecol   mjan    mthe    aful   dvul    mjan   mjan   mmar   aful    rgel   smel   aful   ddes    avino  eo15    ecol   chyd     ecol    eo15   phor     ecol   mjan   ecol   ecol   mthe   ssol   ssol     ek12    ecol    eo15   pvulg  ecol   aful   chyd   tsel    azoa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB1391  =beaebebebebe*ebe*eae*e*ebe*be*be*e*ebebe*ebebebebe*e*e                                                                           paby  ecol  eo15    baci   bfir     saur    saur      smel      atum      bsub     sdul     sorb   mmaz    agran     jaur      swall   ssea   gluc     iman     nacum   nphy      smans  paer   spty   atum   snit     stri   savi    spal    ljapo   svil     slaci   synec   spinn   jpro    sapp     ppia   swen      lori     vrhy    lesc     moff     dven     ntri   cbac    avis    smel     tperf   wsol   striz   nspa    srost  vsar    ntab    ntab    sadh      einf    paxi  scand  lces     abel    lhet   smacro  sglauc  slut   bbam    sves   sbet   smel   copp    smelo  spra   mgiga  ssin    ahim   lpau    dstra  salbu    palk    camer  sjam     pvirg  sela   scam   aflav  ddiv   taci   hlit     gtou    sargen  scana  aema   atrib  spse   sarb   ngau    rspl    gspl     agiga   hcan    qver    sgra   shis   lcor     sphy    cinty  erub   apub    gsup   rdav     scor     llyc   tpor   mrosu  lsat   mbif     spcc    sangu   lfor    eexa     gpol    plan   cnod   ncri    icre   find    dper    marbo   sbico   smel     cglau  lfru    hden   pseri   abic   adec    aluc   land    cjej   tmex   gcor      gnud   sreg    gbilo  gpen   bdav    cwan    esua     tham    rmuc   tcom    aher    bcar     tfra     epen    vtri     vglu    gcor   mple    vgla    vvit   vesp    cret   asch    grho    shol    fpend  lbrev  tgem   tutr   sbig   tfun   cjap    brom   syne     dxan   aser    gmon       tber  vagn   nign    tper    gsan    kfru   cjapon  gnic   vagn   aaeo  aaeo    gspe   gwil  wstu   tdod   pkir   pmacu  atum    mtrif   tsec  sthu   welo   crog   pcarin  cgrand  cvit    lser   pram   guru   vfau    samp   slan  vmal     saur   saur    zkat   same  nole   nbul  phir  ench    bdav   dniv  agra   gsco   teur  sswi   taff   cgiga  amara    tlati  basi   umax   uses    ccri      sjoh  cver    mlot  npard   vcho   ndiv    phyp  pbux  rels   apunct  mdin  agra  schi   cwee   lkel  cgiga  cbore
PAB1392  =b=b=ba=bababab=babababababebeabababeb*ebebebebebe*ev*ebebeae*e*eae*ebeae=ebebvebeb=bebe*ebae*bebebe*e*e                          paby  ek12  eo15    ecol   ddeh     paby    phor      phor      paby      rrub     paby     tmar   eo15    ecol      ek12      ecol    smel   bpseu    smel     ecol    baci      bfir   vcho   bhal   mtub   saur     saur   bfir    smel    smel    halo     paby    phor    eo15    ecol    bsub     ecol   paer      rcap     atum    rpro     mjan     aper     syne   saur    ssol    drad     mmaz    spcc   aaeo    aaeo    paby   synec   atum    smel    eo15      taci    mbar  ecol   mmaz     tthe    halo   rpro    ssol    bsub   bsub    mmaz   sa32   rsto   atum    mpol   aper   cjej   halo    saur   saur    xfas   tvol     mlot    synec  saur     noli   lhum   ecol   vcho   smel   smel   smel     ek12    ecol    atum   mtub   rsal   epet   mlaz   hpyl    csci    zmay     cmert   abic    olati   sa32   obert  atum     pinf    syne   jasc   bcarn   gpen   ppia     ddis     hpylo  lpau   einf   vfab   ajam     bbam    taes    wmit    mjak     cperg   clax   cdew   pans    bsten  cmar    rcap    hvul    pedu    rcap     msyl   asat    lvir   along   zpit   gpan    ench   dpet    ssol   acas   ppan      cech   uphl    msen   amit   atha    mthe    chum     mpol    scom   tcf.    scom    cely     bvul     cparva  mtherma  bvul    tcaf   ppur    amac    nmeni  kunc    avio   mjal    hann    tvol    chak   phor   ttet   mx     smel   mver   clep    mpol   cant     psub   aaeo    bmit       daru  nmeni  nmen    bvul    mvir    pdeni  paby    smel   smel   ccil  lpap    pwic   ggne  vrhy   ccre   erub   tret   nhir    osat    aqui  noli   ijap   nfle   spalm   ddiv    paer    aful   mlepi  hpur   thyp    safr   pdia  cmer     pecu   lcav    gbilo  atib  hkan   lcor  csyn  epol    grob   aaeo  crose  ccre   gbre  mlepi  tmex   lcru   hann     mcor   scoe   bnan   scom    pver      sfil  pver    pver  sfal    pace   psie    ptat  cpar  pver   aflav   snem  tpet  gled   sarbo  rame  dses   mele
PAB1393  =b=ba=be*e=ebeabe*ebeaebebeb*ebebaeabaebe*ebeae                                                                                   paby  ecol  ek12    ecol   eo15     eo15    ecol      ecol      paby      phor     rrub     tvol   mbar    taci      paby      tmar    enid   rsal     sole     phor    noli      noli   rpro   ylip   tpap   mpol     tpap   aper    hpylo   hpyl    rame     rhizop  msen    scom    trub    pans     hcur   achry     buch     smel    mtub     pmit     atha     csyn   atha    mmaz    ober     ntab    atha   oela    zmay    taes   hvul    osat    mpol    npcc      taes    pwic  bpseu  ljap     tthe    pmito  ddis    mvir    atha   aaeo    cmer   ppur   ccri   ylip    aaeo   tvol   ncra   spun    aful   mlot    ssol   ngru     synech  mglu   plon     ccal   pinf   px     mjak   ntab   mglu   pbor     ebur    ssol    bvul                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1394  =b=aba*a*bababab=baebe=ebebebebebebe*ebebebevebebebe*ebebeaea*                                                                    paby  eo15  eo15    ecol   ecol     ecol    ecol      phor      paby      mbar     rrub     mjan   mjan    mthe      mtherma   mthe    mmaz   mtherma  mtub     ssol    aaeo      aaeo   smel   smel   taci   tvol     tvol   tthe    aful    aful    halo     ek12    phor    eo15    aper    oela     osat   zmay      hvul     syne    taes     mpol     paby     ljap   atha    mvir    buch     ntab    sa32   drad    sole    paer   noli    ncra    tmar    rpro      hpylo   hpyl  odan   ylip     dmel    nmeni  dmel    nmen    ecol   cjej    ecol   ecol   ecol   taur    noli   rsal   croe   acas    pinf   ngru    mmus   rame     atum    csyn   pflu     plit   smel   ppat   wmit   btau   btau   tmit     ppoly   mlot    xfas   pdeni  hsap   hsap   ccre   cele    scoe    lgla     pwic    dpel    cele    ucri   ddis   mtub     rrub    mtub   bvul   rcap    tlep   nsyl     taes     atha   paur   paur   tvol   ssol     tpyr    ttherm  mtherm  mtherma                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB1395  =bebe=eb=a                                                                                                                        paby  eo15  ecol    eo15   ecol     taes    hvul      sole      taes      oela     ntab     atha   osat    zmay      mpol      synech  npcc   ljap     phor     noli    pbor      paby   halo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1396  =baba*aeb*ebebeaebebabe*b=baeabaeaebebebebebebeaba                                                                                paby  phor  paby    eo15   ecol     ecol    ecol      ek12      ecol      eo15     mbar     mjan   mjan    rrub      mtub      mtub    mmar   mjan     mtherma  mthe    mmus      boler  atha   dmel   btau   dmel     hsap   hsap    hsap    ccre    mtherma  llut    llut    pdeni   noli    pdeni    rcap   rame      llut     stub    mthe     ssol     ncra     smel   smel    mlot    tmar     smel    smel   ylip    nmeni   nmen   atum    mmaz    tvol    rpro      sa32    cele  rsal   xfas     paby    phor   tthe    drad    aaeo   scoe    mtub   halo   tpyr   ttherm  aper   syne   aful   taci    ljap   llut    tvol   paur     osat    zmay   taes     zmay   syne   atha   ntab   psat   ntab   sole     tbru    paer    mpol   hpylo  mvir   hpyl   pflu   noli    gmax    avar     paur    anab    npcc    paur   tvol   pcarot   cjej    buch   ecol   ek12    ecol   ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1402  =b=ab=ebebe*eaebebe*ebe*e*e*e*ae*e*e*ebebeabebebebebea                                                                            paby  phor  paby    phor   paby     saur    vcho      saur      bfir      bsub     bsub     bhal   rrub    paby      phor      halo    tmar   atum     paer     ek12    eo15      ecol   paby   ccili  smel   msie     oeur   ndem    cgra    ncal    npus     grig    oeur    aneg    lvul    rpro     nlon   also      nparv    phirs   pame     gbra     pacin    dper   ahum    nare    hsab     ccom    mper   abel    cflo    iman   jaur    ppatu   tzam    utub      balb    slut  lpyg   zmay     also    njam   phir    sdul    hglu   gulm    srost  pgran  gulm   stri    lces   acor   narb   pafr    tpan   tsta    pacu   tsim     rbah    cbeu   sglauc   hdis   zkat   aana   ssea   sbet   agrat  esph     sabu    sgra    ssin   tbic   tsta   wleu   rpet   cwan    cgigan  npin     cflor   tcaf    llyc    pfran  gpen   mmaz     arep    hpur   mgiga  oind    gell   csom     esca     calce  tfru   rtho   nacum  smacro   dmada   sves    sjam    smelo    sela    aarg   ntri   scam    scin   spal    sarb    sadh    pseri   wsol     saur   plin    spty   grup    gpil   saur    bmir   phyp    ttet   bacul  crad      gbru   nstr    plou   crad   epet    nhir    lfer     rsim    nseri  drub    rcal    protu    eo15     hkan    gova     dinv    serio  pauri   apunct  nros   tpar    tchlo  mann    qcos    tcac    ltul   cram   rspi   cchlo  cdig   aarv   mant    mrosu  ahyb     hmacr  mcor    hpat       tacu  apub   pede    mmaz    mconf   bcos   wmad    htet   pgym   boff  cacu    harb   lept  esua   echry  pbic   bdav   aplat   mcorc   epen  pinc   cacum  twat   mmel    gtom    safr    ecur   crai   nnum   pmulti  apube  tpet  gled     same   ecol    dstri  mbif  ndiv   hjap  dplu  smel    nind   aper  spcc   bdav   vfab  cmir   scoe   grol   smel     tthe   gfer   synec  hvul    ncri      vcal  gdel    gjap  gtri    gamo   gjap    gjap  aser  jcar   bpseu   gaus  gmic  gaus   gchi   durc  mtrif  taci
PAB1435  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  tmar    ssol   mjan     mjan    mthe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1441  =bab**b*bebebebebebebebebebeb*b*ebebebabeabebeaebeaebebebebebeaebebebebebebebe                                                    paby  phor  bhal    tmar   bsub     bste    bste      syne      bsub      blic     srum     bsph   saur    bpsy      sa32      drad    ecol   tlit     syne     pdb|    cace      ecol   styp   mmari  cace   cjej     sa32   vcho    xlae    cele    paer     smel    mlep    ecol    eten    rvit     eo15   cfam      cglu     cele    cele     ecol     hsap     vcho   hsap    lmaj    mint     fsil    hsap   ldel    hsap    hsap   hsap    hsap    hsap    hsap      rnor    rnor  rnor   rnor     rnor    rnor   rnor    ocun    ocun   rvit    ocun   mtub   hsap   pmul    nmen   hsap   ggal   rnor    mmus   hsap    mmus   mmus     tgon    ocun   mmus     hsap   hsap   nmeni  ylip   ocun   ocun   lmex     xfas    ntab    aory   bbur   mjan   spne   enid   ssol    atum    atha     anig    5aa     atha    atha   mlot   atha     atha    halo   abis   abis    zmob   ccre     buch     hinf   mext   atha   taci   atha     scer    atha    spom    spyo     spom    atha   cmur   dmel    sthe   calb    atha    scer    paer    osat     ctra   ntab    scer   tvol    gmax   hther   mbal   vcho    atha   ctra   mpul      llac   llacti  llon   stub   stub    hjec    car3     ntab    cpne   rcom    ubact   mgen     atha     atha    atha     pleio   dmel
PAB1443  =bababebabebe                                                                                                                     paby  phor  aaeo    aper   tmar     paer    mthe      drad      mxan      bbur     cele     cjej   halo    nmen      nmeni     atha    mmus   mmus     ecol     ecol    atha      atha                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1445  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  pfur    tmar   aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB1449  =bebeabebebvbebeb*abebebeabebebebeabebebebabebebebebabebaebebe                                                                    paby  phor  atum    spne   spne     lesc    osat      drad      zmob      paer     paer     hsap   aful    cjej      spom      hpyl    hpylo  mmus     xfas     sa32    smel      pbur   ccre   sa32   bhal   paer     atha   sa32    pflu    mmus    atum     atum    asp     mthe    taci    hpylo    hpyl   smel      bsub     psp     dmel     tmar     cele     dmel   hsap    hsap    atum     atha    scer   tvol    mlot    atha   rnor    ccre    hsap    sa32      dmel    dmel  tmar   sepi     xlae    spom   ssol    aper    bsub   mmus    mmus   mmus   aaeo   mmus    atha   cace   atha   atha    slug   hpylor  hpyl   aful     bste    cele   hpylo    atha   atha   ddis   pbor   atha   osat   saur     paer    saur    syne   hsap   cele   bhal   bbr4   ssol    rrho    brevi    rrho    boxb    scer    atha   nmen   ctes     aper    hsap   hsap   ntab    drad   ntab     nmeni    bnap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB2382  =bebebabebebebebebebebebebabebeaebebebebeababebebabeababaebebeabeab*bebebe*eaebebe*eb*bebebebebe*e*ebebebe*                       paby  phor  bsub    vcho   drad     ecol    rmel      eo15      ecol      xpv.     mlot     sa32   pput    pput      pput      ptw3    pput   bcer     smel     bhal    bsub      ejapo  bsub   mx     pper   cele     saur   pcer    smel    hinf    ecol     paer    ssol    bhal    pput    smel     atha   smel      sa32     atum    smel     cele     ecol     rnor   rnor    rnor    atum     candi   eo15   tmar    eo15    ecol   atum    hsap    hsap    mdome     hsap    mmus  eo15   barg     mlot    spne   mlep    oari    ecol   oari    sa32   scoe   micr   nmeni   atum   mtub   call   psti    bhal   sa32    llac   nmen     atum    ssol   sulfo    smel   atum   atum   sa32   atha   acalc  scer     ssol    bmor    amet   nmen   reut   paer   tmar   smel    uhar    bste     ecol    scer    dmel    scer   ecol   dmel     dmel    acine  ecol   uhar    aper   paer     spyo     acin   taci   bhal   ecol   saur     sa32    spom    spom    pman     spyo    mlot   sa32   nmen    paer   scer    mlot    paer    ssol    smel     nmeni  atum    nnaj   ssol    rtro   eo15    tvol   pput    pput   sa32   pseudomo  smel   aaeo    ecol   taci   rper    bste    bste     sa32    bhal   saur    ccre    mmor     aall     mlot    3aa      aper    smel   pman    ssol    mtub   pm1     spom   fyea    hsap    ecab    mtub   aaus   psat   rpal   trepe  pacut  pacut   apau   ccot     ssol   halo    bflo       drer  hsap   bvulg   atum    scame   cama   pham    paer   calb   hsap  hper    hsap   agem  mlot   spne   atum   ggal   hsap    ggal    tmar  ccre   atha   boler  atha    gkno    able    ccre   gbur   gburs  mglu    gburs  hsap  atha     crube  apari   hinf   atum  alya   hsap  ppis  afen    atha   rnor  alig   atha   ahir  atha   gknox  hsap   bhal     atha   pham   gknox  gknox   smel      atha  rnor    micr  rnor    agem   hsap    alyr  atha
PAB1511  =bebababeababababebebeb=b*bababababeb*ebab                                                                                        paby  phor  cace    pmul   spne     spne    tvag      ehis      ehis      aple     ecol     ecol   aful    cace      vcho      aper    saur   gint     aful     baci    ecol      mthe   ecol   tvol   sent   ecol     ek12   eo15    bhal    llacti  llac     llacti  zmob    zmob    rrub    zmob     aful   eo15      paer     ecol    cace     cace     spom     paer   pput    atum    atum     scer    scer   vcho    kpne    ehis   cfre    cpas    paer    tmar      mlot    vcho  atum   pfur     cace    vcho   smel    atum    paer   styp    chyd   spne   spne   thyd    atum   aaeo   smel   cklu    uah5   smel    tmar   thermoc  bsub    bsub   bsub     rery   taci   amet   mlot   taci   cace   aori     teth    cele    reut   chyd   dmel   bsub   pmul   swed    tmar    vcho     reut    tvol    styp    cace   bsub   cace     ropa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1535  =babababab=ab=bababababab                                                                                                         paby  phor  drad    sa32   halo     rleg    smel      vcho      vcho      scoe     bhal     pshi   bsub    bjap      paer      paer    mlot   paer     atum     bhal    drad      yent   aful   yent   atum   ypes     culc   aful    mjan    cdip    hpylor   cace    tvol    sdys    ecol    eo15     hpyl   bhal      sa32     phor    taci     pmul     bsub     pmul   tmar    mlot    paby     ecol    bsub   pmul    ecol    tmar   eo15    syne    hvol    bhal      pmul    vcho  cjej   syne     bsub    sa32   halo    bhal    bhal   atum    saur   halo   sa32   eo15    ecol   ecol   hinf   bhal    cdip   bsub    spyo   bsub     smel    smel   atum     saur   bsub   cace   sa32   saur   saur   smel     drad    eo15    zmob   pchr   bint   ecol   atum   pmul    eo15    ecol     ecol    cace    ccre    bhal   ecol   saur     drad    saur   spyo   llac    cace   sa32     spne     yent   saur   saur   saur   spne     saur    saur    eo15    paer     ecol    bsub   atum   pchr    llac   ssol    aper    smel    vcho    sa32     cdip   rleg    rleg   sa32    eo15   ecol    ecol   ecol    paer   yent   msme      msme   saur    eo15   ecol   nmeni   ecol    vcho     bhal    atum   nmen    vcho    spne     mjan     saur    saur     atum    styp   cjej    vcho    spne   spne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1561  =babebeaeaeaebebeb*ebe                                                                                                            paby  phor  tmar    aful   mthe     mjan    aaeo      atha      atha      atha     rnor     maur   hsap    hsap      mmus      hsap    hsap   spom     scer     tmar    ncra      atha   cele   scer   atha   spom     mmus   mmus    hsap    hsap    hsap     hsap    hsap    spom    spom    hsap     cele   spom      ncra     trubr   scer     scer     halo     atha   scer    spom    spom     hsap    hsap   atha    cele    atha   hsap    hsap    hsap    halo      atha    atha  atha   atha     dmel    cele   atha    atha    dmel   scer    atha   atha   cele   scer    cele   aful   mmus   atha    atha   atha    atha   atha     atha    atha   atha     atha   dmel   hsap   dmel   hsap   hsap   hpylor   gthe    hsap    hsap   hsap   hsap   hsap   spom   atha    atha    atha     mmus    mmus    dmel    aaeo   hsap   hsap     hsap    hsap   hsap   hsap    spom   dmel     mmus     mmus   hsap   hsap   hsap   hsap     hsap    hpylo   emb|    cele     cele    dmel   hsap   cele    dmel   cele    hsap    hsap    cele    hsap     cele   cele    hsap   hsap    syne   atha                   
PAB1579  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  aaeo    ssol   tmar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1597  =b=a=a                                                                                                                            paby  paby  paby    phor   tmar     paby    phor      paby      paby      paby     ssol     ssol   ssol    ssol      ssol      ssol    phor   paby     paby     ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB1605  =bababebe*=e                                                                                                                      paby  bbro  mjan    bbro   vo13     bsub    vcho      vcho      smel      dgig     smel     bhal   bsub    llac      bsub      mlot    paer   paer     sa32     mlot    mlot      paer   paer   saure  cglu   pchl     mtub   mlot    sver    cace    bsub     mlep    llac    mjan    mjan    vcho     pdb|   ecol      mmari    eo15    vfab     hann     asin     hann   atha    atha    tver     hsap    atha   hvul    hsap    hsap   gmax    msat    msat    xfas      zmay    atha  atha   hann     eumb    asin   ljap    osat    spom   psat    aoff   aoff   ljap   sauran  mmus   gmax   rnor   pvul    clon   maur    aaeg   rnor     psat    rsat   hsap     pvul   boler  gasp   scer   gmax   scer   spom     mpar    paby    phor   cele   cele
PAB1637  =bab=bababab=bababababeb*=b*=**baeababebebebebebebebebebebebebabebebebebebebebeb*b*b*eb                                           paby  phor  pfur    bhal   bsub     tmar    cace      saur      saur      drad     llacti   llac   taci    llac      bsub      mpul    phor   spne     bhal     spne    mthe      ldel   ldel   lsub   mjan   spne     tvol   spne    paby    cace    spyo     ek12    lhel    ecol    smut    eo15     ssol   lpen      llac     spyo    mlep     mtub     car3     aaeo   sa32    ctra    aper     ssol    ldel   mpne    cmur    uure   hpyl    mgen    mtub    hpylo     halo    sa32  sa32   aful     paer    atha   hinf    pdb|    ecol   pdb|    pdb|   eo15   xfas   sfle    halo   spom   paby   syne    atum   phor    pmul   upro     paer    atum   mlot     bhal   hsap   hsap   saur   anid   mlot   scer     xfas    mlot    sdom   hsap   rhiz   nmen   nmeni  mlot    sliv    sscr     dmel    smel    mlot    cjej   hsap   scer     hsap    spom   mmus   atum    sscr   rnor     dmel     ccre   mmus   mmus   mmus   arth     hsap    mlot    sliv    mmus     atum    rrhi   sdom   cele    car3   cpne    baci    hsap    atum    ypes     tmar   taci    mlot   cmur    cmur   hsap    atum   cglu    atum   mlot   atum      mlot   smel    saur   mmus   mlot    rpro    atha     bbur    bsub   mlot    aaeo    atha     alca     atum    rhiz     smel    mlot   vcho    atha    atum   cele    pput   dmel    hsap    smel    hsap   mlot   pput   ecol   atha   sa32   pmul
PAB1638  =babeaebeaeabebebebebebebebebe*ebebebebe                                                                                          paby  phor  bsub    bhal   saur     tmar    aaeo      sa32      syne      tvol     tvol     halo   taci    mlep      aaeo      mtub    mtub   xfas     ecol     fano    ssol      fpri   paer   eo15   psat   psat     ftri   spom    aper    mcry    stub     dmel    cele    atha    aper    ccre     hsap   mlot      hsap     cfam    btau     atum     nmeni    smel   nmen    scer    scer     paer    calb   smel    mlot    ggal   spom    mlot    mlot    mlot      smel    smel  mlot   smel     hsap    arth   mlot    hsap    rnor   cory    mmus   sscr   mlot   smel    paer   btau   emb|   rnor    hsap   mmus    aglo   hsap     hsap    ecol   eo15     hsap   dmel   smel   mlot   atum   mlot   atum     mlot    mlot    smel   rmel   mlot   smel   atum   mlot    mlot    mlot     atum    hsap    mlot    bgrah  mlot   dhet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB1642  =baeb                                                                                                                             paby  phor  paby    phor   bhal     ssol    gmax      hpyl      hinf      hpylo    cjej                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1643  =babab*                                                                                                                           paby  phor  nmeni   nmen   bhal     paer    paer      ssol      paer      taci     bsub     eo15   ecol    sa32      pmul      scoe    paer   ppla                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB2432  =b*aebebebe                                                                                                                       paby  phor  bsub    aful   atha     hinf    cace      bhal      pmul      osat     spne     scar   spne    hpyl      hpylo     hpylor  spom   saur     ecol     atum    styp      ecol   eo15   lsero  ecol   llac     spne   scer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1657  =babebabeb                                                                                                                        paby  phor  bsub    bhal   aper     halo    ccre      smel      tmar      paer     drad     atha   mtub    mtub      sa32      mlot    tvol   tvol     taci     aaeo    ncra      lmaj   mtub   mtub   paer   pcaroto                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB1659  =b=a=abebebeaebebe*be*e*ebe*bebebebe                                                                                              paby  phor  aaeo    paby   mthe     phor    phor      tvol      taci      ssol     mjan     aper   sa32    mmus      hsap      hsap    hsap   paer     dmel     mtub    mtub      xfas   syne   cele   lmaj   aful     spom   scer    scer    sa32    atum     mlot    rrub    smel    bste    bsub     bhal   cace      bhal     ek12    hsap     hsap     tmar     tmar   scoe    pdb|    cellu    mmus    spne   pdb|    btau    btau   mmus    mmus    mmus    mtub      mlep    mspr  ecol   hsap     hsap    hsap   sthe    dmel    dmel   dmel    dmel   mlot   spyo   spom    sman   bsub   scer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB1668  =b=bab=bab=b=babab=babababababab=ab=babababab=bab=b=baba=babababababebabeabababaebebebabe*ebebebebeb=eabebeba                     paby  paby  bsph    phor   bhil     saur    bhal      aful      blic      cdif     blic     bsub   bsub    bsub      cace      phor    smut   cace     tmar     bhal    cace      ssub   cace   cace   tmar   bhal     bsub   bfir    mthe    halo    bbur     mxan    phor    rgna    drad    syne     cace   llac      bhal     cace    bhal     bhal     mpne     ecol   paby    ecol    ek12     eo15    syne   sa32    smut    bhal   halo    tvol    uure    cace      halo    mpul  paby   bsub     cace    sa32   fjoh    ssol    spyo   ccre    mlot   halo   ccre   bsub    ssol   rtro   cace   tvol    ssol   mjan    spne   sa32     spne    ssol   mthe     syne   paer   cace   sarg   aper   sa32   phor     aful    taci    cace   sroc   paer   bhal   tmar   spyo    paby    smel     taci    bfir    taci    ecol   atum   eo15     ek12    ccre   bsub   smel    aper   llac     spyo     taci   cace   bhal   sa32   pmul     cace    bhal    bhal    phor     speu    spyo   mtub   cace    smut   sa32    mlot    sgall   cace    mlot     tvol   cace    mtub   ubac    paer   paby    saur   paby    rgal   paer   tvol      tvol   sepi    drad   mthe   phor    tmar    sa32     sa32    aper   bhal    mtub    aper     rn33     sa32    saur     nmeni   tmar   sa32    aper    ssol   slongi  saur   tmar    bjap    sa32    pflu   bjap   bjap   bhal   nmen   bsnu   mjan    svir   cace     blic   aper    sa32       ddis  spne   synech  llac    drad    sa32   ssol    sa32   rnor   taci  saga    cace   cjej  vcho   tvol   bsub   ssol   ecol    eo15    aful  hsap   atha   bhal   hsap    spne    acyc    mfas   bsub   bhal   ssol    maviu  cele  cele     cele   emb|    dmel   lsak  ccre   mfas  sa32  hsap    hsap   hsap  ltro   paer   hsap  atha   ehis   pdeni  mlot     bsub   smel   bsub   mmus    hsap      atha  sliv    paby  btau    mmus   aful    smel  syne  cele   hsap    mlep  mmus  mmus   erhu   mtub  tvol
PAB1674  =babababebebabebebebebebebabebe                                                                                                   paby  phor  paby    phor   pmul     mjan    aful      buch      ecol      ecol     eo15     pmul   hinf    smarc     smarc     smarc   smarc  bsub     bsub     ecol    tmar      cjej   eo15   aper   ecol   ecol     hpylo  bhal    vcho    cace    mthe     cglu    hpyl    msme    atha    smel     gmax   cflave    vcho     ssol    amed     aaeo     sa32     atha   atum    atha    slac     vcho    atha   cmur    atha    rpro   atha    taqu    nmeni   bste      baci    nmen  drad   tthe     saura   mlot   car3    bsub    cpne   mtub    mtub   mlep   spom   bsub    taci   tmar   bjap   xfas    dnod   ctra    bhal   spne     spne    paer   cace     atha   syne   saur   'lut   saur   ccre   osat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB2433  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  aaeo    aful   aful     aper    aful                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1694  =b=a                                                                                                                              paby  phor  phor    mext   paby     mmaz    mjan      aful      mthe      aper     aper     ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1702  =ba=bababababab                                                                                                                   paby  tmar  aful    phor   bsub     cace    mthe      mtub      rery      ssol     halo     tvol   ssol    tmar      ssol      cace    ssol   paer     taci     cace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1703  =b=b=bababab=ba=b=abababebeab=eb=b=abababeabeabababebabebeaebebebaeaebabeb=be*abebebebaebebabebaebebe*abababebabebaeb=bababeba    paby  cace  cace    paby   sarg     phor    maviu     aper      maviu     syne     tmar     mtub   mthe    cace      bhal      cace    mlep   aful     ssol     cace    cace      sa32   phor   bhal   taci   paby     speu   rtro    ecol    ecol    ek12     eo15    phor    mthe    sgri    sa32     sa32   ssol      bsub     taci    smel     cace     fjoh     sant   bhal    bhal    atha     atha    svir   atha    aper    sroc   paby    ddis    sa32    phor      scoe    paby  phor   tvol     cace    aper   mthe    ccre    ssol   bbur    mfas   ssol   cace   mfas    tvol   aful   tvol   sa32    bsub   ccre    ssol   aful     tmar    cace   rn33     smel   tvol   cace   ccre   sa32   drad   mlot     syne    dmel    ltro   dmel   tmar   taci   xfas   bsub    saur    sa32     smel    mlot    bhal    ubac   sa32   mlep     spyo    paer   aaeo   blic    hsap   hsap     ehis     mtub   hsap   taci   hsap   lsak     cace    hsap    bjap    hsap     sa32    halo   mmus   tvol    aful   hsap    mmus    tmar    rleg    ssol     rhiz   ctra    ctra   llac    hsap   hsap    hsap   hsap    hsap   dmel   atum      bhal   bhal    llac   cmur   sa32    spyo    spyo     paby    car3   cele    dmel    cele     cele     emb|    ssol     mlot    hsap   atha    bhal    hsap   bsub    rnor   blic    halo    tcru    tmar   btau   cace   bsph   tmar   bhal   blic    cace   mthe     bhal   hsap    bfir       saur  bhal   cace    smel    mlot    bsub   tmar    eo15   aper   atha  hsap    ecol   drad  hsap   cele   atha   ccre   atha    dmel    gb|   tvol   ecol   aful   mjan    vcho    ssub    aper   drad   cace   mmus    hsap   hsap  smel     ssol   pmul    atha   paer  halo   aful  atha  tmar    ecol   bsub  bhil   hinf   ecol  ecol   eo15   mlot   phor     spne   cace   cace   aful    saur      hinf  aful    cdif  aact    paer   paer    atum  pmul  spne   pstu    hpyl  paer  cele   drad   aper  aper   
PAB1704  =ba=aba                                                                                                                           paby  tmar  smel    ssol   taci     aper    paby      phor      tvol      aful     sa32     sant   ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB1707  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  tmar  mthe    mthe   mtherm   mjan    mjan      eo15      ecol      ek12     ecol     cace   afer    pdb|      dvul      pdb|    cace   ddes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB2445  =be                                                                                                                               paby  phor  cjej    bhal   bper     saur    atum      paer      mlep      sa32     paer     vcho   bsub    hinf      nmeni     ek12    eo15   drad     paer     atum    bsub      enid                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB1713  =be                                                                                                                               paby  phor  bsub    bhal   saur     cjej    ek12      paer      hinf      bper     nmeni    nmen   drad    atum      atum      paer    saur   vcho     sa32     mlep    paer      mtub   mtub   ccre   pjad   scer     scer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1714  =bebeb                                                                                                                            paby  phor  bhal    saur   cjej     vcho    nmeni     hinf      bper      eo15     ek12     paer   ecol    pjad      sa32      atum    atum   mtub     paer     mtub    scer      scer   ccre   saur   mlep   paer     pflu   bsub                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1717  =babaebeb                                                                                                                         paby  phor  tmar    aful   aper     mthe    rpro      tvol      atha      aaeo     hsap     mmus   mmus    hsap      dmel      drad    ecol   xfas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1720  =baebebebaeabebab                                                                                                                 paby  phor  aaeo    vcho   bjap     ecol    eo15      ek12      aful      lmaj     smel     mlot   atum    bbur      scer      mtub    tthe   tmar     mbov     msme    sa32      dmel   mkans  maviu  ssol   spom     tvol   taci    mint    pfal    cele     paer    aper    spne    spne    bhal                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB2388  =bebebabeb=eaeb                                                                                                                   paby  phor  bbor    bhal   lmon     atum    acalc     mlot      smel      mlot     dmel     atum   smel    hsap      hsap      hsap    hsap   hsap     rnor     rnor    dmel      spom   mmus   oamm   mmus   sscr     ocun   mmus    smel    smel    acalc    acalc   aper    scoe    kpne    spom     mmus   paer      phor     hsap    ssol     hsap     dmel     scoe   ccre    ctra    cmur     car3    drad   paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB1737  =b=bab=b=ab                                                                                                                       paby  tmar  tpal    phor   paby     phor    aaeo      eaci      bhal      bcald    mjan     bsub   phor    spne      spne      paby    phor   aful     cace     llac    aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1738  =bababebebebebebeaebebebebeb                                                                                                      paby  paby  phor    pyro   phor     tmar    aaeo      tpal      mthermoa  ek12     ecol     eo15   afer    ecol      eo15      paer    ccre   kaer     ecol     ecol    vcho      eo15   abra   xfas   taci   zmob     tvol   abra    ecol    cace    pflu     rspha   rspha   sa32    tmar    cace     smel   mlot      paer     eo15    osat     ecol     ecol     drad   mlep    mtub    scoe     msat    atha   msat    smel    rcap   vcho    eo15    ek12    mlot      bsub    bhal  syne   dmel     dmel    pbor   cele    atum    cele   scer    cace   btau   scer   spom    aper   sscr   pdb|   pdb|    ncra   rnor    hsap   hsap     saur    pfal   llac     cglu   dmel   avino  cjej   pmio   bhal   retl     cele    sfon    sa32   saur   hsap   saur   drad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB1765  =b=b                                                                                                                              paby  phor  tmar    spyo   llac     spne    phor      paby      sgri      scoe     bsub     mlot   sery    bhal      mmeg      bhal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1788  =baba                                                                                                                             paby  phor  aaeo    aful   bsub     mtherm  mthe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB1791  =babaebebebeb                                                                                                                     paby  phor  cace    mjan   mfer     mfer    bsub      mthe      dmel      dmel     cele     lhel   cele    mlot      eo15      ecol    smel   ek12     eo15     ecol    ecol      smel   dmel   mlot   atum   aori     dmel   reut    hinf    ecol    ek12     paer    koxy    atum    smel    pmul     mlot   smel      atum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1801  =babababababababeaebebebebebebebebebe                                                                                             paby  phor  cace    mjan   aper     tmar    mthermof  aori      mthe      syne     aful     synec  acyl    vcho      bsub      bhal    saur   hmet     tvol     aaeo    ssol      mlot   llac   halo   mext   xlae     fagr   taci    ssol    atha    smel     hpylo   hpyl    cele    rnor    rrat     drad   cace      ocun     smel    call     hgly     dmel     mmus   mlot    drad    ccre     bfra    hsap   hsap    fcat    hsap   cpor    vcho    paer    hsap      lmaj    lmaj  styp   smel     lmaj    bjap   scer    atum    bjap   bjap    cper   dmel   sa32   gmir                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1838  =bebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebe                                                                                               paby  cace  paer    smel   sa32     bsub    sa32      spne      spne      bsub     spyo     ecol   eo15    ecol      paer      ecol    llac   bsub     btb-     drad    smel      vcho   smel   paer   saur   paer     ecol   ecol    nmen    saur    spne     spne    mmus    mmus    drad    hsap     rnor   hsap      hsap     llacti  tmar     llac     sscr     hsap   hsap    mmus    mmus     hsap    rnor   atum    hsap    vcho   spyo    paer    sthe    hsap      cace    cele  bhal   hinf     pmul    bcald  lpla    atha    bsub   smel    eo15   ecol   eo15   ek12    cper   spom   ecol   atha    atha   atha    efae   osat     atha    atha   atha     cele   mcry   osat   atha   nmeni  ocun   zmay     cele    mcry    nmen   atha   atha   atha   sa32   dmel    atha    enid     enid    atha    zmay    atha   hsap   cele     cper    atha   bsub   enid    cele   hsap     hsap     ecol   ecol   atha   cele   mmus     spne    atha    mmus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB1841  =bab=abababab=bababebebebebebebebebebebebeaebebebe                                                                                paby  phor  paby    vcho   bhal     cjej    bsub      hpylo     bhal      hpyl     paer     salm   saur    pflu      pmul      ecol    salm   salm     salm     styp    styp      rtyp   saur   saur   salm   ecol     ecol   ecol    salm    salm    eo15     ecol    ecol    salm    ecol    salm     styp   salm      nmen     pmul    pput     hinf     halo     bsub   cglu    paby    mthe     ecol    ecol   ecol    ecol    ecol   ecol    ecol    ecol    hinf      pmul    aful  ecol   bbur     bhal    paer   aful    aful    eo15   ecol    aful   halo   aaeo   phor    xaut   tvol   vcho   aful    xfas   pput    vpar   bsub     vpar    paer   paer     hsap   syne   drad   dmel   bhal   rcap   ecab     sscr    bsub    mmus   sa32   saur   ocun   oari   eo15    bcer    oari     ecol    kpne    scoe    ecol   mmus   hsap     mmus    mmus   oari   rnor    pmul   rnor     sa32     car3   lpol   cpne   sscr   hsap     bsub    sscr    sscr    paer     bsub    hsap   aper   cele    rnor   dmel    hsap    hsap    hsap    mmus     scoe   ocun    ocun   spne    mmus   mmus    sa32   cele    rnor   cele   ocun                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1850  =bababebebebeaebe*e                                                                                                               paby  phor  aaeo    mjan   aful     halo    hinf      vcho      bhal      vcho     vcho     nmen   nmeni   halo      bsub      nmeni   nmeni  nmen     bsub     pmul    bhal      pmul   spne   bhal   saur   hpyl     cjej   hinf    hpylo   cjej    cjej     sther   cmur    ccav    cpne    spne     car3   ccarp     ctra     omos    hpylo    mmus     rnor     btau   mmus    hpyl    dmel     hsap    hsap   hsap    mmus    mcoo   cfam    cfam    hsap    hsap      rnor    mcoo  raja   rnor     tmarm   rrat   rnor    rnor    msex   mmus    rnor   btau   tcali  mmus    mmus   mmus   halo   hsap    mmus   hsap    hsap   mmul     rnor    ocun   hsap     ratt   cpor   ratt   rnor   tni    oari   dmel     mmus    mmus    mmus   mmus   mmus   mmus   msex   hsap    cfam    hsap     hsap    rnor    rnor    rcat   hsap   cele     dmel    dmel   rnor   hsap    dmel   dmel     tpal     dmel   hsap   dmel   dmel   hsap     btau    cele    ratt    mmus     drer    rnor   rnor   mmus    mmul   hsap    hsap    dmel    mfas    hsap     hsap   mmul    mmul   hsap    dmel   ggal    rnor   hsap    hsap   rnor   hsap      btau   emb|    mmul   hsap   tmarm   btau    cjaponi  mmus    hsap   btau    mmus    mmus     mmus     mmus    ocun     mmus    mmus   mmus    mmus    cele   rnor    ratt   mmus    hsap    ocun    ratt   hsap   mmus   hsap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB1855  =bebeba*ebeaeabebebababeabe=bababab=a=babab                                                                                       paby  phor  pfur    bsub   tmar     saur    bhal      cpara     sa32      drad     ppur     spne   spne    cace      ccre      mtub    ecol   llac     eo15     tvol    mtherma   anti   pchr   spyo   syne   gsul     mthe   gthe    taci    mlot    smel     atha    osin    mlep    ccal    xfas     ssol   atum      mjan     halo    aper     tpal     atha     aful   cmur    ctra    car3     tmar    atha   phor    aaeo    aful   aper    aful    tmar    hinf      spne    mmar  spne   spyo     aful    aful   mthe    bsub    pmul   paby    aful   phor   phor   saur    acau   mlot   aful   aful    mjan   aaeo    aful   atum     bhal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1856  =b=babababababaebebebaebebebeaeb=aeaebebeavbe                                                                                     paby  phor  tmar    pfur   spne     aper    spne      ssol      saur      spyo     taci     drad   tvol    bsub      sa32      llac    cace   bhal     halo     tpal    mthe      mwin   cpara  atha   atum   smel     osin   syne    ppur    xfas    bsub     aful    gthe    ccre    cmur    ctra     bhal   mlot      mlot     eo15    ecol     saur     ecol     mlep   mlep    pchr    ecol     ccal    car3   mtub    spne    spne   llac    mgas    spyo    anti      drad    tmar  pfal   mjan     tgon    pchab  eten    cace    xfas   phor    halo   elan   tvol   eree    mlot   eari   esep   epap    eony   efal    smel   esev     ealb    taci   enie     car3   syne   atum   gsul                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1884  =b=*a                                                                                                                             paby  phor  paby    phor   paby     tmar    phor      paby      mtherma   mthe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB1886  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  paby    phor   tmar     mjan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
PAB1888  =bab=bababebeaebebebe*e*ebebebebe*eae*bebe*e*e*e*e*ebebeb*e*e*e=e=be*bebebebebebebebebebe*aebebebeae                              paby  phor  paby    paby   phor     bfir    rrub      halo      eo15      ecol     bhal     paby   ek12    vcho      saur      saur    bpseu  atum     saur     smel    smel      bsub   smel   bsub   smel   mmaz     bfir   mjan    bsub    tmar    syne     sa32    avio    hpyl    acor    taci     bbam   ecal      mjal     ttet    baci     pvirga   rpro     rdav   hpylo   ddeh    rmuc     ibat    carv   mper    ssec    asat   einf    osat    slach   ssti      dcil    aaeo  lpau   snut     cgui    ebar   ppra    zmay    adec   cmic    ppia   sole   spcc   cflor   eo15   zmat   lfru   qver    mlin   dpet    cgry   mjap     cfulv   sbic   rpeti    dobo   stim   cgua   mcar   mcae   balba  pnit     boff    paus    utub   cvirg  noge   cbic   sa32   ckoe    omur    gmic     smacu   cchlor  bcos    plew   mlaz   aarg     svirid  halo   csorg  iman    clax   cpum     efru     synec  ecolo  ccun   ecol   cpro     mvir    ecur    ohir    tham     tdod    echam  lfer   aziz    bere   noli    taes    ipal    agigan  tdac     svers  paqu    tmax   lhum    oacu   slei    mbacc  hpat    clac   skum   nape      pten   lkok    yexi   afis   tfra    svar    pmil     cfle    zmay   paer    pglo    nela     along    hbar    zpit     csca    calce  crose   atum    ecol   prad    tzam   aaeo    ganom   fber    grob   gtom   polyr  ccomm  mconf  samer  rmag    gcor   sind     cmert  bbla    agrac      saru  emut   adon    gpan    olati   plep   pdig    paby   lfor   phor  ecol    saur   lvir  nacu   nmen   nmeni  ddis   paer    sangu   aser  csyn   scoe   plati  ek12    htrif   eo15    eo15   qrub   efrut  amara   vtha   plap  paer     alug   acala   atum   gmar  rsuf   ecol  ek12  xfas    ecol   jasc  ehen   sfrut  ecol  marcu  mery   pmacr  sviridi  eo15   gthu   guru   rspl    mtherma   mbar  cgrand  mtub  aaeo    sglau  ccory   ecol  pwic  ccand  sobl    cara  smel  smel   rodo   aper  vedu   lspe
PAB1893  =b=ba=baebeaebebebeaebe*aebebebebebeaeae*e*ebebe*ebebebe*e*e*be*beae*ebebebebebebebebe                                            paby  phor  rrub    eo15   ecol     ecol    ecol      ek12      paby      eo15     ecol     mbar   phor    paby      tmar      aper    ssol   ccal     pinf     mtub    ppur      mmaz   mpol   zmay   sole   ljap     mpol   ddis    npcc    ntab    osat     noli    oela    synech  bphy    drad     taes   tthy      atha     tvol    ntab     cmer     hvul     alix   bpseu   tarc    sscr     eeur    bmus   hamp    plit    tpap   rsal    taci    salp    pbor      ocol    hpyl  hgry   ssala    rame    ssala  tarc    sscr    caura  ggor    pdum   ejap   stru   rcap    stru   omyk   sscr   aaeo    sscr   cmin    ccarp  stru     otsh    ajap   tarc     atha   apan   lafr   palt   hpylo  gmit   cpor     atha    tvol    dnov   rmono  aful   ccri   pvit   rfer    dtae    ajapo    sscr    clacu   cfam    tarc   poli   mjak     pdas    tthe   etel   runi    pmit   atha     smela    tpap   chip   msen   oafe   amac     mtub    chip    pliv    noli     capel   chip   ggrac  chip    chip   croe    chip    ajapon  dpul    hplu     chip   chip    buch   tbel    xfas   pwic    ccre   aaeo    mvir   vkik   chip      chip   apect   chip   efus   csyn    nnoc    svulg    nnoc    taur   plon    ctub    oana     tacul    zbru    ttra     spun    bmor   bmor    sobl    hplu   bcarn   dsubp  smel    ebur    egym    ddeh   smel   ngru   gbrac  hplu   pstri  celo    odan   halo     blan   mlus    hplu       hplu  atum   lflu    spur    dsem    rpro   cjej    sobl   amis   ek12  enid    ecol   pmin  rnor   rnor   fare   arub   lpol    dmel    hplu  pdeni  fsty   pflu   fcel    scoe    trub    ccro   ihex   finf   sa32    tret   fpyr  fmit     fserr  mcin
PAB1894  =bebe=b=b                                                                                                                         paby  phor  synech  eo15   rrub     npcc    ecol      noli      taes      taes     hvul     pbor   mpol    ntab      mvir      ljap    sole   osat     zmay     atha    oela      phor   aaeo   ecol   paby   ecol     ek12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB1905  =babab                                                                                                                            paby  phor  aaeo    tvol   paer     smel    mlot      nmen      taci      ecol     pchr     ecol   nmeni   tmar      drad      vcho                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB1916  =babababababeab                                                                                                                   paby  phor  bhal    bsub   snog     sa32    saur      camm      aaeo      bhal     spne     spne   mpul    bsub      spyo      saur    taci   ssol     mpne     tvol    aper      ssol   mgen   halo   ssol   mcap     mpul   llac    aaeo    aper    spyo     ssol    ecol    eo15    saur    bsub     spom   halo      aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB1920  =bebaebaebebeb                                                                                                                    paby  phor  bhal    saur   cace     spne    spne      bsub      mtub      mtub     llac     sa32   sube    shyb      osat      tmar    aful   atha     bsub     ssol    atha      atha   atha   ncra   acin   atha     sa32   atha    atha    osat    atha     atha    bhal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB1921  =b=a=bababababababababebe*bebebebebe*bebeb*bebaebe*bvbebabeobebebebebebebeabebebe=ebebebebebebebebaebab*babevebebeb               paby  phor  paby    phor   paby     saur    phor      aper      phor      paby     cace     cace   bhal    taci      bsub      tvol    drad   ssol     bfir     paer    ssol      eo15   smel   ecol   smel   sa32     aoba   ecol    ecol    eo15    mthe     mlot    rleg    pput    tmar    mjan     sspe   mlep      ssol     bhal    hinf     aful     snet     vcho   aaeo    mcat    tthe     abau    dmel   bhal    mtub    atha   kurt    cace    scer    atha      rnor    smel  scer   sa32     atha    mmus   syne    anab    cele   atha    bcep   rnor   smel   paer    mtub   paer   sa32   rnor    mlep   enid    cglu   pcep     rhizo   mlot   buch     atha   paer   mjan   hsap   bhal   smel   eo15     bhal    mmus    spom   hsap   rnor   klac   mlot   4aa     pmul    sa32     bsub    ecol    spom    saur   atum   smel     ssol    smel   scer   scon    bsub   hsap     smel     ecol   atum   nmen   mlot   mmus     bwad    scla    vcho    ccre     bsub    bhal   nmeni  bhal    aglu   atha    bsub    sa32    ecol    ecol     ecol   eo15    llac   sa32    mlot   bsub    pflu   xlae    smel   atha   upro      paer   vvin    drad   aaeo   spom    aful    vitr     saur    bsub   cele    atum    bsph     mhal     cele    bpas     pfal    phor   cchi    paer    cjej   cace    hsap   dmel    helo    cjej    atum   dana   sepi   osat   lpla   smel   atha    atha   atha     mlot   mlot    mlot       spom  scoe   mlot    ccre    dmel    mlot   cele    spom   mlot   helo  smel    mlot   ssci  mlot   sa32   vcho   aful   mjan    mjan    ssol  spom   hpyl   mthe   amed    xnem    mlot    mlot   hpylo  mlot   sa32    taci   tvol  pmul     ubac   skas    atum   buch  umay   pdb|  4aa   sscr    sscr   scla  scla   hsap   hsap  hsap   hsap   rnor   paer     bhal   hsap   rspha                                                                                                                          
PAB1924  =babeababebab=babab=b=                                                                                                            paby  phor  tmar    aful   mthe     ssol    tvol      taci      smel      ppur     aper     ssol   syne    paer      vcho      atum    mthe   pmul     cpara    sarg    mlot      ek12   xfas   sgri   smel   taci     ek12   ecol    paby    ccre    sa32     sa32    ccre    aper    rtro    tvol     smel   mlot      rleg     rn33    phor     rleg     mlot     speu   ecol    cace    rleg     rgal    sa32   sa32    sant    spne   mtub    mtub    sroc    tmar      sa32    ecol  smel   paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1926  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  phor    sa32   tmar     aaeo    mjan      ccre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
PAB1932  =babab=                                                                                                                           paby  phor  aaeo    aful   smel     retl    paer      mlot      aper      taci     tvol     bhal   bsub    paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB1954  =b=a=a=                                                                                                                           paby  paby  paby    phor   paby     paby    paby      paby      tmar      phor     ssol     ssol   ssol    phor      ssol      paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB1974  =bab=                                                                                                                             paby  phor  nmen    nmeni  mlot     ssol    aaeo      atum      vcho      spyo     phor     paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB1989  =babababe                                                                                                                         paby  phor  tmar    tmar   thermot  tnea    thermot   tnea      tmar      thermot  thermot  tnea   aper    ssol      mtub      mh37    aaeo   mlep     sa32     mthe    ssol      smel   aful   sa32   dmel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB2010  =baba                                                                                                                             paby  phor  llac    spyo   eo15     ecol    ecol      ecol      sthe      spne     spne     vcho   atum    syne      scoe      mlot    mlot   syne     ypse     cace    ecol      ek12   mjan   eo15   halo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
PAB2066  =bababababababababababababababababab=babab=ababab                                                                                 paby  phor  phor    paby   phor     paby    tmar      bhal      bhal      halo     hsal     halo   nphar   hsal      cace      bsub    halo   hsal     cace     halo    bsub      cace   tmar   tmar   halo   cace     tmar   tmar    hval    tmar    cace     halo    cther   halo    hsal    hsal     bhal   bhal      hsal     bsub    hval     bhal     bsub     bsub   hsal    hsal    hsal     halo    cace   dgig    bhal    bsub   hsal    halo    syne    hsal      cace    cace  syne   atum     cace    hsal   halo    hsal    bsub   mxan    bsub   atum   paer   atum    rleg   cace   hsal   cace    bhal   cace    cace   cace     rrhi    cace   cace     paer   paer   paer   xfas   rleg   halo   bhal     bsub    smel    ccre   hsal   vcho   vcho   vcho   atum    paer    pput     paer    hsal    cace    atum   bsub   cace     vcho    vcho   paer   cace    paby   vcho     bhal     bhal   halo   halo   vcho   vcho     atum    vcho    paer    hsal     ccre    vcho   vcho   vcho    tden   vcho    atum    paer    cace    synech   phor   aful    ecol   paer    bhal   atum    vcho   atum    tden   styp   smel      smel   rleg    vcho   dvul   rals    drad    rrhi     cace    smel   ecol    micr    styp     eaer     drad    atum     ccre    atum   rleg    cace    cace   paer    atum   ccre    ccre    atum    paer   paer   styp   vcho   paer   vcho   vcho    vcho   rbv.     pput   rcap    rleg       hsal  paer   tden    halo    paer    smel   vcho    rcap   paer   vcho  smel    rcap   cace  drad   vcho   rhiz   rhiz   vcho    ccre    vcho  atum   paer   atum   mxan    paer    ccre    rrhi   paer   atum   vcho    ccre   raqu                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB2073  =bab=a=b                                                                                                                          paby  phor  zmob    cjej   zmob     mlot    aful      atum      pmul      smel     atum     ecol   eo15    ecol      ccre      paby    desu   tks-     phor     aact    bsub      bsub   llac   sthe   ccre   swed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB2084  =bab=babababab*babababababababab*bab                                                                                              paby  phor  eo15    ecol   ecol     ek12    aful      ecol      ecol      paby     cper     mmar   rrub    tmar      ecol      ek12    ecol   ecol     aaeo     eo15    styp      paero  ecol   mmar   mjan   mjan     mjan   eo15    ecol    ecol    pmul     aful    eo15    styp    chyd    ecol     ecol   ecol      aper     eo15    ecol     ecol     aful     mthe   ecol    eo15    mthe     ecol    mthe   pmul    eo15    ypes   eo15    styp    mjan    paer      cjej    wsuc  hinf   wsuc     ecol    eo15   ecol    eo15    ecol   hinfl   pmul   aful   aful   pvulg   eo15   ek12   ssol   ecol    hinf   aful    hinf   chyd     ecol    pmul   smel     ssol   mlot   aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB2147  =b=bebeb=bebabebebebeabebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebeobebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebevebebebeb        paby  phor  tmar    tthe   paby     tther   atha      bsub      atha      osat     hvul     bhal   bhal    smel      phor      drad    hvul   bsub     bsub     cace    atum      mlot   mlot   drad   tther  ssol     tthe   syne    mlot    cace    caur     bsub    smel    sa32    tmar    bhal     cace   ssala     bhal     omyk    tmar     syne     bhal     cace   bsub    hsap    cele     mtub    mmus   rnor    halo    drad   mmus    mtub    cele    spne      eo15    mtub  dmel   bhal     syne    smel   ecol    llac    cace   spne    atum   saur   einte  ssph    paer   sa32   mmus   scoe    hsap   bsub    cele   scoe     cele    bhal   sepi     ccre   cace   spne   hsap   hsap   cele   cele     bsub    ddis    spne   mlep   bbrev  ggor   snat   hsap    mmus    cele     hsap    mlot    drad    bhal   ccre   ssala    hfra    hcon   ggor   hsap    hsap   bhal     bhal     hsap   tmar   hsap   cfam   hsap     hsap    rnor    mpne    rnor     crice   crice  mmus   ggor    hsap   cgri    rnor    scon    ecol    rnor     rnor   rnor    aori   rnor    atum   afum    ecol   rnor    hsap   rbv.   rnor      ccre   rnor    maur   maur   lmon    hsap    hinf     atha    cgri   mmus    spom    cace     smel     mmus    snou     mmus    mmus   mmus    scer    saur   drad    saur   atha    atha    mlot    scer   scoe   cace   bsub   scoe   osat   mgen    paer   mmus     vcho   mmus    cele       bbac  mmus   dmel    ffly    buch    cele   snod    syne   bbrev  ss88  ggal    rpro   spne  cele   hsap   smel   atha   scoe    atha    cjej  atha   cele   hpylo  sa32    llac    aflavu  cele   cace   reri   hpyl    cele   afum  lmes     mlot   xfas    enid   enid  saur   atum  atum  llacti  spom   vcho  cgri   bmel   spne  cele   emb|   spne   spom     lgel   dmel   dmel   hsap    hsap      cele  atha    vcho  cele    ltro   scer    cele  lenr  emb|   scer    rnor  rnor  ldon   paer   mmus  lama   styph
PAB2148  =bab=b=bebebebebvbebebebebaebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebeb                                             paby  phor  tmar    tthe   bsub     tther   cace      bhal      drad      ssol     cace     bsub   bhal    bsub      phor      scoe    bhal   mlep     paby     saur    atha      mtub   cace   mlot   atha   ssph     bhal   einte   scoe    lmon    sa32     hvul    osat    hvul    tmar    bsub     snat   snod      bhal     syne    drad     cace     cace     snou   spne    llac    syne     atum    spne   spne    llac    spne   spyo    bsub    rhiz    mlot      bhal    cace  spne   drad     bhal    spne   sa32    spne    drad   mpne    spyo   hsap   dmel   hsap    bhal   ffly   ddis   spne    hsap   mgen    hsap   afum     bsub    atum   halo     hsap   hsap   bsub   xfas   cele   dmel   cele     mlot    mmus    mmus   rnor   bhal   ss88   mtub   mtub    mmus    atum     hsap    mmus    cele    cele   sgor   paer     tther   omyk   caur   syne    bhal   saur     atha     bcoa   lpla   lsak   syne   ccre     zmob    ssala   llac    cace     paerog  tthe   spne   spne    smel   sa32    ecol    efaec   ecol    sa32     bhal   saur    hinf   vcho    smel   ecol    ecol   aple    paci   aact   phae      mhae   hsap    mlot   slav   aple    llac    a2       cpis    npcc   cdiv    hfra    mhae     aple     llac    pvulg    llac    xlae   hfra    cjej    ecol   ecol    trub   llacti  ecol    ggal    bsub   xfas   ek12   ecol   cpis   vcho   spom    hcon   lsak     vcho   atha    hsap       atha  smel   pcf.    atha    hsap    aple   npcc    mlot   cpis   asp   aori    atha   cele  stub   mmus   cele   atha   ccre    atha    cace  vcho   pmul   spne   saur    tmar    mxan    cele   nmeni  nmen   ehis    atha   atha  lgel     lmes   mmus    hsap   cele  rpro   atha  scer  rnor    ecol   bper  cele   cele   smel  bsubs  buch   ghir   ecol     eo15   bhil   cace   buch    rpro      scer  ehis    xfas  ocun    bbrev  aflavu  uure  dmel  ffly   scoe    dmel  ehis  rnor   dmel   dmel  dmel   mlot
PAB2180  =ba=abababab*=a=aba=a*b=babab                                                                                                     paby  phor  tmar    aper   mjan     ssol    phor      paby      aful      synec    ssol     nodu   cyli    syne      syne      syne    saci   cthe     cfri     geit    nmus      aper   gvio   spcc7  phor   paby     mthe   phor    aful    xpcc    atum     aful    phor    halo    cpcc    smel     paby   atum      mthe     aful    mlot     mlot     mthe     aful   aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
PAB2398  =bababeb                                                                                                                          paby  phor  sa32    halo   aful     aper    tvol      drad      taci      ssol     mtub     mlep   ccre    ccre      drad      ecol    eo15   ecol     bhal     ecol    amed      lmaj   cele   bhal   scinn  scinn    spcc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB2196  =ba                                                                                                                               paby  phor  tmar    ssol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB2400  =babababebaeb*bebaebebeb                                                                                                          paby  paby  phor    cace   mjan     drad    aaeo      bsub      cjej      bhal     saur     spne   spne    spne      syne      mthe    llac   llacti   spyo     paer    ssol      atum   smel   mlot   ccre   ecol     tmar   rpro    dmel    dmel    cele     hsap    dmel    rnor    mmus    mmus     ggal   llacti    taci     pjad    pang     scer     hinf     pmul   umar    nmen    scer     nmeni   atum   tvol    ppas    cmal   calb    mlep    calb    calb      mlot    mtub  calb   camm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
PAB2245  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  pfur    tmar   taci     tvol    ssol      aper      aaeo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB2248  =b*baba                                                                                                                           paby  phor  cace    tmar   spne     spne    llac      kurt      mlot      mlot     cace     tpal   rpro    sa32      bsph      aful    cace   smel     bhal     drad    bsub      halo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
PAB2261  =bab                                                                                                                              paby  phor  cace    saur   bsub     llac    spyo      bhal      spne      tmar     mgen     mpne   ssol    ssol      spne      saur    spne   mpul     uure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB2277  =bababa=ab=ababa=aba=aba=a                                                                                                        paby  phor  bsub    aamb   ssol     bhal    cace      aper      ssol      smel     aper     mjan   ssol    phor      phor      mthe    tmar   paby     pfur     mjan    smel      aper   mlot   mfer   paby   aful     smel   tvol    paby    ssol    mthe     atum    mlot    aaeo    taci    phor     aper   mkan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB2289  =babab                                                                                                                            paby  phor  tmar    taci   tvol     bmeg    syne      eo15      ecol      ecol     rcap     eo15   drad    smel      pden      mlot    styp   atum     pdb|     halo    vcho      paer   mtub   sa32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
PAB2294  =b=b=babaeaebebabeb*ob*b*b*b                                                                                                      paby  phor  bsub    paby   ecol     ecol    phor      ecol      mjan      vcho     aper     mthe   aful    ssol      dimmi     dmel    cele   cele     dmel     taci    tvol      rnor   paer   ncra   nmeni  halo     nmen   cace    bhal    lmaj    scer     cjej    scon    ecol    eo15    hinf     pdb|   llac      saur     bsub    spne     mlep     mtub     ecol   spyo    mtub    drad     pstrai  paer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB2303  =bebobebe*b                                                                                                                       paby  phor  phor    ccre   ecol     ecol    ecol      tmar      atum      mlot     spom     pcit   pflu    pseudomo  pseudomo  scon    eclo   atha     atha     eclo    calb      eo15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB2304  =b=a=a=a=                                                                                                                         paby  phor  paby    paby   tmar     paby    phor      paby      paby      ssol     paby     ssol   ssol    ssol      paby      phor    paby   ssol     paby     phor    phor      paby                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB2307  =babeaebeaebebebeae=eb=bababavbavbvbab                                                                                            paby  phor  syne    aper   cace     scer    umay      tbruc     lmex      taci     atha     atha   sa32    mmus      cgri      spom    mmus   ssol     hsap     hsap    hsap      msme   dmel   mtub   mtub   cele     aory   cbri    sman    mlep    hjec     tvol    tvol    atha    paby    paby     hsap   aaeo      phor     styp    ek12     aful     eo15     aful   aful    ek12    cace     aful    aful   bsfi    sbact   syne   sa32    sfle    ssol    epha      bsub    ypse  sfle   bsfx     cace    taci   ssol    cace                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB2335  =bababab=bababab=babababababab=b=b=b                                                                                              paby  phor  tmar    aper   mlot     smel    atum      mlot      atum      sa32     atum     mlot   smel    tpal      sa32      mlot    smel   mlot     smel     mlot    atum      mlot   tmar   smel   smel   smel     eo15   smel    smel    atum    ecol     mlot    atum    mlot    ypes    mlot     sa32   mlot      bsub     mlot    sa32     mlep     sa32     smel   mlep    atum    scoe     pmul    mlot   mtub    mlot    smel   smel    mlot    atum    sa32      rhiz    smel  paer   sant     atum    atum   bhal    smel    spne   spne    ssol   sa32   mlot   mlot    mlot   smel   smel   atum    mlot   tvol    syne   syne     atum    drad   tmar     bhal   drad   atum   sa32   mlot   mlot   vcho     ecol    smel    smel   scoe   phor   atum   atum   sa32    taci    atum     hvol    smel    saur    erha   taci   smel     scoe    atum   bhal   blic    cald   smel     atum     phor   atum   koxy   scoe   sa32     mlot    bsub    bjap    mlot     taci    scoe   bhal   smel    mlot   tlit    tther   smel    bsub    pflu     mlot   bhal    atum   rrhi    ecol   bsub    tlit   mlot    sa32   mlot   sa32      tvol   bhal    rspha  sa32   ssol    eo15    hinfl    aful    csac   xfas    tmar    rcap     bhal     paer    phor     vcho    phor   mlot    smel    paby   teth    smel   pmul    atum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
PAB2336  =ba=a*b=ab=bababababab=ababab                                                                                                     paby  phor  phor    paby   tmar     tlit    tlit      pfur      aper      tmar     cper     phor   paby    aper      drad      cace    bfir   phor     bsub     bhal    bsub      spne   spne   teth   atum   pmul     spyo   mlot    aper    mlot    tmar     llac    sphi    koxy    aper    smel     atum   atum      smel     rhiz    smut     pchr     mlot     mlot   atum    syne    eo15     syne    sret   halo    sa32    atum   ecol    ecol    smel    mlot      smel    vcho  vcho   eo15     atum    atum   mlot    atum    smel   mlep    atum   smel   tpal   saur    atum   bhal   taci   atum    mlot   mlot    smel   mlep     atum    smel   mtub     mtub   vcho   smel   mlot   smel   ssol   smel     atum    mlot    rspha  sliv   atum   mlot   paer   ecol    atum    phor     tvol    ecol    atum    smel   atum   smel     atum    erha   ecol   styp    rcap   mtub     mlot     atum   atum   atum   smel   mlot     taci    pflu    styp    atum     smel    smel   mlot   mlot    mpul   tvol    tvol    bhyo    atum    smel     mlot   spne    spne   atum    mlot   smel    smel   atum    atum   mpul   mgen      mpul   mlot    smel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB2337  =babab                                                                                                                            paby  phor  reut    mthe   paer     tmar    mjan      cace                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
PAB2343  =bababababaeab*aebabebab*babeaebabebebebebebebebebebebebebebe                                                                     paby  phor  aaeo    ssol   smel     mlot    mlot      atum      ccre      mlot     bsub     vcho   xfas    eo15      paer      ek12    ecol   ecol     syne     aful    bhal      mtub   syne   mlep   mlep   aaeo     cace   sa32    aper    mthe    mlep     pmul    stok    sa32    hparag  ssol     atha   saci      hinf     nmeni   nmen     mtherma  tvol     mjan   atha    nmen    aamb     nmeni   dmel   mtub    mlep    taci   pvulg   eo15    halo    ecol      ecol    drad  cele   cele     halo    tcru   dimmi   rrub    vcho   nphar   pbun   sa32   hsap   hsap    dmel   cele   paer   lmaj    hsap   mmus    mmus   bjap     cbur    asuu   ddis     rpro   scer   cjej   cbur   atum   spom   ggal     rrub    ecol    pdeni  ecol   vcho   smel   rferm  ecol    pfal    mtub     scer    btau    mlot    xfas   sfri   hsap     mlep    atha   scoe   ccre    atha   spom     pdb|     pdb|   wsuc   btau   mtub   car3     wsuc    cjej    cmur    ddeh     bhal    ctra   saur   pmace   lmaj   bsub    bsub    scer    calb    lmaj     cper   scer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB0787  =bababeb*bababab                                                                                                                  paby  phor  sent    sent   sent     sfle    sent      sent      sent      cace     sent     kpne   sent    ecol      mthe      pstu    paer   bfra     ecol     syne    ccre      nmeni  nmeni  sent   nmen   nmeni    tvol   smarc   ngon    nmeni   sent     aact    aact    aact    bpseu   lbor     aact   efae      lint     aact    rhiz     xfas     sent     cele   mlot    gxyl    yent     atum    xpv.   xpv.    smel    ss88   stok    aper    sgla    ssol      abra    ssol  atum   smel     lpne    ypse   ytyp    sris    sant   mlep    mh37   syne   save   ssph    avin   sgri   sgla   sa32    amed   sspin   snog   sfra     mtub    sfra   sgal     sery   aori   mmeg   amed   sviol  speu   sgri     scya    sant    sdys   cjej   sfra   sfra   spne   llac    spne    spne     spne    spne    spne    spne   spne   spne     spne    spne   smut