Acidobacteria Clones
Public DataBases Matches Search form


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or', 'and', ' not'. Separate these keywords with spaces.
- Regular expressions (POSIX 1003.2) are possible with the following operators: '
.' (period), '+', '*', '?', '^', '$', '{n}', "|' , '[ ]'. Do NOT separate items with spaces and choose "contains".

Display Item info for :

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L35480_AD106_G4 L35496_AD370_D1 L35893_AD248_D7 L35507_KM3_205_D9 L35498_AD55_D2
L35501KM3173A5c1 L35504_KM3_187_G1 L35505_KM3_18_F8 L35_B8_D2 L35511_KM3_47_B8
L35509_KM3_25_B4 L35501KM317A5c2 L35516_KM4_9_H7 AY214600

Orf ID:

Select genes only (excluding AY214600 clone)

Best Match in DataBases:

Hit Level or Max Expect (Pvalue):

Hits in GenBank nr:

Hits in SwissProt:

Hits in Acidobacteria :


 COG function:

Hits in MetaGenomes :
Hits in Uncultured marine end sequences:
Hits in Full Genomes:

Output Options:

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Questions, comments & bug reports to : yvan.zivanovic@igmors.u-psud.fr