Last revision on Fri Oct 27 2006 11:00:02
the PYRED project
- Novel bioreductions by hyperthermophilic microorganisms for the natural, specific and on-line production of fine chemicals
PYRED is a Research Project that runs for a 3-year period (01-11-2001 to 31-10-2004) in the course of 5th Framework of the European Union, Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, key action The Cell Factory (http://www.cordis.lu/life/).
IFR Genome :Function , structure and evolution.
- Institut Fédératif de Recherche "Génome: Structure, Fonction, Evolution" . Large genomics collaborative framework (Orsay , Université Paris-XI, Gif sur Yvette, CNRS , Institut Curie d'Orsay)
Frameless Collaborations
- Prof. Michel Duguet, IGM, Université d'Orsay (France) : DNA Topology in Hyperthermophiles.
- Prof. Wolfram Zillig, Max-Planck Institut, Munchen (Germany) (
P. Lopez-Garcia) : Sulfolobus Plasmids.
- Prof. Francisco Rodriguez-Valera, Alicante University ( Spain) (
F. Charbonnier) : Plasmid Topology in Halophilic Archaea.
- Dr. Monica Riley (
B. Labedan) : Origin and Evolution of Genes in E. coli.
- Dr. Franck Robb, Baltimore (USA) (
A. Bergerat, E. Gerard) : Topoisomerases and DNA Repair in Pyrococcus.
- Dr. Alain Nicolas (
A. Bergerat) : Recombinaison Proteins, the Yeast - Archaea connexion.
- Dr Rudolf Ladenstein (
Cyril Buhler) : Structural studies of hyperthermophilic DNA topoisomerases.
In the Frame of BactOcean GDR (IFREMER/CNRS)
- Dr. Daniel Prieur, Station Biologique de Roscoff, France (
N. Rollet) : New Plasmids and Virus Screening in Thermococcales for Genetic Tools Improvement in Hyperthermophiles; ( E. Marguet) Sampling of New Hyperthermophilic Strains in Lake Tanganika (Zaire) Submarine Hot Springs .
- George Barbier and Jöel Quérellou, Laboratoire de Biotechnologie, IFREMER, Brest, France (
A. Bouyoub) : Cloning and Expression of New Thermostable DNA Polymerases Genes.
In the Frame of the EC Biotech Project: Biotechnology of Extremophiles
- Prof. Michael Thomm, Kiel University (Germany ) (
A. Bergerat) : Effect of DNA Topology on in vitro Transcriptionin Hyperthermophiles.
- Prof. Roger Garrett, Copenhagen University (Denmark) (
Y. Zivanovic): Design and Setup of Cloning Vectors for Hyperthermophiles.
- Prof. Willem de Vos, Wageningen University (Nederlands) (
B. Labedan) : Phylogeny of glutamates deshydrogenases (GDH).
- Prof. Nicolas Glansdorff, Université Libre de Bruxelle (Belgium) (
B. Labedan) : Phylogeny of Ornithine Transcarbamylases (OTCases) and Aspartate Transcarbamylases (ATCases).
In the Frame of the Solfulobus solfataricus Genome Sequencing Project
- Dr. Robert L. Charlebois, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Dr. Mark A. Ragan, NRC Institute for Marine Biosciences, Halifax (Canada)
- Prof. Dr W. Ford Doolittle, Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada)
- Prof. Michel Duguet, IGM, Université d'Orsay (France)
- Dr. Fabrice Confalonieri, IGM, Université d'Orsay (France)
( P. Forterre & Y. Zivanovic)
Genomics, evolution, genomes structure:
Other useful links to our collegues:
George Barbier and Jöel Quérellou:
Robert Charlebois:
Fabrice Confalonieri:
W. Ford Doolittle:
Michel Duguet:
Roger Garrett:
Nicolas Glansdorff:
Rudolf Ladenstein
Daniel Prieur:
Mark A. Ragan:
Frank Robb:
Willem de Vos:
Wolfram Zillig: