Département de
Génétique . Hopital Necker-Enfants
Malades, 149 rue de Sèvres, 75743 Paris
Cedex 15
title: From
Disease Genes To Prevention And
Since 1980, we
have made every efforts to conciliate the clinical
and molecular approaches of genetic diseases in
children. Our efforts have resulted in the founding
of the Department of Genetics, Hôpital des
Enfants-Malades, Paris, which brings together i) a
Clinical Research INSERM unit, dedicated to the
mapping and identification of genes causing
developmental and neurogenetic diseases in
children, ii) the Medical Genetic Clinic of
Assistance Publique, Hôpitaux de Paris.
Thanks to the
improvement of the human gene map, we have mapped
and/or identified twenty disease causing genes,
including the genes for achondroplasia (1/15,000
live births, fibroblast growth factor receptor 3),
Hirschsprung disease (1/5,000 live births, Ret
oncogene), spinal muscular atrophy (1/6,000 live
births, survival motor neuron, SMN), X-linked
spastic paraplegia (proteolipid protein), Holt-Oram
syndrome (brachyury), multiple exostosis, Stargardt
macular dystrophy and, more recently, Leber
congenital amaurosis (retinal guanylate cyclase),
Saethre-Chotzen craniosynostosis (twist), Pearson's
marrow pancreas syndrome (mitochondrial DNA
deletion) and the first nuclear gene for Leigh
syndrome. We have recently shown that Friedreich
ataxia results from multiple iron-sulphur protein
injury caused by iron overload in mitochondria and
have identified the first inborn error of quinone
What are the
benefits for the children and their families ? The
mapping and identification of these genes make
carrier testing, genetic counselling and prenatal
diagnosis of these conditions now feasible and
allow novel therapeutic approaches. Indeed,
based on their gene identifications, we have
been able to devise i) a pharmacological approach
to reexpress the centromeric counterpart of SMN,
ii) a treatment of inborn errors of quinone
synthesis and iii) a treatment of hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy by short chain quinones in
Friedreich ataxia.
The originality
of our project consists in the combination of a
clinical expertise and a molecular approach of
medical genetics in the unique environment of a
large european pediatric hospital.