Pyrococcus abyssi

Phylogenetic domain patterns
On this page : Pyrococcus , no other Archaea

P. abyssi complete orfs database Blasted vs. nr Databank (12/00) + S. solfataricus
Expect <= 1e-10

=: Pyrococcus
a: archae
b: Bacteria
e: Eucarya
v: Virus
o: Other
*: unknown

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ORF      PATTERN                         MATCHED_ORGANISMS  

PAB0089  =be                                 paby  bsub  atha    atha  osat  osat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
PAB0240  =beb                                paby  phor  cace    eo15  ek12  paer  bsub   bhal  llac    bsub  ecol    vcho   pmul   saur      paer      nmen    nmeni  hinf   vcho  drad  saur   atha   osat   osat   bsub                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB0632  =b*b*b                              paby  phor  xfas    xpv.  xcam  ppol  bpol   acel  pdb|    tcal  cmich   cace   csub   csac      csacc     caldi   tana   cther  cfim  cfim  ccel   cther  ather  cther  cfla   xfas  pflu  pflu                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB0719  =bebebebebebebebeb                  paby  phor  paby    phor  bhal  bsub  bsub   bhal  cace    syne  synech  tmar   cace   saur      spyo      atha    atha   spne   spne  aaeo  osat   llac   llac   spne   ctra   ctra  spyo  spne  cmur  cpne  car3  ecol  spom  ecol  ek12  eo15  paer  eo15  vcho  vcho    pmul   xfas  scer  ctra  hinf  scoe   dmel  hinf  rgel  pmul  ccre  mlot  smel  zmob  vibr  tbru      hsap  mmus  cjej  scer  hsap  hsap   atum  hsap   eo15  ecol  paer                                                                                
PAB0760  =bebebebebebebebebebeb              paby  phor  phor    paby  bhal  bsub  tmar   syne  synech  cace  bsub    bhal   cace   spyo      saur      aaeo    llac   atha   spyo  atha  ctra   ctra   cmur   spne   spne   paer  spne  spne  ecol  ecol  llac  scer  spom  hinf  eo15  mmus  vcho  ctra  dmel  vcho    hsap   rgel  hinf  cpne  car3  xfas   eo15  ek12  pmul  osat  ccre  mlot  vibr  pmul  scoe  tbru      atum  eo15  ecol  scer  smel  nmen   pmul  nmeni  hinf  cjej  hsap  hsap  hsap  pflu  paer  vcho                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
PAB0762  =bvevevbebeb*ebebebebebebebeb       paby  pfur  phor    drad  mxan  apun  apun   pdb|  sscr    hsap  pdb|    hsap   pdb|   ahyd      ahyd      hsap    hsap   hsap   mmus  btau  dmel   upro   cmen   rnor   cmen   fmen  ncap  ddis  atha  atha  atha  dmel  hsap  ccre  dmel  ccre  nmen  mtub  mtub  nmeni   nmeni  mlot  mlac  rhiz  rpro  tbruc  lmaj  tcru  ecol  ecol  eo15  paer  sent  tden  xfas  pseudomo  atha  mlep  rpro  atha  mtub  vcho   mtub  atum   mlot  ccre  smel  rhiz  atha  mlot  mmus  atha  hsap  hsap  rhiz  atha  hsap  spne  spne                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB1125  =bebebebebeb                        paby  phor  bsub    bhal  tmar  aaeo  drad   cace  hsap    hsap  hsap    nmen   nmeni  vcho      ccre      ecol    ecol   pmul   eo15  hsap  smel   paer   rpro   mmus   atum   mlot  cmur  ecol  ecol  ecol  ctra  eo15  dmel  spom  tbru  paer  xfas  car3  cele  scoe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
PAB2445  =be                                 paby  phor  cjej    bhal  bper  saur  atum   paer  mlep    sa32  paer    vcho   bsub   hinf      nmeni     ek12    eo15   drad   paer  atum  bsub   enid                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
PAB1713  =be                                 paby  phor  bsub    bhal  saur  cjej  ek12   paer  hinf    bper  nmeni   nmen   drad   atum      atum      paer    saur   vcho   sa32  mlep  paer   mtub   mtub   ccre   pjad   scer  scer                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1714  =bebeb                              paby  phor  bhal    saur  cjej  vcho  nmeni  hinf  bper    eo15  ek12    paer   ecol   pjad      sa32      atum    atum   mtub   paer  mtub  scer   scer   ccre   saur   mlep   paer  pflu  bsub                                                                                                                                                                                              
PAB1838  =bebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebebe paby  cace  paer    smel  sa32  bsub  sa32   spne  spne    bsub  spyo    ecol   eo15   ecol      paer      ecol    llac   bsub   btb-  drad  smel   vcho   smel   paer   saur   paer  ecol  ecol  nmen  saur  spne  spne  mmus  mmus  drad  hsap  rnor  hsap  hsap  llacti  tmar   llac  sscr  hsap  hsap  mmus   mmus  hsap  rnor  atum  hsap  vcho  spyo  paer  sthe  hsap      cace  cele  bhal  hinf  pmul  bcald  lpla  atha   bsub  smel  eo15  ecol  eo15  ek12  cper  spom  ecol  atha  atha  atha  efae  osat  atha  atha  atha  cele  mcry  osat  atha  nmeni  ocun  zmay  cele  mcry  nmen  atha  atha  atha  sa32  dmel  atha  enid  enid  atha  zmay  atha  hsap  cele  cper  atha  bsub  enid  cele  hsap  hsap  ecol  ecol  atha  cele  mmus  spne  atha  mmus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
PAB1894  =bebe=b=b                           paby  phor  synech  eo15  rrub  npcc  ecol   noli  taes    taes  hvul    pbor   mpol   ntab      mvir      ljap    sole   osat   zmay  atha  oela   phor   aaeo   ecol   paby   ecol  ek12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PAB2303  =bebobebe*b                         paby  phor  phor    ccre  ecol  ecol  ecol   tmar  atum    mlot  spom    pcit   pflu   pseudomo  pseudomo  scon    eclo   atha   atha  eclo  calb   eo15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
PAB2213  =ebeb*bebebe                        paby  phor  paby    phor  scer  spom  3aa    scer  spom    cele  atum    pcari  pf.    tmar      lstra     llacti  atha   atha   cjej  bsub  slav   bsub   ntab   smel   sole