
Fosmid End database

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- Enter your search criteria in the various supplied fields (multiple choices are allowed).
- Boolean queries are possible with the following operators :

or', 'and', ' not'. Separate these keywords with spaces.
- Regular expressions (POSIX 1003.2) are possible with the following operators: '

.' (period), '+', '*', '?', '^', '$', '{n}', "|' , '[ ]'. Do NOT separate items with spaces and choose "contains".


Display Item info for :
Choose clone_ends database :
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Fosmid Ends matches in RefSeq

Clone_end ID:


Discard multiple clone hits:

(some clones have multiple hits, should we take them into account? )

Clone ID:

(eg: "AD1000-1-A01")


(eg: "Bacteria")

Bit Score:

(eg: "50")

P value:

(eg: "1e-10")

% identity:

(eg: "40")

Clone Library:
Matched ends properties:
Contains: (phylogeny lineage of matched genes in RefSeq )
(use only best hits when using clone ends)
Order by:

Output Options:

Return no more than:


Output format:
Choose items to display :

Display also:

Clone ends sequence
Clone ends fasta sequence

Questions, comments & bug reports to : yvan.zivanovic@u-psud.fr