Vous êtes invités au colloque
Evolution, Génomes et Développement

Organisé par l'IFR 115
Génome : Structure, Fonction, Evolution

à la mémoire d'André Adoutte

les 6-7 février 2003 de 9h 30 à 18h 20
Salle de la Terrasse à Gif-sur-Yvette


IFR GENOME: Function , structure and evolution


Jeudi 6 Février

9h 30 - 10h : Présentation du colloque, hommages à André Adoutte (Patrick Forterre)
                       (Patrick forterre, Michel Jacquet, représentants des tutelles)

Modérateur Jöel Janin

10h - 10H 40 Michael Levitt (Stanford)
Simple but Complete Models of Protein Evolution
10h 40 - 11h 10 François Michel (Gif sur Yvette)
The Evolution of Group II Introns

Pause café

11h30 - 12h 10 Giuseppe Baldacci (Orsay)
Permanence and impermanence of DNA replication mechanisms.
12h 10 - 12h 50 Tom Cavalier-Smith (Oxford )
Membrane heredity in cell evolution

Repas libre
Modérateur Michel Jacquet

14h 30 - 15h 10 Esteban Domingo (Madrid)
Virus extinction by enhanced mutagenesis
15h 10 - 15h 50 David Prangishvili (Regensburg)
Evolutionary insights from studies on viruses of hyperthermophilic archaea.
15h 50 - 16h 30 Bernard Dujon (Paris)
Molecular evolution of yeast genomes as revealed from comparative sequence analysis

Pause café

17h-17h 40 Olivier lespinet (Orsay)
The role of Lineage-Specific Expansions in the evolution of Eukaryotes.
17h 40 - 18h 30 Patrick Forterre (Orsay)
Evolution of archaeal genomes : insight from comparative genomics

Vendredi 7 Février

Modérateur Michael Akam

9h 30 - 10 h 10 Purificacion Lopez-Garcia (Orsay)
18S rRNA-based diversity and the emerging phylogeny of eukaryotes
10 h 10 - 10 h 50 Miklos Muller (New York)
Evolution of metabolism in unicellular eukaryotes

Pause café

11 h 20 - 12h Herve Philippe (Montreal)
Choanoflagellate affinities and animal phylogeny, based on large scale protein data
12h - 12h 40 Emmanuel Douzery (Montpellier)
Molecular phylogeny, molecular evolution, and molecular clocks of mammals

Repas libre
Modérateur Hervé Philippe

14h 30 - 15h 10 Michael Akam (Cambridge)
Hox genes and the phylogeny of the animals"
15h 10 - 15h 50 Brigitte Galliot (Genève)
Hydra, a model system to trace back the first steps of development in the evolution of animals
15h 50 - 16h 30 Denis Duboule (Genève)
A Genetic Approach to the Evolution of Developmental Mechanisms

Pause café

17h-17h 40 Sylvie Mazan (Orsay)
Gene duplication and the evolution of multigene families : a relationship to the complexification of the vertebrate body plan
17h 40 - 18h 30 Guillaume Balavoine (Gif-sur-Yvette)
How complex was the ancestor of bilaterians ?