Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 complete genome sequencing project

Homed at LBMGE Orsay, France

This is a joint European/Canadian project

• Microbial Genome Group, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen, Sølvgade 83H, DK-1307 Copenhagen, Denmark
• Université Paris-Sud, Institut de Génétique et Microbiologie, 15, Rue Georges Clemenceau, Batiment 400, FR-91405 Orsay Cedex, France
• Wageningen University, Laboratory of Microbiology, Hesselink van Suchtelenweg 4, NL-6703 CT, Wageningen, The Netherlands
• National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Marine Biosciences, 1411 Oxford St, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3Z1
• University of Ottawa, Department of Biology, 30 Marie Curie, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada
• Novozymes, Novo Alle, DK-2880 Bagsværd, Denmark

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A map of Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 Gene Functional categories

if you cannot access a region with this map go here

The complete genome of the Crenarchaeote Sulfolobus solfataricus P2
Qunxin She, Rama K. Singh, Fabrice Confalonieri, Yvan Zivanovic, Ghislaine Allard, Mariana J. Awayez, Christina C-Y Chan-Weiher, Ib Groth Clausen, Bruce A. Curtis, Anick De Moors, Gael Erauso, Cynthia Fletcher, Paul M. K. Gordon, Ineke Heikamp-de Jong, Alex C. Jeffries, Catherine J. Kozera, Nadine Medina, Xu Peng, Hoa Phan Thi-Ngoc, Peter Redder, Margaret E. Schenk, Cynthia Theriault, Niels Tolstrup, Robert L. Charlebois, W. Ford Doolittle, Michel Duguet, Terry Gaasterland, Roger A. Garrett, Mark A. Ragan, Christoph W. Sensen and John Van der Oost

Submitted to PNAS Feb., 2001

Published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 98, Issue 14, 7835-7840, July 3, 2001

GenBank accession number

Supported by:
European grant BIO4CT-960270.
Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (grant GO12319)
National Research Council of Canada (Institute for Marine Biosciences)

R.L. Charlebois
F.   Confalonieri
W.F. Doolittle
M.   Duguet
R.A. Garrett
M.A. Ragan
Q.   She 
R.K. Singh
J.   Van der Oost
Y.   Zivanovic

Contact for this database :

Link to database in Canada :



  • P2 full genome
    complete most recent genome sequence [nucleic]
  • P2 Genes [amino]:
    Genes and their most recent annotation, fasta format
  • P2 Genes [nucleic]:
    Genes and RNA elements in their most recent annotation, fasta forrmat
  • Blast_Search in P2 Genome
    for BLASTing P2 genome (and others), local server in Orsay.
  • P2 sequence & orfs retrieval
    Access to nucleic and amino sequences of orfs, orfs location and genomic sequence spanning specific range
  • Frameshifts
    list of putative frameshifts identified in Orsay
  • Genomes & Genes
    Multi-purpose gene and annotation retriever
    This is where you can instantly retrieve any gene sequence (Sulfolobus, as well as any other gene from our local complete genomes database

  • Annotation_Search_Form
    Search Sulfolobus P2 annotation DataBase . Multiple search criteria are possible
  • Full annotation
    complete list of all annotations currently available.
    Annotation is finished
    in public databases under accession number AE006641
  • P2 Gene functional categories
    Sulfolobus P2 genes arranged by functional categories.
  • COG hits
    a list of Sulfolobus P2 complete genes vs
    COG database , with function prediction.
  • pI and MW
    Some physical constants.

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