Molecular Biology of Extremophiles

   ALignment by 

MULtiple ALignment by BLAst :
This tool will attempt to perform a pseudo-multiple alignment on two or more sequences using gapped-BLAST version 2 capabilities.

How it works:
Given a an input of 2 or more sequences in the upper field, one of them will be blasted against the others. If there is no guide sequence (entered in the lower field) the best alignment is selected as follows: each sequence to be aligned is blasted against all others, and sum of all scores determines the best alignment.

 Genomapper BLAST  psiBLAST  Mulalbla  Multalin  Genes & Genomes  BLAST (restricted)  Genome Guts  COG Guess  INTERPROScan  CDD search  Pattern search  Sequence Patterns  COG Trees  Genome Syntenizer

Enter sequences to be aligned below : (two or more sequences required /fasta format)


Enter here sequences to be aligned. If no guide sequence is provided, the higthest sum of score values determines the best alignment.

Enter one guide sequence to force alignment: (optional / fasta format )

Sequence provided in this field , if any, will be used as a guide for multiple alignment

Output parameters:

Remove duplicate Hits:

(show only the best alignment)

Color sequence by:

Characters per line:

per line

Scaling for graphical output:


Contact the DataBase administrator for problems or informations.
Page access: 7533

BLAST Advanced Options

Expect value (E)

(default : 1e-05 for blastn / 1.0 for blastp)

(Matrix) (Gap existence cost) (Per residue gap cost) (Lambda ratio)


Filter query sequence (DUST with blastn, SEG with others)

True False

Reward for a nucleotide match (blastn only)


Threshold for extending hits


X dropoff value for gapped alignment (in bits)


Word size [Integer]

Penalty for a nucleotide mismatch (blastn only)


 Genomapper BLAST  psiBLAST  Mulalbla  Multalin  Genes & Genomes  BLAST (restricted)  Genome Guts  COG Guess  INTERPROScan  CDD search  Pattern search  Sequence Patterns  COG Trees  Genome Syntenizer


Last revision on Friday November 06 2009

DataBase administrator

Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire du Gène chez les Extrêmophiles.