GARNET, University of
York, Department of Biology, Heslington, York YO10
title: GARNet,
the Genomic Arabidopsis Resource Network
GARNet, the
Genomic Arabidopsis Resource Network, was created
to establish (inter)national facilities of genomics
resources for Arabidopsis and other plant research.
An extensive range of high throughput genomic
techniques and resources, run as a user driven
service, will allow for fast progress of a variety
of research projects. GARNet is a UK-based
Arabidopsis functional genomics network, funded for
3 years by the UK Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council. During the three years
over which funding is received resources and
services for functional genomics research will be
created and become available. After this, services
will continue on a cost recovery basis. During each
year, an international functional genomics meeting
will be organised at the University of York. This
years' meeting will take place on September the17th
and 18th. Members of the community who have used
the GARNet services will have the opportunity to
present their results. A registration form for the
meeting is available on the GARNet website. All
GARNet services and resources are publicly
available and data created using the GARNet
resources will be made publicly available via
various databases designed and held at NASC (AGR,
NTP) and the JIC (ATIdb). Access to resources and
services is via the GARNet website.